
giveaway #93

The winner of the Zibline Knits Hiker Chick sock kit (in a color of their choice) is:


Congratulations! Please contact me at yarnonthehouse@gmail.com to collect your prizes.

One of my most favorite things to do is bring you indie yarn and knitting related companies. Whether it be actual yarn dyers, knitwear designers or folks who have helpful tools that support our craft, it's a wonderful experience to promote and introduce to you companies that do what they do independantly. It makes me feel more connected to my craft when I use such products, because I know that thought, care, and passion have been breathed into all aspects of whatever it is that I am working with. Isn't that really what knitting is all about - love, passion, making something out very pretty string?! I'll stop being all philosophical on you now and (re)introduce you to our sponsor: Joanna and Eric Johnson of Slate Falls Press. This book writing, illustrating, knitwear designing, self publishing duo is the epitome of what I'm talking about. They have recently released their third book in a beautiful children's series that connects storytelling in the most precious way with our love for knitting. Their books are cholk full of stunning illustrated pictures done by husband Eric, clever narative written by Joanna that engages all ages of children, and best of all knitting patterns themed to match the items worn or used by the characters in the story. I just love what Joanna and Eric do and they do it all themselves!

I had the chance to finally meet and do a video interview with Joanna about their publishing company and their lovely books (with a guest appearance by Eric at the end of the video). Check it out:

Links and such from the videos:

- Slate Falls Press

- The three books

- Phoebe's Birthday

- Joanna on Ravelry

- Brown Sheep yarn company

- Piecework Magazine

- Jane Austen Knits shawl pattern

- Cotton Fine

- Linen Work Apron

- Lorna's Laces Solemate

- Frontier Dreams blog post

- Phoebe's Party Dress

- Phoebe's Sun Romper

- All the knitting patterns from the book.

I just had to share the shots I snapped while I was outside trying to take pics of the giveaway prizes themselves. I did say engage all ages, right?



Joanna and Eric have generously sent over two signed copies of their newest book, Phoebe's Birthday, two Phoebe Mermouse sewing kits (which I totally got sidetracked during the interview and forgot to show off), along with two beautiful sets of cards that feature illustration done by Eric, and one of the two lucky followers will also win 8 skeins of Brown Sheep Cotton Fleece.


I would like you to do the following if you would like to be entered into this week's giveaway:

1. Read over the rules if you have not done so already.

2. Leave a comment on this blog post by the end of Sunday, 8/26/12. What is your favorite summer vacation memory from your childhood?

I'll randomly pick the winners in 2 weeks and post the results along with the new giveaway, so be sure to check back. Good luck everyone.




Unknown said...

Sitting on the beach of Florida where there were almost no tourists when I was about 8 years old on the way to Disney World. The ocean was so blue and the weather was so perfect. It was the perfect moment.

florapie said...

Being sent out of the house with a big bowl and being told not to come back until it was full of blackberries-at the time it was such torture, but now the memory of that warm blackberry smell, plus delicious berries...must get out this year with my girls to pick some berries!

Anonymous said...

swimming with friends at the Elks lodge, learning to dive, and just having fun.

I love this prizes this month.


Katie said...

This is lovely! Thanks so much for the chance! My favorite summer vacation memory is playing with my sisters and climbing on the rocks on the coast of Maine!

Natalie Servant said...

Wow, the timing on this is perfect. My 7yo just started knitting this week & wants to sew too.

My favourite summer vacation memories are wandering on paths near the campground going berry picking. Raspberries, strawberries, blueberries, blackberries: whatever was in season was what I was after.

Ginger said...

Boating on the river and swimming at the pool, it's no surprise I became a marine scientist!

Rav: GingerLee25

amchart said...


Renee Anne said...

Summer memories...the summer at band camp (please, no band camp jokes - I played percussion, not the flute!). It was actually my second summer of band camp and I was 14 years old, just about to enter high school...and I fell in love (I had met him the previous summer at the same camp).

I wish I could say that I grew up and married him but I didn't. He was, however, a groomsman in my wedding three years ago.

renny1780 (on ravelry)

AMY said...

Nice! My favorite summer vacation memory is river rafting the Snake River in Wyoming with my cousins :)

Michelle said...

Love the prize; I am one of few people I know anymore who actually uses snail mail!

My favorite summer memory is probably the year my parents rented a motor home and we drove from Southern California to Washington, D.C. and back, hitting as many historical sites along the way. I got to see Watergate in action! (although I wasn't old enough to care at the time....)

Lucy said...

I loved camping with my family...good times!

Sara said...

My favorite summer memory has always been of sitting in the mulberry tree reading all summer long. We didn't have the money for vacations when I was a child.

nhsarab at yahoo dot com
nhsarab on ravelry

Emily said...

Seeing the ocean for the first time on the Oregon coast!

Sheila said...

My family used to rent a cottage in Bethany Beach, Delaware, for a few weeks every summer. I remember playing in the waves with my brother and sister for hours on end.

Rachelle said...

The last Christmas before my grandfather died, we were in Rotorua and he took us out for a drive randomly; we popped into a fruit stall and he bought us an Ugli Fruit each; summer is now forever Ugli Fruit, they were yummy.

Hind DP said...

I used to love going to Sea World with my family as a child
Rav ID mamamustknit

jennybookworm said...

I loved camping with my family and I also have great memories of going to visit my grandmother which required me taking a three hour flight by myself -- I loved feeling so independent and grown up!

cguard(on rav) said...

Favorite memory would have to be the year we rode the train overnight and had a sleeper car to go see Grandma and our best friends rode it too! I would love to win this and share the books with my niece.

Jess said...

I remember when I was little that my family would rent a few cabins at a state park and we'd all get together there. It was lots of fun and probably also inexpensive. We got to swim, go on nature walks and play on the playground all the while staying in really fun cabins in beautiful settings!

Jessecreations on Rav

Jade said...

My favourite summer memories are the holidays spent visiting family in Hong Kong and Australia.

jhunt48 said...

Unfortunately we were too poor to ever have a summer vacation. We just went to family reunions, boring!

Lindr said...

My parents were educators but they worked year round. In the summer when school was not in session, we moved to a YMCA camp where they both worked and spent all summer there! It was a bit primitive in some ways, but sure was a lot of fun!

My daughter is pregnant now; her baby will be the 5th generation of my family to be part of the camp!

meeshelle said...

My sister and I spent our summers out at my grandparents cottage. I remember us swimming in the lake, picking wild raspberries, chasing after frogs and swinging with my grandmother by the fire pit. We had so much fun while we were there. We always met up with our camp friends too, lots of kids around to play with. Loved it and miss it :)

Kristen said...

It's a tie between spending a week each summer with my grandparents, or spending time with my family on the beaches of South Padre Island. :)

Sarah said...

Every summer my parents planned a camping roadtrip with my uncle's family -their 2 girls are the same ages and me and 1 of my sisters. we loovvved to swap cars during the long driving days and loved exploring every new campground together!

Kristina said...

First, I LOVE their books. I've got one of them and am so excited to find out they've come out with another one.

Now, I think my favorite summer vacation memory as a child is homemade ice cream at my grandparents' house. It happened several times each summer, and it was wonderful. All the family got together; the kids sat on top of the ice cream turner while the men cranked. Everyone at yummy ice cream and had fun together. It was a perfect family moment in a not perfect family.

Nicole said...

My favorite summer vacation memories are of long days spent at the Jersey shore & salt water taffy. Thank you!

Rosemary said...

I love Slate Falls Press!!

My favorite memories are of trips to visit my grandparents, who lived in the middle of the woods. As a tree-deprived suburban child, it was magical to me--although I did have an unhealthy fear of ticks and checked myself obsessively for them whenever I came back in from the woods. :)

Knittingmomma79 said...

Summers trips to my aunt's house in Vermont. I remember waking up to the most wonderful sunrise over the mountain and lake.

Rae Lynne said...

I always loved the fishing trips my extended family on my dad's side took when I was younger. They stopped when all the cousins reached high school because schedules became too difficult to coordinate. I miss them.

Otherwise, I just have fond memories of playing outside and around our small town when I was little. We were completely carefree!

raelynne01 on Rav

Susan said...

My favorite memory is going to Martha's Vineyard for a week every summer with my family. We would be on the beach playing all day and my mom would make PB&J sandwiches for us.

Rachel said...

My favorite summer vacation memory is a trip we took through Louisiana, Mississippi, Texas, etc. Got to see New Orleans, Old South plantations, the Alamo, all kinds of adventures!

Evan said...

unfortunately my first real vacation was my honeymoon! so, i'm going to go with sitting on the beach in the dominican republic with my new husband.

Becky said...

Spending time at my Grandparent's cabin. Sleeping out on the deck and swimming for hours every day.

Laura said...

When I was about 11, we took the train all the way to NYC. It was so cool to get the fold down bunk and sleep on the train! The city was pretty fun too, but the train is what made the trip memorable. My parents took us on some great vacations to absolutely fascinating locations that would stick with us for a while.

Eenae said...

My favorite summer vacation memory is camping with my Dad and leaving M&Ms out on the picnic table so they could get all warm and gooey inside then eating them around the campfire. Only times I could have pretty much all the junk food and soda I wanted. :)

Great prizes by the way! We have one of their Phoebe books and my daughter loves it.

Rav ID: Maegwin

Rebekah said...

Ah what a lovely book!
My favorite memory was getting to shoot the cannon off at Fort Mackinaw because it was my 13th birthday. I was with family and had corn on the cob and it was raining, but I enjoyed every minute of it!

Karine said...

Swimming and going to six flags!! Though these are still my favorite summer activities lol!

Desiree said...

Mount Rushmore all lite up at night! Thanks for the give away!

Stranded Things said...

I spent many summers at my grandparents, playing in their huge, wild garden, eating berries and having adventures with my cousins. My grandmother is the goddess of crafts and taught me to crochet, among other things.

Katelyn said...

We always go to the shore and I still remember the time that we were there during a hurricane and we went for a walk on the beach after a storm and my friend started to sink in the sand from someone's hole that got filled in. It is on of the funniest times I remember! Thanks for the chance to win!

andri. said...

Eating a yummy ice creams with family:)

Debbie in KY said...

Camping with my family in Colorado. The food always tasted better when cooked outside.

Anonymous said...

My favorite was probably the worst for my parents at the time - I think my sister and I squabbled most of the trip out to South Dakota. But it was the most memorable for us - both in the travel itself and in the sights.

Amy J said...

We went to the shore almost every summer growing up...still doesn't seem like a complete summer without, at least, a beach weekend squeezed in.

rav id - txtaurus

Megan said...

We didn't go on many vacations in my childhood, but the ones we did go on were all car travel. I loved the random off the beaten path stops at non-chain restaurants and unique road-side attractions. Thanks for the opportunity to win!

Kara said...

What amazing prizes! All my favorite summer vacation memories involve hiking in the mountains with my family - especially the trip we took to the Grand Tetons in Wyoming! There are nine kids in my family, and we got along best when there was lots of space for us to explore.

Sangeetha said...

hanging out and playing all day with the neighborhood kids

Knittingdancer on Ravelry said...

Most of our summer vacations were visiting 2 of my aunts and uncles in Mobile, Alabama.

Brenda said...

First, I bought Phoebe's Sweater for my granddaughter and even made her the sweater. We love the book!
I would be thrilled to win this book for her.

My fave memory is going fishing with my father. Such a special time.

(goodstuff on Rav)

Jean Ashley said...

My favorite summer memory was the summer I spent almost every day reading outside under the big maple tree in our front yard. I went out in the morning and watched the sun fall through the cracks in the leaves, not coming back in until dinner. I read 350 books that summer.

I'm jashleyslc on Ravelry...

The giveaway prizes are lovely...thanks for doing this!

mommieof4munchkins said...

My favorite summer memories are of going camping at Honeyman State Campground in Florence OR, we had such a great time and would camp rain or shine! Although one time we did end up going to a movie during camping because it was a downpour, hehe!

Christine Lima said...

Horse shows! If it was summer, we were going to horse shows on the weekends. I loved those summers!

Debbie said...

My favorite memory for summer was when Dad would come home on Friday and annouce we were taking the motorhome out for the weekend. We didn't have a destination in mind, just drove until we find somewhere cool to stop. It was always fun.

Anonymous said...

Lovely giveaway!!
I loved going to my Grandma's house to spend the night. I loved her yard and picking raspberries, and most of all spending time with her.

Stacey B.

ypsiknitti said...

My favorite childhood vacation memory is of days spent at Jones beach in New York. Cold grapes and fried chicken, yum. Playing in the water until we were clearly so cold that my parents made us come out of the water and warm up in the sand. These were probably just two or three visits in the course of a summer visit, but that's what I remember from the summers. Just pails, shovels, sand and shells. Good times.

kayteau said...

The incredible cross country drive from Texas to Minnesota, where we ended up at my grandparents' old lakehouse. We got there late in the evening and once we were all tucked into bed, there was this blood curdling scream from across the water. What an introduction to the gorgeousness of a loon.

Kathy said...

Going to Niagra Falls.What a beautiful place.

sparky136 said...

My favorite vacation was going to a Braves baseball game and then to 6 flags over Atlanta.

Amanda Vondrasek said...

My favorite summer vacation is in New Hampshire! I love it there, the beach is so nice and the weather was almost perfect when we went down. Not to mention visiting Salem, Mass while we were right there.. :)

AmandaVondrasek @ Ravelry

schwip said...

My best memories are when we would travel in the motorhome across the country.

Tara said...

We didn't really vacation much when I was a kid, but I loved going to Wisconsin Dells and visiting Robot World. It was very Jetson's-esque and we should all be zooming around in flying cars by now and having robots do everything for us.

TopHat said...

I remember going to my grandparent's house a lot and collecting pine cones and going swimming.

Turtle said...

mom and i jumping into the car and heading north to nova scotia. We had no plans of any kind. We camped in the car, tents and b&b's and had a blast! Pure girl time just before i flew the coop, cherish this!

sacha said...

My favorite summer vacation memory is picnics on a little island nearby- we went as many families and kids played on rafts and inner tubes while the adults chatted. It seemed perfect for all!

Unknown said...

Definitely driving down the east coast to DisneyWorld with my grandparents.

Melody said...

I like going to Dutch County,PA. It was interesting to see how people live when they try to avoid the modern world. The food there is so good.

cindymen said...

I love the beach at Cape Cod!

UmmRania said...

Being the only of three children to be taken to go opal minning. It was so neat to search through grey stones finding streaks of color where the opal was and then minning it out

pookie said...

Leaving on a train from Grand Central Station, NYC to go to the Adirondacks. So exciting for a seven year old.

Anonymous said...

My family didn't really go on vacations. My best memory is that summers were welcome long breaks from school!

thewalshfam said...

Every couple of years we would go on vacation with my favorite aunt, uncle, and cousins. The best part was being all together! We haven't done it since I was in college, but are looking into another it family vacation next summer. It will be so fun now that some of us have kiddos! I can't wait!
Rnmama on ravelry

Sabra said...

Traveling from California to Oklahoma with my family by car. I love driving/riding cross country. Seeing the sites always makes me happy.

Rav ID - SabraB

affiknity said...

My favorite summer vacation was when we visited Andaman Islands. I can still recall the beautiful sunset we witnessed.

Lupie said...

I remember the family loading my uncles car with like 10 of us to go to Jones Beach. That was back in the 50s early 60s when there were no seat belts.

Unknown said...

My favorite summer memory is one of going to the beach with my Dad every weekend of the first summer my older sisters were away from home. We had an often troubled relationship before and after, but that summer was the perfect, golden San Diego summer, with endless Saturdays spent in warm sand and cool salt water. Even now the sound of the sea recharges my soul.

Catherine said...

I would spend part of my summer at my cousins' house in the country where I got into all kinds of mischief. Coming from a big urban city, going to their house was so intriguing. We would watch fireworks on the Fourth of July and go swimming most days. Thanks for the moment to bring back memories.

sydneypaige said...

Waterskiing with my cousins, off the houseboat they rented. It was so fun - and not a worry in the world! :-)

Anonymous said...

After swimming in the sea, our grandfather would give us bread and ham :)

Rachel said...

I have fond memories of going to the beach and being there from morning 'til night (we would bbq lunch and dinner).

Connie K. said...

We used to visit my Grandmother every summer and I will never taste food so good as the Sunday dinners at her house. But my favorite thing about visiting her was her garden. It seemed to me that she could grow anything, and I looked forward to seeing her flowers every year.

greyowl (ravelry id)

Susan G (griffgirls on Rav) said...

My favorite memories are from going to camp in Vermont, we would go blueberry picking one day and spend the next day in the kitchen making all kinds of wonderful blueberry filled things!

Kristen said...

Some of my favorite summer vacation memories are of family camping trips to the MN state parks. There were always other kids to play with in the campgrounds and I loved the nature programs presented by the naturalists.

ehamiltondesign said...

My favorite memory is riding in the back of the car, reading books and drawing doodles from my imagination as we rode from New Jersey back home.

Debbie said...

My dad got on a theme park kick one year so we went to everything remotely resembling a "theme" or "park" on the East Coast -- I don't know what got into him, he was not a fan of rides, but it was awesome for my brother and me!
This is a fantastic giveaway!!!

Gwenn said...

We never went on any vacations when I was a kid, but we did move to Florida for a while. I remember how beautiful the beach was, and the weather was great.


Teri said...

When I was 10 my mom took my niece and I to Gulf Shores/Orange Beach. We were there for a week and had so much fun. My husband and I now take our boys there so they can have the same beach memories.

kaitward said...

The vacation memory I'm most likely to recount to people is when I fell off a bunk bed in my family's camper and hit my chin, and had to get 7 stitches. There was a lot of blood and crying. I don't remember the pain so all I got from it is a good story and a small scar.

Anonymous said...

Swimming at our local swimming hole with my brothers.

Bordergirl said...

My favorite vacation memory is two weeks in Northern Wisconsin staying in a rented vacation home on a lake. I made friends with the local kids who taught me how to fish, where to pick the "best" wild blackberries, and how to play water volleyball. So much fun in the sun and water.

Sandra B. said...

When I was about 7, my Mom, Grandma, sister & I took the train from the Prairies to Ontario. I had never been on a train before & it was great fun! I could swing from one berth to another on the other side....until I unfortunately landed in the arms of one of the train staff. Need I say, the game ended instantly!!

Lisaknits said...

Many hours spent hiking and playing in the woods with my brot
hers, making homemade ice cream with a hand crank maker and lazy summer days

soxanne said...

We took many summer road trips when I was a child, but Mammoth Cave is the one I remember most fondly. I think it was the magic of the world underneath us that fascinated me more than anything.

Judi said...

We would go camping in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan and at that time there was no bridge connecting the upper and lower, so we had to take a ferry boat across. We had so much fun running around the parking lot with other kids while waiting for an available ferry, and then the excitement of loading the cars on and scurrying to the top deck to experience the ride. :-)

Deborah said...

My favorite childhood summer memory was camping every summer at Harveys' Lake in Vermont. My parents starting bringing the family there when I was six months old and it had lasted about 40 years. A beautiful place to swimm,fish, read,take long walks, and watch the sunset.

Nuttygal said...

We took a family trip,I was 8 and we drove from San Luis Obispo,CA to Springfield, IL and stopped at Carlsbad caverns , ate buffalo burgers in Oklahoma stopped at 4 corners and I took a picture standing in 4 states, went to the grand canyon and the Lincoln museum and so many other places, it was a great trip that I will always remember. Thank you for asking that question it brings up such great memories :)

Unknown said...

My favorite vacation memories with my family are swimming in the ocean, gorges, creeks, rivers, lakes...I loved being in the water.

Suzanne said...

I really enjoyed the interview. thank you for that and the great giveaway. Every year as a child we went up to Lake Tahoe. There is a bridge there that spans the Truckee River called Fanny Bridge because that's what you see when you drive across. We used to go get ice cream and then walk across the bridge. Such fun!

Anonymous said...

Camping with just me and my dad in Colorado for a week every summer. He recently passed away but at least I will always have those great memories.

-Courtney B (shortkneePanda on Rav)

britgirlknits said...

Holidays in the UK dont traditionally include much sunshine so most of my childhood experiences involved playing on the beach in a handknitted red sweater, windswept, skin tingling from the salt and breeze, anticipating the thrill of eating hot fish and chips, huddled together as a family under the pier.

rinebird said...

I remember our trips to a local lakje with my aunt & cousins.We woukd go often.The lake wasn't so far away but as a child iy seemed really far. rinebird@gmail.com

Paula Bannon said...

One of my favorite memories is spending the days reading on the beach at Long Beach Island.

Iva said...

Camping at the lake, teaching my little ones to swim, lots of fun in the sun.

Thank you for the opportunity.

Dianna said...

Elim Lodge, on Pigeon Lake, in Canada - we'd spend 2 weeks there in the summer, swimming, fishing and doing crafts. The 8 hour drive was nothing because I was so excited to get there. As a young teen I was allowed to take the boat out myself! The chapel was made of logs set with the round side showing on the the outside and inside, and each was painted a different color.

karen alho said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
karen alho said...

The sun, the sand and our little beetlecat sailboat! Oh yes, the local lobsters and soft ice cream at night! Pocasset, Mass. ( Cape Cod before it became chic and summer houses really were summer houses!)

Jackies said...

I would go with my mom, aunts, and cousins to the beach for a week each summer. Spending all day in the ocean and all night playing games was quite summery.

Jaime P said...

Favorite memory - leaving the house in the morning and exploring all day until it was time for dinner!

Love the books and love he yarn - what a great giveaway

Anonymous said...

Swimming everyday with my brothers and sisters. Being the last of 6 kids, it was awesome. Always had someone around to do something with.

Many camping trips and outtings to the beach, and always a family BBQ!

sch4gators RAV

Anonymous said...

The best vacation memories are from the 70's. I remember one summer taking several trips with one or more families we know. I remember two places we hit: Hershey, PA, and Wildwood, NJ. I remember going through the chocolate factory and loving the smells of chocolate. I remember posing with statues of Amish people because they could not take pictures. I also remember getting stuck on the way to Wildwood at night and our car got covered with mosquitos... eeek! Also remember the boardwalk and that I won an orange stuffed pig and won on "mom". The one and only thing I ever won.

halld734 said...

My favorite summer memories are camping each year with my family in Ontario's many provincial parks. My husband and I are trying to carry on this tradition now that we have children.

Catalina said...

I was talking to my husband the other day, about how there is a CD my mom used to listen to when we were on vacation,every vacation! it's called Canciones de mi padre (my father's songs) by Linda Rostandt. If I hear any of those songs I feel like I did back then! that cosy family relasing feeling! I might need to buy that CD....

theyarnkat on rav.

Karey said...

My favorite summer vacation was spending time with my family and cousins at my grandparents lake house.

Eva said...

My favorite summer vacation memory; My Dad was separated from my Mom and lived in the Bahamas. My sister and I would visit him for a few weeks every summer. On the weekends when he wasn't working, we would snorkel for several hours. We would always pack our cooler with a few sodas. My Dad and I would fight over the first sip. After spending several hours with your mouth wrapped around a snorkel in salty water, coke tastes like the nectar of the gods.

Juney said...

Surf City, North Carolina with my mom, dad and brother. I can still feel the hot nights sitting on the porch at Fraziers Motel. I can smell the salty air and feel that comforting sea breeze. There are days I crave that peaceful, warm, safe feeling.

Cheryl said...

Taking the train to my auntie and uncle's house with my brother when I was about 14 yrs. old. Oh! What a fun time we had in the country on their farm. So different than being in the city where I lived at that time. Picking berries for pocket money. Having our baths in the river.
And homemade bread. Yum! Good memories.
Thank you

Doula Mommy said...

Favorite summer vacation - our move from Florida to Arizona! Sandwiched in the car with 2 dogs and 3 kids under 4! And my daughter had her newly knit Phoebe Mouse to entertain her!

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