The two Runners Up who will each receive a PDF copy of their pattern of choice from the Coastal Kids collection are:
marianne & Heather
Congratulations! Please contact me at to collect your prizes.
I recently finished up a knitting project that I really loved, and I thought it would be a perfect fit to share here on the blog as a giveaway. You know that one of my favorite things to knit are shawls, but this shawl is different than any I've knit before. Usually it's intricate lace that gets my attention, but this shawl's allure comes from a really pretty slipped stitch texture. Meet the Elowen Shawl by Judy Marples. Isn't that sweet?! I loved the look of this shawl the moment I found it on Ravelry. I'm a sucker for striped shawls, but the slipped stitches in this pattern make the striping so fun and interesting!
Judy is a very talented designer. Her pattern writing style is thorough and concise. The Elowen Shawl comes with two varieties for the edging, and she's included both written and charted instructions for the textured portion, which is nice for those of you who fear THE chart! She did an awesome job with this pattern, and I plan on knitting many more of her designs in the future (maybe.... Calais Shawl which is a FREE pattern, or the Cornwall Beach/New Forest Shawl with all the mesh lace, oooooh, and I'm really loving the Yorkshire Shawl too!). Sooooo many patterns and not enough time to knit them all! Can you guess which edging I used before you look at the picture?

Designer: Judy Marples
Yarns: Becoming Art Agave fingering & Theia MCS fingering
Colorways: Cinnamon (semi-solid colorway) & Hearth (variegated)
My Rav project page here
Modeled by: My fence!
And, that's not all I want to share, because this whole project started as two yummy, yummy skeins of sock yarn in my stash! The yarn I used for my project is from a super fabulous indie dyer named Becoming Art. I chose to use two similarly colored skeins for a more muted striping outcome - I love the way it knit up! One of the skeins was semi-solid and the other was a more variegated version that had lots of the beautiful cinnamon coloring of the solid along with all the complimentary browns, pinks, and golden yellows. I even see specks of a dark rich green in there! Very beautiful! I met Lisa Sanchez, the owner of Becoming Art yarns, through Alana, one of our last giveaway's sponsors! As soon as I saw Lisa's artwork, I knew I had to get her on the blog. Check out some of Lisa's yarn and tell me that doesn't look like art to you! And, for those of you spinners out there, she has fiber too. Lisa was kind enough to answer a few questions for us in a written interview. Check it out...

1. Lisa, please start by telling us a little bit about yourself and what you do?
Well, I am a Mother of 4 awesome little boys. My fantastic husband and I just had our 4th boy in March and I am thoroughly loving him to pieces. We are homeschoolers and love to travel whenever and wherever we can. I am very family oriented and spend a lot of time here with my kids, in the garden and trying my hand at urban homesteading. I am creative by nature so owning Becoming Art has been a really great experience for me. I tend to immerse myself in my work and I'm really thankful that I have the opportunity to be able to do that and be here with my boys.
2. I really love your yarns and fibers that you offer. The dye work is very unique and truly beautiful. What's your favorite yarn, fiber, or color that you offer?
Thank you! It's really hard for me to choose because I love them all. However, I think the yarn that is exceptionally great for dyeing, knitting and wearing would be the Agave mcn yarns. For spinning I am really fond of the Merino/Cashmere/Silk blend and my favorite colorway to dye would be anything from the new Alice In Wonderland Collection. I have a lot of different dyeing styles and this collection uses them all.
3. Can you talk a little bit about the inspiration for your colors and how you come with such stunning blends?
Inspiration is so tricky. You can't force it that's for sure. Sometimes random ideas pop into my head and other times I have to really think about it for a long while. Recently I took my favorite children's story Alice In Wonderland and used it as my inspiration for a collection. I had 2 or 3 ideas as starting points and then I used those to create even more complimenting colors.
Other times I will use photographs, memories, names, nature, seasons or songs. In particular I really love using songs because it leaves the door wide open for personal interpretation. I'm introverted by nature, so a lot of times if I am thinking about a certain person or thing a lot, I'll end up getting color ideas to go with it.
As far as the color blends or combinations I use, it has taken me a lot of practice but I am able to picture colors together in my mind and know which dyes to use pretty easily. I really enjoy new combinations so I experiment a lot. If an idea strikes me intensely I know it's probably going to work out.
4. For budding new yarnies out there, what's the one piece of advice you have?
Be original, be yourself.
5. What will be next for you? Do you have new colorways or yarns in the works that you can share with us?
For 2012, there will be lots of new colorways. I usually try to do 2 new collections per year, so I better get busy and get some summer colors lined up. As far as fiber and yarn goes, I normally introduce a few blends per year so I will have some new things coming. Most likely in spinning tops.
6. Why do you knit?
Wow, so many reasons. Mainly to fill the drive to be creative I guess is how I can explain it. I also love to give gifts, I love knitted goods, I love the colors and the textures. It's calming and creative at the same time and a great way to clothe my family.
7. When did you learn to knit and who taught you?
My Mom taught me to crochet first when I was 12, I took that bit of crafty skill and then taught myself to knit in my early teens. I put it down for a while and then got really serious again around 23.
8. If you were to knit and live anywhere in the world, where would you knit and live?
Ha ha, fun question. This is really hard! It's a toss up between Japan and the Oregon Coast. Oregon is perfect knitting weather, Japan is somewhere I've always wanted to visit.
9. What's been your worst knitting or yarn dyeing disaster?
Well I've had way more dyeing disasters so we'll go with one of those. I think when I dyed a huge batch (40 skeins maybe) of a color I was debuting for a show and I didn't realize until I got there that it was missing a color. I had to rename it and sell for a slight discount.
10. And last but not least, if you were enjoying a favorite drink while reading my blog, what would it be?
An icy cold Pale Ale.
Becoming Art yarns and Judy Marples have put together a lovely and generous giveaway for you this time: one Grand Prize winner will receive their choice of two skeins of beautiful Becoming Art yarns pictured below and a PDF copy of the Elowen Shawl pattern, and one Runner Up will receive the remaining skein of yarn not chosen by the Grand Prize"r".

Becoming Art is also offering a generous discount to YOTH followers: 25% off of anything currently in the shop. Just use coupon code YARN25 during checkout. Enjoy!
I would like you to do the following if you would like to be entered into this week's giveaway:
1. Read over the rules if you have not done so already.
2. Leave a comment on this blog post by the end of Sunday, 6/17/12. Lisa wants to know, "What are your favorite summer colors?"
I'll randomly pick the winners in 2 weeks and post the results along with the new giveaway, so be sure to check back. Good luck everyone.
Blue! Like the sky and the sea :)
Oh my, those colors are amazing!
I love all the colors of the rainbow, but I think I have to say that orange is my favorite summer color.
Blues and greens, in lighter/brighter shades.
Deep tones of green and yellow :)
Ravelry: Tito
Nothing screams 'summer' to me more than the sky blue. There is something about its freshness that makes me think of sunny days.
It changes each summer, but this year I'm into yellow.
Well not to be greedy but this would be nice to win to go with my new shawl pin!!
The colors I love are the deep pinks.
Ravelry : KnittingKnot
As always, such a great giveaway! It's really hard to pick special summer colours but I think it would be a very vivid pink (a lighter pink feels more like spring to me) and a luscious green.
Kind regards,
Maike (FlauschiOhren on Ravelry)
Yellow and citrus tones.
In summer I love bright pinks and greens, but navy is a color I love year round. I think it works well in any season.
Gorgeous yarn!! (I'm supposed to be on a yarn diet but, man, you are really tempting me.) In the summer I tend to wear blues & greens. :)
For me, Summers are all about clear blue skies and beautiful shades of green:)
My favourite summer colours are blues and greens - sky, water - trees and grass !
In summer I tend toward bright green, coral or icy blues.
jessecreations on Ravelry
Summer colors? Would have to be the rich gold-green of the oak leaves outside my window and the golden sand of the beach.
I'm not so big on the whole color part of life, so I generally pick neutrals. Summer has to be tans and khakis. I have a pair of khaki shorts that I wear as often as I can until I get them dirty!
my favourite spring colours are probably lilac and light greens
I really enjoy blues and greens. I also wear alot of peach - it works with my undertones.
I love that yarn! My favorite summer colors to wear are dusty pink and purples, but I love yellows - they just don't look great on me.
All "flower" colors :)
I love lime green.
I like vivid colors for summer, especially pink and turquoise.
Its so hard to decide, but I really like green for summer & maybe watermelon pink!
I like the blue (like bachelor's buttons) and pink together--- or the same blue with daisy white or California poppy orange--- there are so many!
My favorite colors for summer are bright pinks and like green. Basically I want to dress like a flower.
*light* green. Silly phone.
I love yellow, orange, and coral. Anything bright and cheerful.
I like purple year round, maybe leaning more toward lavendar in the summer.
I prefer light colours in the summer, like sage green and pale yellows and pinks. But I also love the sailor look, with lots of stripes in navy and white, and the occasional splash of bright gold.
I love blues and greens that are reminiscent of water, so soothing!
What beautiful and unusual colors in that top skein (trotting off to drool over more on her website)!
Blues are my favorites year-round.
I am a yellow kinda person. I love yellow all year round.
I love BRIGHT colors for the summer. I'm a late 80s/early 90s kid, so I know bright when I see it. "Hot" colors, "Day Glo" colors, anything that reminds me of a crayon box, all of those things make me think of summer. I think it's because I associate those colors with my childhood and being able to play.
(muppetfeet on Rav)
I favor the rose pinks and reds of the rhododendrons in abundant bloom--and the deep lavendars of our ceanothus.
It's pretty safe to say that I don't pay attention to seasonal colors... but I am into bright red-oranges and teals this year :-)
Happy golds and corals. :)
Summer, winter, any season... my favourite is always blue.
I love yellow! Especially a golden yellow. The yarns are gorgeous!
My favorite colors are in the blue family but I'm warming up to reds too.
A nice bright turquoise blue!
I love bright colors in the summer. Blues and corals are my favorite!
I love light blues inthe summer, and sometimes other pale pastel colours.
For summer I'm loving orange still, probably because we've still hardly seen the sun here and we need to evoke it in other ways! Love the Alice in Wonderland colours since I'm an Alice :)
Lime green and orange/red. Maybe not together, but so, so nice.
Oh my, that is a gorgeous shawl. If I don't win the pattern here, I just might have to buy it! And the colors you used are beautiful. Summer colors - I like peaches, greens, blues - hard for me to narrow it down, as I like so many colors.
Favorite summer color: deep orange, like a sunset!
yellow, sky blue and lime green!
ravelry: gussek
My taste for colours doesn't change much with the seasons, but in the summer I especially love bright greens or yellows! Thank you for a chance to win some gorgeous yarns and pattern
a vibrant green shouts summer at me - even living in california now, where it's really more the season of gold. but dappled shades of deep green is like sleeping under a tree at noon.
I love yellows and greens in the summer.
Oooh, I've had my eye on this pattern for a while. The yarn is gorgeous! I love to wear turquoise year round, it seems like such a versatile colour.
lovely yarn. usually i'm drawn to yellow and grey during summer, but right now i'm really into orange.
This is a surprisingly difficult question! I'm not sure that I have a special set of colors I like more for summer, but I know I like to pair colors with white more in the summer--for instance, a colorful pattern on a white background, white stripes, something like that!
Spring green and turquoise! But the art pictured above is gorgeous too, despite being outside of my normal color range
Reds and yellows (just not the two mixed together - not fond of orange)
What a generous giveaway! I just love Lisa's work :) My fave summer colors are pale purple and deep green.
In the summer I love pink, fuchsia, greens, turquoise.
I love aqua, peaches, oranges and teams! Those are the colors I look for when purchasing yarn for summer shawls etc...
Leafy greens, pale blues of flowers, strawberry red, and my current hanging basket flowers of yellow/pinks/oranges/peaches.
Aqua, peaches and light Orange colors are what i look for when I'm purchasing yarn for summer shawls etc..
Bright floral colors like orange and red and yellow, right now I'm loving coral, kahki, and a bright turquoise blue.
I love blues and greens - like the Caribbean Sea. Throw in some orange and/or yellow occasionally.
Think bright- like strawberry shortcake. Bright pink, bright green....
Definitely water colors, blues, greens. What a great giveaway!
I'm always a fan of teal and purple. In the summer I tilt towards the aqua and lilac end of teal and purple, while in the winter I tend more towards the rich jewel tones.
Such a lovely prize! My favorite colors don't change much - even the shades don't change much. I'm a Blues guy. One of the benefits of being a guy is not having to worry as much about seasonal colors.
I love a nice golden yellow in the summertime :)
I love earth tomes! The blues, greens, browns, some pretty!
My favorite summer colors are especially bright, even neon colors. Especially yellow!
I like the hot colors of bright orange daylilies and red crocosmias.
Great job on that shawl. It is amazing!
Right now, I love coral so much!
I love becoming art yarns! Thanks for a great giveaway!
I love yellow & green.Right now even bright orange.I love the interview with Lisa & have loved her yarns for along time.
Wow that yarn is so beautiful! My favourite summer colours right now are green and purple.
My favourite summer colour is green. No, wait, YELLOW <3
I love blues and reds
I like seashore combinations of blues and light sandy browns.
Blue and Seaglass green for summer!
Golden yellow and orange, like a sunflower!
Cool, breezy blues and greens are so evocative of summer. But so are pinks and purples, like flowers in a garden!
I don't know if I can pick any specific colors because there are so many amazing ones, but I think really bright colors are perfect for the summer.
Bright and softer gold tones through coastal Pacific woods, dark, shining blue sea.
Overgolden field grass peppered with bright purple lupine, orange golden poppies, and that yellow flower I forgot the name of.
Seafoam, sand, shells.
I guess mostly the coasts of California in the summertime!
I like soft pastels in the summer like peach, light pink, light yellow, light blue, and lilac.
Bright greens and blues and hot pinks! Summer is the time to be loud and ever-so-slightly gaudy.
Turquoises and blue-greens! Whyis it so hard to findshoes/sandals in these tones?
Oh my, what a stunning combination of yarn and pattern. I would love a change to knit that up.
I would have to say that my favourite summer colours are blue, blue and maybe a little bit of green.
summer sky blue, grass green
I am loving bright pinks and cool blues lately!
All shades of PINK and some blues :)
I heart Lisa's colours!
Summer colors.. aqua, pink, coral
My fave summer colors are bright caribbean blue, white, and sometimes yellow because not many are brave enough to wear it. I LOVE the colors in the variegated skein in the picture, too!
Chartreuse is my all time favorite color and just happens to be such a beautiful spring/ summer color. I also love bright pink/ fuschia. Beautiful work as always Lisa!
I love all the Citrusy colors...lime green, orange and a nice turquoise blue... Love Becoming Art!
I love greens and blues together for summer wear. Combined with white jeans, it's just perfect!
Thanks for making me discover such a great dyer!
I love vibrant blues--turquoise, morning glory blue--for summer.
Funny you should ask, because I seem to be on an orange and blue kick lately - must be summer!
I normally go for yellows and oranges, for some reason right now I'm into light blues.
Love the rainbow yarn
I seem to tend towards light neutrals and earthy tones. White, khaki, pale olive drab, maybe touch of lavender. But wow, those yarn colors would certainly brighten things up a LOT!!!
I tend to like the same colours year round. Teal, peacock and purple.
Turquoise and purple are my favorite summer colors.
I've been loving yellow so far. And a burnt orange. They really show off nicely against my tanned skin that always happens in the summer.
luv them all but i think my favorite color combo for summer is orange/purple. (there was a little purple cottage down the road growing up that had orange tiger lillies surrounding it. I loved it!)
Any muted shade of green mossy or sage or forest. Throw a little gold and copper or rust in and i am in heaven. This would be my any time of year favorite!
I love pink all year around but for the summer yellow is a fave!
I like blue, red, yellow and orange.
Purple and blue!:)
green and blue
anna_k67 at yahoo dot com
pale yellow, sandy browns, sky blues
I love the colors of nature: blue skies, lush greens and the beautiful pallet of my blooming flowers: purple, pink, red, orange,...
The yarn reminds me of my flower beds that also includes different hues of brown, tree bark, flower soil and some lime lemonade :-)
Definitely blues and greens. I have an outfit in those very colors and it is my favorite for summer. Thanks so much for a chance!
LynnIL ravelry
My favorite summer colors are the bright and soft flower colors I see all around - pinks, yellows, purples - so gorgeous and fresh!
I always seem to end up wearing classic black and white, so that must be it.
I like light blue, with a turquoise cast to it, and a bright coral color. I like those together too!
Bright pink and orange...together!
I love bright colors in the summer. Beach umbrellas and sand toys under a bright blue sky.
I have to say that the light blues and pinks are my favorites for the summer time. The blues remind me of the lake I grew up near and the pink makes me think of cotton candy and carnivals. :O)
Ravelry: dtf83
Spring green, yellow, teal / turquoise. But all colours too, like a field of wildflowers or garden in bloom!
My favourite summer colours are yellow and orange. Sunny!
I like the nautical look of Navy and White but then I also like the combination of pink and green with some yellow.
My favorite summer colors are yellow and lemonade :)
renewedmind on ravelry
WOW what beautiful colors she has!....My favorite summer colors are the color of my bleeding hearts or my Mock Orange tree...They just remind me of summer. I also love the beautiful colors of my climbing roses
My favorite summer colors seem to be anything bright...blues, pinks, yellows are at the top.
Rav id: txtaurus
I love bright yellow, aqua and crsp white for the summer!
when I think of summer I think of yellows and clear clear blues of cloudless skies
hot pink and yellow are my favorite summer colors with a little red and purple too,
This year my favorite summer colors are a creamy white, pale torquoise, and a soft peach color.
All colors that can be found in nature in summer! Ouh! This is a lot! I'd say greens and pinks!
My favorite summer colors are pinks and oranges.
Beautiful shawl!!
My favourite summer colour must be blue :)
Coral and turquoise
craftink on raverly
My favourite summer colours are bright teals and pale yellows.
I love nice bright colors in the summer! Anything that adds a nice POP of color!
i love bright colors; intense blues, bright yellows, oranges fuchsia
Summer is all about the fruits and veggies!
Avocado, Pineapple, Berries!
One of my favorite summer colors is Coral. I have been looking for a great coral yarn, maybe Lisa can dye some up on her agave base. Love her yarn!
Blue tones, but for summer, sky blues--not the deep icy blues of winter. I bought some of this yarn and can attest to the fact that it is amazing.
Favorite summer colors right now are mint and tan! Thanks!
I think teal, and also the pinks, yellows and oranges of a sunset over the water are my favourite summer colours. Thanks for the giveaway!
Turquoise and coral with a lot of white. --- beautiful give away!
mint green is my favorite :)
I love purple but especially something like wisteria.
Spring, summer, fall, winter, it doesn't matter: any deep shade of purple, green, blue. But then again I do like reds, oranges, golds and throw in some warm browns. Is that too many? :)
that yarn looks truly like a piece of art!
My favourite summer colours would be yellows and oranges!
babyloveknit on ravelry
My favourite summer colours are blue, green, and brown.
Anything in the blue family including teal, work for me.
I love your Seabrook color!
(goodstuff on Rav)
When I think summer colours I immediately think of apricots, raspberries and blueberries, lime green fresh growth, and the loveliness of golden light slanting through the mornings and evenings, and the myriad blues of the summer nights.
I love an icy cold pale ale too!
I like the watermelon colors and all of the shades of a thunderstorm sky.
My favorite summer colors are white and yellow.
I love teal any time of year. In the summer I'm drawn to white and yellow.
Rav id: Lochknitsmonster
This summer I am completely in love with pinks and blues. I'm imagining that shawl in a gorgeous sky blue semi solid <3
Green, like the grass just after a shower of rain.
I'm a white with navy girl - a bit nautical I suppose - always with stripes.
I love blue all year long, but love a nice Robin's Egg blue in the summer!
I cant help it...I always turn to pinks or blues in the summer.
What a wicked awesome giveaway.
My favorite color for summer is pale blue or yellow.
Juliaknit on Ravelry
My favorite summer colors are light blue and yellow!
My favorite summer color is turquoise because it reminds me of the water...
nhsarab on ravelry
Anything bright! Yellow, oranges, blues and greens.
Where I live, summer is beach time. So summer to me means beiges, tans, all sorts of different blues, and grays.
brown, grey, green, and pink/peach
I love sea blues and greens for the summer. Thanks for the chance to win
bright pinks and pale aquas
Apricot! Light colours to go with white!
I think my year round favorite color of lime green is perfect for summer! (sjn821)
Hot pink and orange......... it's like a summer day at the beach with the breeze blowing!
The pattern and yarns are beautiful! I've been attracted to blues and greens lately, and they're both wonderful summer colors.
A pot of double-petaled impatiens: bright pink and glossy green.
absolutely, without a and orange. together.
For summer I love bright pinks and yellows. But I have a hard time choosing one, because I love them all! :)
Light green, deep yellow, and sky blue say "summer" for me.
AnnBan on Ravelry
I always think of sherbet colors or watermelon reds and greens as summer colors. What a beautiful shawl. You did a great job!
Ravelry: Maegwin
bright bold solids and the palest blue-grey.
ravelry: kmvdvm
My favorite summer colors lately are all neon!
what a beautiful giveaway!
i love so many colours... I usualy chose beige and cream, some light pink or fuschia, coral, mint, strong violet, grass green but at the moment i am pregnant with twins (2boys) and i have knitted for them a few little cardigans in mint, and different shades of blue!
j'adore knitting*
all the best* KASIA
My favorite colors for summer are white, emerald and apple green.
What a beautiful yarn!!!
Rav: seeyouat5
For the summer I'm really drawn to turquoise. It really feels fresh and cool in our heat and humidity, paired with just a little white.
My summer favorite colors reflect my garden: greens and whites punctuated with yellow, orange, purple, and deep red.
winterwrens at gmail dot com
In some ways my summer colours are my "all year" colours - I like and wear them in winter even if I shouldn't! Warm sunflower yellow and avocado green are my absolute favourite, but pretty much ANY incarnation of coral from soft and pinky to loud and aggressive are also high on my list!! :D
What beautiful yarns!
Difficult to narrow down, but do love soft coral, lavendar and yellow.
I've been on a purple buying spree . I generally like the pink family.
Yellow, blue and green.
Yellow, blue and green.
Sunshine yellow, but that's largely because it's winter where I am.
Greens with blue or green with yellow. I love green, lol.
For Summer blues and greens are my pick.
Lately, I've been looking more and more at bright blues.
-Ravnejenta on Ravelry
I adore yellow this summer. A big factor for this is my two year old daughter told me if was her favorite. She is my sunshine and I love seeing her dressed in summery yellow dresses!
I love blue and white nautical stripe type colors in the summer!
My favourite summer colour is hot pink... just because I can :D
Gor-gee-ous colors! Corals & turquise are at the top of the list this summer.
I really like preppy navy and white stripes for summer.
My favorites vary, but I find when the weather gets warm, I am drawn to colors such as Coral, yellow and blues.
Lime green and pink
Light blue, like going to the beach on a perfect day.
Ravelry- cheerski
I love this yarn. I used it for a whipoorwill its wonderful!
Wow it's great that you got to hang out with the mastermind behind Becoming Art. I've had a yarnie crush on her work for awhile now :)
I think my favourite spring colours are really water centered, lots of blues with soft green tints.
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