
knitcation swag bags

I thought I would share with you the awesome swag bag goodies that I've been receiving in the mail for the upcoming Knitcation trip with Stephen West.


And, that's only half the swag so far! We have a wonderful collection of sponsors that have contributed to the bags:


These puppies are worth over $200 (per bag)! If you join us for Knitcation this September, you'll get one of these lovely bags. And, that's not all! I have lined up giveaway galore for the attendees, because it's just what I do best - give away things! Anyone up for a free one-hour massage at the resort's world class spa?! Hope to see you there!

Hugs & stitches,



Gracey is not my name.... said...

AWESOME! Unfortunately, its the week school starts...so I'll be back at work...but looks fantastic and those swag bags are beyond awesom!

Suzanne said...

That's an exciting assortment of goodies!

Susan said...

It's making me want to go!!

Turtle said...

would love to go... didn't see info on prices, etc...

Biscuit said...

Love the swag! If only I had a passport and some money!!