Katie, a dyer at Yarn Love & kikine78
Please contact me at yarnonthehouse@gmail.com to claim your prizes.
The yarn for this week's giveaway is sooooooo beautiful! I'm really excited to introduce you to Sharon the Creative Director and Owner of Three Irish Girls.

A couple of months ago, I asked everyone who they would like to see on the blog and Three Irish Girls was the most requested. I am not surprised that you asked for this yarn! It is absolutely gorgeous! I had the opportunity and pleasure to interview the charming and talented Sharon herself... take a look and listen.
Links and such from the videos:
- Three Irish Girls
- The yarn clubs that Sharon offers.
- To drool over colorways...
- Yarn bases available.
- Totally Custom Colorway (which I think is just the neatest thing ever!)
- The Yarnista blog
- This is the blog post where you can see the studio floor with all of its lovely colors. I'm guessing that Sharon's arms and legs may look something like that during the summer time!
- Just a little side note: the yarn shown in the videos is a little different than the actual giveaway yarn. Sharon ended up sending us a yummy Cashmerino blend instead. See the pics below...
Thank you Sharon and the Three Irish Girls team for sponsoring this week's giveaway! It was an absolute treat to chat with you, and we hope you come back to visit us soon.
The Giveaway Yarn

Glenhaven Cashmerino Worsted in a colorway named Alchemy

And, my favorite the Adorn Sock in a colorway named Hipster

The first place winner of this giveaway will receive the two Glenhaven Cashmerino Worsted skeins in the gorgeous Alchemy color, and two runners up will each receive one skein of the Adorn Sock in the fabulous Hipster color!
I would like you to do the following if you would like to be entered into this week's giveaway:
1. Read over the rules if you have not done so already.
2. Leave a comment on this blog post by the end of Sunday, 7/11/10, telling us which Three Irish Girls colorway is your favorite. Check out the beautiful colors here. I love Maura!
I'll randomly pick the winners on Sunday and post the results on Monday along with the new giveaway, so be sure to check back. Good luck everyone.
1 – 200 of 387 Newer› Newest»I like "Meg!" All of the yarns are so beautiful!
I love Aiden and Gwendoline. Sooo beautiful!
It's so hard to pick just one. My favorites are Fitzgerald, Aidan, Gwendolyn.
There are so many! I hate choosing favorites, but among my top couple are:
Kieran, Cian, Fiona and Dolan. So pretty! I hope to try some myself one of these days.
Picking a favorite is almost impossible, but I guess I would have to go with Donegan because it reminds me of a beautiful beach, followed by Kirsty which reminds me of a flower garden.
There's so many different options! Dolan jumped out at me though. It's hot and everything is dry and miserable here, so the green looks so cool...
Hi there! I'm LOVING the "Alice"...but im kinda partial to the 'Nora' as well...same name as my daughter, Norah, and it's about as colorful as she is!
amanda dot werling at gmail dot com
my favorite colorway is Kieran. it makes me think of maple leaves in autumn!
thanks for this giveaway!
so many to chose from-i like fitzgerald
Rhiannon! I loved Irish Sea, Dolan and Kieran too though...
I'm not usually a pink person, but I love Adara.
I love O'Neal, it's not what I usually go for, but so pretty and subtle! Lovely. (SarahVV on rav)
I love Duncan. The colors blend together so well!
Picking just one was hard but I settled on Cameron.
They're all so gorgeous, but Irish Sea and Teague really stand out to me.
I really like Tierney!
Absolutely gorgeous colorways!! I really love the unique combinations of colors, but I think my favorite is Alice. (Nora, Cian and Teague are VERY close seconds!)
(renewedmind on ravelry)
Wow- Maeve is fantastic so are Ciara and Skye- what a chance!!
Byrne! I love Byrne! I could hardly scroll past it! Lovely, lovely yarn, though - there are too many to choose from, really!
So many beautiful colors, how can you pick one? Roisin, Kieran, Fiona, Curran, Colleen, Brady, and Alana
My favourite colourway from that selection would have to be Gwendolyn. My daughter's middle name and exactly the colours of the handprint artwork we did together thats hanging on my fridge. Those colours always make me smile :)
Carrick is SO pretty! (I'm crossing my fingers...)
So hard to choose! I think that I'll have to say that Dolan is my favorite... I love lime green!
I LOVE this yarn!!!!
I love connemara; although they are all beautiful! ~ Angela
I love so many of them, but I think that Aiden is my favorite! I could spend hours on their website!
I love "isla!"
It's a tie between Liam and Gwendolyn, but they are all so beautiful, it is a hard pick!
Tough choice. Aiden, Duncan or Kelly...hmmmm. Can't I say all three or maybe throw in Donegan. See! this is impossible.
Eire! How gorgeous! Thanks for the great giveaway!
Today my favorite is Eire, but there are so many lovely ones that it changes!
I love the Irish Seas colorway.
I love Aiden - I love combining greens and browns!
The Three Irish Girls colorways are so hard to choose from, but I LOVE Rhiannon, Irish Sea, Ian, Colleen, Carson, and Alana.
All those yarns are gorgeous - but, I will have to go with TARA as that is my daughter's name...
I also loved Curran...lovely...
There are way too many gorgeous colors. I love Byrne though.
My favorite color changes everytime I visit their site, but currently, I'm in love with Cathleen.
I love Elsbeth!
Gwendolyn! I love love that colorway! So exciting.
It is a hard choice between Rhubarb and Waterlillies.
One, just one??
Too many favorites to pick one...but one of them would be O'Neal - it is currently waiting to start a baby project here and it is so pretty to look at :)
I love Irish Seas!!
Maura is what first seduced me, and there has been no looking back. The yarn bases and the colorways are always a treat and Sharon has, bar none, the best customer service on the earth!!!
I heart Meave (and all the other colors too!)
I have always loved Maeve, but I think I have now added Hipster to the list. I think I need a par of socks in Hipster! Yum!
Oh, I love TIG. My favorite colorways aren't ones that are available currently on their website, but I am desperately in love with their Dye for Glory colorway Georgia Peach. I also totally love a colorway Sharon previewed on her blog and then (to my knowledge) never mentioned again: Wild Strawberries. Love.
I love Madigan!!
too hard to pick just one.....
let's see......
colleen, irish sea, kieran, niall, roisin.....gorgeous!!!
-oonaghfibersmyth on ravelry
I have to agree with you...I love Maura too!
I love the Quinn colorway. patsycoats@bellsouth.net
Such beautiful colorways. I'd have to choose Eire, though. Can't get enough blues and greens in my life.
Ooer! I love Liam! Soooo nice!
hipster is pretty amazing! i love it so much. i want to try this yarn so bad. :]
Oh my gosh. Can I love all of them?? Okay, I really like Meg!
All the colors are gorgeous! It is very hard to pick just one but Irish Sea really caught my eye... but so did sooo many others!
Rav ID: kristyh1981
Ciara and Rhiannon are my two favorites - just so pretty!
Well..they are absolutely beautiful colors! I would love to buy some Duncan colorway, though.
I'm loving the Dolan colorway. I've had a hankering for a semisolid green sock yarn for many months now and this one is lovely!
I like semi-solids, and Isolde and Cathleen are in my favorite colrs!
Liam and Colleen catch my eye today. (Ask me tomorrow... I'll have a different set I think!)
I love Erin most definitely - if I really have to choose just one.
But Kieren, Nolen and Rhiannon and Brady also make me feel breathless
I kept picking one, and then I'd scroll down and say ooh ooh! no - that one! and then I'd see another just as beautiful!
I think my top three are Skye and Colleen and Cameron - just beautiful!!!
One choice??? ummm how about 3 :)
Aiden, Roisin and Shannon. Yummeeeeyyy!
Oh, so hard to choose! But I like Alice and Carrick best!
Alice or Tierney or ...... They are all so beautiful.
So beautiful! I love Maura
Rhubarb is my fave! But they are all sooooo wonderful.
Tara is by far my favorite but I must admit I was partial to them all!!
My favourite all time Three Irish Girls colourways are the limited edition Starry Night and Georgia Peach colours! From her regular colourways I think I would pick Maeve. Thanks for the change to win!
Really, it changes but if I could only choose one all-time favorite it would have to be Maureen.
I have two favorites (sorry!) - on yarn, I love Aiden. I've knit with it before and just love it. If I'm getting fiber, though, I love Carson - I love it as yarn, but even more as handspun.
Now if I were in her clubs, I'd have different favorites... ;)
I love Lysander, a club colourway, and Cian. And Sharon, she's a wonderful friend.
I am having a bright and shiny day here so Kieran fits my mood:)
my favorites are irish sea and niall. it was hard to pick just one!
My favorite colorway is a Stash Menagerie club colorway - Halcyon. Otherwise Grady might be my favorite.
Gotta be Erin! Woot woot for the Irish gals!
To make it easy on me, I am just choosing from her regular colorways on her site. I love lots of the regular colorways, but right now Irish Seas is on the top of the list. No way can I choose if I add the club colorways and the ones available through retailers! Can't wait to see more of Hipster.
Oops forgot to leave my email. Sorry for the double post. (Another from Erin B)
Oh My Heart! Alchemy is actually one of my favorite colorways! I also adore Roisin.
Wow--it is so hard to choose because all of Sharon's colorways are so lovely. I'm normally partial to her semi-solid colors, but I think my favorite, and one I can't wait to knit with someday, is Quinn.
I agree with everyone else who says it's difficult to pick just one favorite, but I do like Aiden (have a young friend with that name!) and Erin and Irish Sea and really like Rhiannon.
I love Skye but have such a hard time choosing when it comes down to ordering!
My favorite is constantly changing...but at this very moment it is Nora.
My absolute favourite is Irish Sea. Oh, and Waterlilies, but that is a club colourway. Really, I love them all.
I love so many, but lately I've been lusting for Gwendolyn! That's next on my list for purchase!
I love Jack because it mixes the cool tones that I love with splashes of hot colors.
I'm new here. Nice blog!
I love them all but especially the Erin colorway!
Liking Rhiannon, Adara and Isolde!
I'm in a Fiona kind of mood. There is something about pink and orange together that really appeals to me.
Thank you so much for having Sharon on!!!! This interview just ROCKS!!!
If I had to pick a favorite (and I'm not sure that's even possible) I would have to have a few that are my favorite! I <3 Jack and Aiden and Kate.
Jack is such a lovely color way, but it has a special place in my heart because I have a little boy named Jackson!
Oh! So exciting! I've been wanting to try Three Irish Girls - their colorways are soooo pretty. I kind of love them all, but top picks would be Claire, Niall, and Roisin.
All of their colorways are beautiful!! My 'Can't live without it' fav is the Dye for Glory colorway Georgia Peach...I've never seen another colorway like it. After that, Carrik and Megan for starters...how do you choose?
I can't decide between Irish Sea and Connor. But they are all so pretty. If only I could afford buying one of each skein
Definitely Irish Sea, it is stunning!
Oh my gosh. I lust after TIG yarns. My favorite colorway is Florry. There are several others that are on my favorites list though. gidgettm on rav
I think it's unfair to ask for a favorite. they're all beautiful!!! But if I must, Quinn it is.
I love kirsty! It knits up so beautifully!
I love all of them, truly I do.
But I enjoy the Kate and the Kelly colorways. So, so beautiful. I love Sharon's gift of colors!
I love soo many of them Brady, Connor, Eire & Meg
Right now I have to say Colleen followed closely by Duncan. However, everytime I look at Sharon's colourways something always catches my eye that I didn't notice before.
I have too many favorites to choose one, so today I'll choose Roisin. Tomorrow it might be Maura, or maybe Liam, or ...
Irish Sea is my fav, but Isla is soooo close to my top pic. Love, Love, Love this yarn! I just got some of the BFL as a b'day gift and can't wait to knit with it!
Oh Lord! I love Fitzgerald, Jack and Aiden! That is three of many!
Elsbeth is my absolute favorite. Love it!
I love love lov love Three Irish Girls! My favorite colorway is probably Nora. Love them all though... it's really hard not to!
I love Irish Sea!
They are so beautiful! The colorway that speaks to me is Skye!!
Gwendolyn is pretty...I love the Irish names!
They are all so pretty that it was hard to pick one as a favorite. i ended up with "Elsbeth" as a favorite.
Really hard to pick they are all great. I think Ian is my favorite.
Today, I would have to say Jack is my favorite, but it will probably change come tomorrow. All of Sharon's yarn is gorgeous.
All of Sharon's colorways are so interesting, beautiful and a joy to knit with. My latest favorite is Clodagh because it reminds me of a tartan plaid and the colors are so warm. Oh a skein of Cashmerino - heaven!
I love them all! But if I had to pick just one it would be "Rhiannon", I just love anything with a blue/green colorway.
Fitzgerald!! I love the teal and brown.
How do you pick just one?! I think my current favorite is Agua Vida - what a glorious semi-solid.
[Jaia on Ravelry]
All of the yarns are so well done. If forced to choose, I would have to pick "Flynn." The greys are nice & gradually blended. Nice work!
("likingtheride" on Ravelry)
Oh my - I love T.I.G.'a colourways - Aiden is great, but anything with blue ad turquoise - they are so imaginative!
HMM so hard to choose! I love Irish Sea, followed by Fitzgerald
Maureen's my favorite...
My favorite is Roisin. I have enough yarn to knit a cool sweater!!! Thanks for the great video presentation.
Can't choose just one. I love both Devon and Liam. But maybe Liam a little bit more...
I'm feeling Clare, but with so many choices, it could change daily!
All of the yarn is beautiful. Since I have to choose one, I'd choose Flynn.
They are all gorgeous. I'd have to say Clare is my favorite today.
Byrne and Murphy (family names) are on my list of colorways to use for knitting gifts, but my very favorite colorway is Roisin! If I ever get around to buying yarn just for myself, I will choose Roisin.
Gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeous! I particularly like Elsbeth and Aiden!
One favorite?!? Impossible....
I love Maura, Irish Sea, Niall - and of course, Georgia Peach! <3
It is too hard to pick a favorite, I have too many. I also have a great story about Sharon & her generosity - she is so nice! Thanks for the interview - it was nice to "meet" her & I hope to do it in person someday too!
Absolutely every colour way is dee-lish! My fav would have to be "meg"...of course! :D
I can never get enough of the odd ball colorways, in this case, I really like Byrne and Nora. There is also always room for a good off white semi solid like Emer. Because of your blog, I'm now enrolled in a yarn of the month club with them!!!
I'm loving "Carson." I'm a sucker for that blue and brown combination.
Like others, I am finding it near impossible to pick just one - I adore them all! Georgia Peach will always hold a special spot for me even though it is no longer available, because this gorgeous colorway was my introduction to Sharon and Three Irish Girls! I've also been madly in love with Maura. Beyond those two, my current fave (which can change from minute to minute if I keep browsing!) is Guinevere. But seriously, when presented with a gallery of droolworthy colors and told to pick one, I can't help but hunt for an "all of the above" option!
Deb, aka ALoopyString on Rav (yakky little me!)
Gwendolyn / Grady and Elsbeth.. and then when I look again, it is those plus 3 more and then another 3 - each one of them evokes a wonderful mood. Love all of them; would find something to knit with each and every one of them!
It's a toss-up netween Elsbeth & Cara... can't decide!
"Kelly" is beautiful! What a great giveaway!
Curran. I think. At least, at this moment...
I'm crossing my fingers because Fiona is GORGEOUS!!!
Do I have to pick just one? There are so many wonderful colors. Aiden is one of my favorites though!
Oh Oh Oh - Curran and Fiona and Irish Sea - love them all!
I love Lilacs the most - such a serene yet elegant colorway. Sharon is truly gifted.
Ooohhhh, I think I like Roisin the most!
I love Maureen, O'Neal and Irish Sea! But all are beautiful!!!!
marcelamacari on ravelry
I Love Tierney! I have been drooling over this Yarn for months! I am apart of 3IG Stash Managerie yarn club and I get to receive their yarn every month! its the best day of every month!!!!!!
all the colors are so pretty. i think Aiden is my favorite.
Adara is beautiful!!! :)
I love all of them, really, but I'll choose Elsbeth, if I must choose one. I have a couple of skeins from Three Irish Girls, and they are lovely!
I like Maeve, but it was hard to choose!
I simply love Madigan. It's a beauty.
My favorite is Aiden, I made a lovely little shawl in the colorway!
Erin. I love green, green, green. Not every dyer can do it justice, however.
It's a toss-up between Rhiannon and Irish Sea for me, although I love them all! Thanks for the chance to win. I'm going to follow you and grab your button while I'm here. :)
I love Clare!
My favorite colorway is Cameron, although I haven't used it yet.
From the clubs, though, my favorite so far is Cherry Blossom.
I like red in general, and Cameron has the variegated stuff without really distracting and it's perfect for both semi-solid or variegated lovers. I've seen a pair of socks done with Cameron and they're lovely.
Wow! We're supposed to choose only one??? Virtually impossible! I love Elsbeth, Adara, Nora, Cosmo, and Georgia Peach. If I have to narrow it down to only one, I would have to say Winter Quince Blossom from the club yarns. Thanks for the chance to win!
I love "Erin" it is just so stunning. I don't think it is possible for me to love that color anymore then i do. It's SO PRETTY!
Of the ones on the page you linked, I have to go with Roisin. It's so rich and sumptuous. I think I need to buy some. :p
Thanks for the very enjoyable interview. Following now.
Maura is incredibly beautiful, I made a drop stitch scarf with Maura on Wexford. Irish Sea is one I havn't tried yet, which is pretty high on my list as well as is Roisin!
I ADORE Three Irish Girls yarn. As lots of people said before, choosing a favorite is really difficult. If pressed, I think I'd go with Adara.
I love the cool Liam..
these colors are beeeeeeutiful and Irish just like me lol. I have always wanted to knit with yarn like this and could never afford to buy it. I would love to win
You know it's hard to pick just one, but if I were to purchase today, I would chose Gwendolyn for my sister, Gwendolyn.
I love Skye! The colors are amazing! The yarn is so beautiful!
Kathleen (katbetty on Ravelry)
I love Three Irish Girls and her blog. It's so hard to choose a favorite color! But my top three are Carrick, Adara and Siobhan. Thanks for the chance to win!
Clodagh caught my gaze and then held it spellbound.
I love "Elsbeth"! I cannot believe all the beautiful yarn they have!
I am repeatedly drawn to Elsbeth. It is just so pretty!
I love a subtle color on color variation, and I am going with Brady! Thanks fot the chance!
Kate is one of my very favorite colorways, but I love all Three Irish Girls yarn!
It's tough to choose! I have to say my favorite is Madigan with Cara being a close second.
I love those colors!! I belong to one of the clubs and am just now figuring out that I need to order more of her yarns. The colorways are gorgeous
The Roisin is absolutely gorgeous!
It's a toss up between Irish Sea and Liam. So beautiful!
All of the colourways are lovely but Isolde is special to me because it was the colour of the very first skein of hand-dyed yarn I bought.
oh what a great giveaway. I just love 3IG. Sharon's colorways are amazing. If I have to pick a favorite it would have to be Eire or Colleen. I really like the mix of blues she offers. so amazing.
Ty Ve for your generosity. Good Luck to everyone, and I hope you all have a great week!
I love the Fitzgerald colors!
Took forever for me to narrow it down to just ONE favorite, and a coin toss.
Our winner is Fiona!!
The beautiful mix of red, maroon, orange, pink, yellow, and gold is just breath taking.
Mmm, love Devin, Liam and conveniently Erin.
Currently I am in love with, and want to marry, a custom colorway Sharon did for my book/knit club - called Bellini. I have never met a Three Irish Girls yarn that I haven't loved. Of the main colors she has on her website, I would have to choose Megan, no - Irish Seas. Ohhhh maybe Gwendolyn. Shoot! I want them ALLLL!!!
tierney is my fav. . .
WOW! just one? my favorites change all the time.....i think if i had to pick what my favorite colorway is now, that I would pick skye. I have some in my stash right now and just lovingly pet it since I have no clue what to make that would show it off the most.
So many beautiful colorways to pick from, but my "hands down" favorite has got to be Adara!
They are all so gorgeous I could only narrow it down to three favs:
Aiden, Donegan, and O'Neal.
It would be great to be able to try this beautiful yarn!
I love Elsbeth, Sea Anenome, Maeve, and Aiden!
All of they yarns are wonderful but I think that Gwendolyn and Adara are my favs! :) I also like Rory since it reminds me of our sweet kitten also named Rory.
Picking just one is impossible to me, so eeny meeny miny moe... Campbell! No no no... Fitzgerald! No, O'Neal. Forget it, I love them all ♥
All their colors are absolutely gorgeous! I'm a fan of Colleen. Can't say 'no' to purple!
Have to say Colleen and Skye. Even though I'm an Erin, I'm more of a purple person.
"Jack" The green is gorgeous!
I have drooled over this yarn for so long! So many of the colors are absolutely gorgeous and my favorites change daily, especially in relation to who I am knitting for at the time. Right now, I am finding Kirsty the most striking. Can't wait to watch the interview!
AS the mom to 3 Irish Girls I have to choose Clare & Maura as those are the names of 2 of my daughters - looking for an Emma please! My sister is Meg - love that too and my goddaughter Kelly -
quite fond of the IRish Sea as it reminds me of my dad. So I guess this Irish girl can say she loves all of the Irish Girls Yarns!
I fell in love with Cara!
Wow...all so beautiful. My favorite might be "Maeve". I have knitted with Sharon's yarns...DELIGHTFUL!
I think Maeve...but all so beautiful. Loved the interview with Sharon.
Just ONE?? Okay, Niall. Though Meg and Isla are very close seconds!
I will say that I have never met a colorway of Sharon's that I don't like...but I would have to say my favorite is Georgia Peach. It won awards, and I LOVE it. Even more than I love my very own custom colorway - Ms. Peach satisfies something in my soul!
'Niall' is gorgeous! It looks like all of my favorite colors combined.
Siobhan and Maeve are my favorites, depending on whether I'm feeling variegated or not. :)
soo hard to choose just one! i think i'd have to pick Cameron though - really fits with my life mood right now! love them all!
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