Blog Author who wrote, "Of the colors shown, O'Neal is summery and evocative. However my favorites aren't on the page: Georgia Peach, Father Time, Estuary, Pansy."
Kristen who said, "Today my favorite is Eire, but there are so many lovely ones that it changes!"
sacha that commented, "Wow- Maeve is fantastic so are Ciara and Skye- what a chance!!"
Please contact me at to claim your prizes.
I am one lucky lady! I just spent part of my Monday afternoon meeting Wendee Shulsen, the artistic and clever yarn dyeing entrepreneur behind the company Hazel Knits. Wendee was nice enough to let me come visit her newly re-decorated studio in Seattle. We had a blast talking about yarn dyeing, knitting, and all the other great things related to fiber goodness. Here's my picture tour of Hazel Knits...
Meet Wendee!

Here she's letting me take some "action" shots of her dyeing some Stitch and Pitch yarn in a colorway named Hometeam Baseball. It's a color that's inspired by our Seattle baseball team the Mariners. Messy work, huh? I told Wendee that I'm surprised she stays so clean!

Wendee has a real knack for color. She said that she loves vibrant, crisp colors and doesn't do muted! She takes the extra time to allow her dyes to truly soak in, and that's why her colors are so bold and vivid.

The whole process looks intense to an outsider such as myself, but Wendee's been doing this since 2007 when she opened her Etsy store. With almost 2000 sales on Etsy and a really great retail website, you know it's gotta be good!

I was honestly expecting to see a studio with big blotches of dye all over, but Wendee is so organized. Every nook and cranny in that studio had a purpose. She even had her dye bottles all lined up neatly on her work station!

This is the shelf where the yarn that has just been drenched with dye is placed to allow it to soak into the fiber. Those bowls were gigantic!!

I couldn't resist taking a picture of the really cool pots! These are used to set the dyes and she also kettle dyes some of her yarn using these pots as well. You'd have to see these in person to understand how large they are.

What is it about spools of yarn that is so alluring? Just like the pots, these suckers were big!

Around the corner from the dyeing station, in a separate closed off room is the drying area. I walked into this room and was mesmerized by all the lively, shimmering hanks of yarn hanging from the ceiling.

Alright... they weren't shimmering, but they were marvelous in all their drying glory! Wendee's colors almost glow from within. Aren't they beautiful?!

Down the hall from where all the dyeing action happens is Wendee's office and packaging area. This room was so adorable! The first thing you notice when you walk in is the cute little samples she has knit up and displayed. These little teeny-tiny baby hats were precious!

Wendee is especially talented (or at least in my opinion) in semi-solid colorways. She calls them Tinted and Layered Solids on her website. When she first started dyeing yarn back in 2007 (after working for a LYS part time), she thought the overall yarn market lacked quality variegated, hand dyed, sock yarn, so she decided to try making some of her own. She still offers a large selection of variegated yarns, but has recently started doing more and more semi-solid tonal colorways.

We had a good chuckle when we were talking about where she gets her inspiration from for the colors she dyes up. She said that she had watched last week's interview with Three Irish Girls and it made her laugh when Sharon was talking about how everyone says their inspiration comes from nature. Wendee loves to hike and she spends most of her free time out in nature, but she said that she gets her inspiration from everywhere as well. Like one of her recent sock club inspirations came from purple and orange popping up everywhere she looked (vitamin bottle, a pen she was using, corn chip bag, etc.). She kept seeing this color combo over and over that she just had this urge to use it for a whole sock club color theme!

This is one of her new base sock yarns. It's a merino 9-ply fingering weight. Really lovely stuff!

Wendee told me that when she first started her yarn dyeing business, her and a good friend went to see the Yarn Harlot at a local event when she was in town and brought along a skein of her new variegated sock yarn as a gift. They had to draw a lottery style ticket to stand in line to meet the Harlot and once they walked up, Wendee was star struck and couldn't speak. Her friend saved the day, told the Harlot about Hazel Knits and Wendee gave her the skein of yarn she had brought along. One day shortly after that, Wendee had gotten up to an inbox full of sales. She'd been Harlotized! The Yarn Harlot herself had blogged about knitting with the Hazel Knits yarn. This is the color...

Hazel Knits also offers these wonderful artisan handcrafted ceramic yarn bowls. Wendee has them made up custom for her shop by Brad Henry Pottery. You can find them for sale on her site.

I couldn't resist taking a picture of her big Keep Calm and Carry On poster. You can also kind of see the neat lanterns reflected in the glass up in the top left corner that she had hanging in her office.

Here's some more artwork she had in her work space.

And, of course I had to ask her what's on her needles at this moment: a sock (which I forgot to ask the pattern of, shame on me) and...

...a beautiful pattern called Pacific Diamond by a local designer named Samantha Roshak who specifically designed this pattern for the Hazel Knits Artisan Sock yarn in a color named Pacific.

Don't think I forgot to ask Wendee what her favorite cocktail or drink is. She answered, "I'm a beer girl!"
Wendee, thank you so much for showing us your creative space. It was a treat to visit your yarn dyeing studio in person. Hazel Knits is sponsoring the chance for TWO lucky followers to win a skein of Artisan Sock yarn in a color of their choice or one of Hazel Knits fabulous kits. Check out the website here to see all the fantastic colors and kits! You can also find Hazel Knits on: Ravelry, Etsy, Twitter, and Facebook.
I would like you to do the following if you would like to be entered into this week's giveaway:
1. Read over the rules if you have not done so already.
2. Leave a comment on this blog post by the end of Sunday, 7/18/10, telling us which Hazel Knits colorway or kit is your favorite. Check out the beautiful colors and kits here.
I'll randomly pick the winners on Sunday and post the results on Monday along with the new giveaway, so be sure to check back. Good luck everyone.
Thanks for sharing photos of the dyeing process. At this time I have not interest in dyeing yarn myself, but find the process very interesting.
Hazel Knits has so many vibrant colors it is hard to pick a favorite. I think Shinnypants and Hometeam Baseball are my favorites. Wendee has the same love of bright, vibrant colors that I do.
I love High ocTANG- and not because it's on the top of the page- I LOVE bright colors! Orange is one of my favorites!
I always have such a hard time choosing...but here goes....Hometown Baseball is amazing...and I love Federal and Olympic Rainforest!
I like Baroness, so vivid!
This is such a tough choice, but I'm going to have to go with Blacklight. I love the deep purple tone it has!!
I love Tailfeather, but Weekend Warrior is my absolute fave!!
I love "The red carpet"! Thanks for showing us all of those great pictures of Wendee dying!
They are all favorites are Spanish Wine and Chocolatier. (also my 2 favorite food groups!)
i LOVE Hazel Knits! I have a sock in progress right now in Pacific.
My favorite is Chocoberry; even just the name is great!
I just love Toad Lily. And then for something completely different, Sagebrush!
That was really interesting!
My faves are Sailors delight and tailfeathers. I can't pick just one.
I love Hi-ocTANG and Nemo. Anything orange really!
OMG - I LOVE the fingerless mitts kits!!! Super-fun! Thanks, Ve.
My eyes jumped right to Sailor's Delight. I'm a sucker for those rich fiery colors.
They're all so beautiful, but i'm a purple girl, so i have to go with Blacklight
I quite like Backlight.
My favorite is Sanguine Peach. I'm going to have to try this yarn, it looks so sproingy and soft even in the pics!
So fun to see Wendee working! I love lochness, it's so beautiful in person, even better than the photograph.
Huge Hazel Knits and Wendee fan. Favorites are hard because I love so many of her colors. But 2 new colors stand out for me: Cherry Fizz and Splish Splash.
mom2legomaniacs (melissa)
I really love both Shady Verdant and Tailfeather (which reminds me of my bird). Amazing colors!
I loved all the photos of the dyeing process! Someday I might give it a try, but for now I'll live vicariously through others. I love all the colorways, they are so rich and vibrant! But if I had to pick one it would be "Purple Hazel", I just love the combination of purple and green.
Wow, all of her colors are so gorgeous! My favorite is Green Lake and a close second is Olympic Rainforest.
I love this colors! I love Nemo and Laguna! Beautifull! :)
marcelamacari on ravelry
I love Lochness!
I used Sailor's Delight to make one of my favorite pairs of socks. I love working with Hazel Knits yarn!
Wow! Beautiful colors!! So hard to choose just one!!
I LOVE toadlily!
Tailfeather is gorgeous too!!! :)
~Rhonnie on Rav
So beautiful! I love colors. For my favorites I'd have to toss a coin between Nemo and Lochness, although Ice Cream Sundae might be in the running, too. They're all so pretty!
It's a very close call between Hi ocTANG and Sailor's Delight, then there's also Shannypants...
I love Wendee's color choices and it was great seeing the "behind the scenes" of how that works.
My all-time-favorite colorway is Cami Chic. My second all-time-favorite colorway is Chuckanut Drive.
I'm dying to get my hands on some Cherry Fizz.
I'm a sucker for green and purple so for me...Purple Haze is a winner! Thanks for showcasing Wendee on your blog. I met her two years ago at a presentation for a knitting retreat in Bellingham, WA. She is a great gal and I love sending her yarn to my swap partners that don't have access to her luscious products!
I'm really feeling the Lochness colorway!
I've never used Hazel Knits before but I love how all the colors are so vibrant. The pictures of the dyeing process are really great, too!
What a fantastic tour! Thank you so much for showing us around Wendee's studio.
Beachglass will forever be my favorite HK colorway, but right now I'm dying to get my hands on Hoppy Blonde.
Chuckanut Drive is just calling to me! Thanks for the tour!
Baroness, Laguna and Greenlake! Those three really caught my eye! All the colorways are just lovely and amazing!
wow, what gorgeous colors! my favorite is Equinox; maple leaf colors have been a longtime favorite. thanks for this giveaway!
I love fireberry!
And to answer: What is it about spools of yarn that is so alluring?
It's like an empty art gallery - full of potential.
Love, love, love the vibrant saturated hues. Chuckanut Drive is my current favorite. I am drawn to the colors and the story that is lurking behind that name.
I love Hometeam Baseball, especially since the Mariners are my hometeam!!
I love, love purple haze. I don't have any yarn like that in my stash. I have not taken to dying any of my own yarn, I just don't have the time to do it. My daughter said she would do some for me after she is done tye dyeing her t-shirts this weekend. What have I got to loose?
I'm a pink and purple girl, so Terrywinkle and Tulip are my faves!
just LOVE beautiful...and Lochness comes closely behind...
What a nice pictorial of the process! My favorite colors on the HazelKnits site are Blacklight and Shannypants! I think they would look great together in colorwork too . . .
what a great post! love all the pictures of her studio & work.
I'd have to say my favorites are Sailor's Delight and Jay Blue - they're all so beautiful though!
I really enjoyed learning about the dyeing process! Such beautiful colors - I think my favorite is fireberry.
Thanks for such a thorough tour of Wendee's studio. Awesome!
It's a hard choice, but I'm gonna go with Violeta.
It is a toss up between Blacklight and Shady Verdant. Such vibrant colors.
I love love LOVE Toadlilly. It's my favorite right now, and Shannypants is a close second. Then again, I love all Wendee's colors!
Ooooo. Fireberry is so warm and bold. I love it!
Today my favorite is Alki reflections,
I saw someone knitting with Hazel Knit yarn and the color was just beautiful.
I love lipstick,shannypants and jay blue. YUM!
My favorite at the moment is Sagebrush, but there are so many lovely colors!
I love in the clover. what beautiful yarns.
What a great interview. Thanks for sharing it. I love all the colors, but I think my favorite is high ocTANG. Thanks for the chance!
We really have to choose just one? I love so many of then that I want to grab them all and run. XD
Sassafras - That one I kept coming back to. I love the highlights and lowlights of the coloration.
Thank you for sharing yet another wonderful yarn with us..And yet another thing I will need to save up for!
I love Hazel Knits! My favorite color right now is Jubilee. I recognize that sock pattern too. It is Thelonious by Cookie A. I just knit it myself :-)
We really have to choose just one? I love so many of then that I want to grab them all and run. XD
Sassafras. That one I kept coming back to. I love the highlights and lowlights of the coloration.
Thank you for sharing yet another wonderful yarn with us..And yet another thing I will need to save up for!
In the clover and Blacklight are my favorites, but it is so hard to pick.
This was an interesting post. I enjoyed seeing all your pictures and getting a little peek at yarn dying. Thank ypu for introducing me to yet another fabulous yarnie. (I guess I missed the Yarn Harlot intro :) I am one of the few... )
I loved the dye photos. I also loved alot of the colors. I love bright colors and was surprised at how vibrant the colrs were. So many beautiful colorways Sailors Delight, Blueberry and High ocTANG.
Although my FAV is high ocTANG :-)
Oh, I love me some Hazel Knits! And I so want to get my hands on some Sassafras!
Wow - gorgeous colors. I like Sassafras and baroness!!
Too many beautiful colors. My choice would be Firewalker.
Wow, these colors are beautiful. I especially love Sassafras and High octang.
It was really fun to see photos of Wendee's studio and the dyeing process. It's so hard to choose which colorway is my favorite. Right now, I'd love to have "In The Clover." I think it would knit up to be a beautiful shawlette. Thanks for sharing the time you spent, the photos and this giveaway.
So beautiful! I love weekend warrior, purple haze and cami chic, and lots of others!
It's always so hard to pick a favorite, but mine for today is Chocoberry!
I love the Jay Blue colorway...and the Laguna colorway...and the Violeta colorway....
Also, I want to say that I think it is fantastic that she sells the quarter skeins- what a great idea!
I love Hazel Knits! Up until now, I'd have to say my favorite has been Sanguine Peach, but I think that Cherry Fizz may be challenging that position. It reminds me of drinking Cheerwine as a kid in NC. (Cheerwine is very, very fizzy!)
There's too many colorways I like! Sweet Crush, Chocoberry, and In the Clover are the three favs for now but I think I would love any skein of yarn, she really makes beautiful yarn!
I like ice cream sunday, A LOT!
Oh, such beautiful colors! I love the Aurora Borealis, Olympic Rainforest, Tailfeather, Firewalker, and Sailors' Delight.
High OcTANG jumped out at me immediately! I love bright, almost-good-enough-to-eat shades of orange like that. I think they brighten up any outfit no matter what the season, and that particular colorway was just lovely.
Even though it's outside of my usual favorite color families, something in Fireberry is just screaming at me "Me! Me! Buy me, knit me, wear me!"
Love to watch the dye process. My friend used to do handpainted silk scarves. Is there a fixative used at the end of the process or is it heat set? Just curious. I love all the colors but probably wouldn't make socks. I would do a scarf or a stole.
I have a skein of Strawberry Lemonade that I haven't knit yet because it's too pretty! There are so many other lovely colors too...
Wow so many colors, how to choose just one?! I'll have to go with Ice Cream Sundae, which would make some yummy socks!
I really love Sassafras, with Lochness as a very close second!
Today my favorite is Aquarius.
i love the Prickly Fingerless Mitts Kit, it looks so pretty. thanks for hosting the giveaway.
I like the color combo in Nemo!!
I'm already a happy customer of Hazel Knits. I love almost all of the colors, but some NEW colors have just come out, and CHOCOBERRY is my new favorite! I love it!
Olympic Rainforest makes me feel like I'm outdoors on the West Coast.
All the colours are lovely but I'm particularly fond of the darker colours like sassafras and aurora borealis
olympic rainforest, but then i may be a bit biased as it is in my backyard! luv the mariners color, hope to make ti to stitch n pitch this year!
congrats winners!
I'm loving Sweet Crush!
Since I am one - I have to pick
Aquarius! It is gorgeous!
I love her yarn bowls! I've always wanted one and they are so unique! For the yarn, what's not to love, but I'm partial to Weekend Warrior! ~ Angela
i can't pick just one, i love all her tinted/layered solids. i agree that it's hard to find a nice subtle solid. wendee does a great job!
What gorgeous colors - if I have to pick one, it would be Cami Chic.
loved Ice Cream Sunday
I was going to go with Sagebrush, but I'm changing to Aquarius. I love the layered colors in it!
"The human eye can identify up to one million colors"! No wonder it's so hard to choose which are my favorites! Spanish Wine, Hoppy Blonde, Shady Verdant, Aquarius! They're all so beautiful.
Wow what an amazing rainbow of gorgeous yarns. I couldn't decide they are all so beautiful. My favorite this minute is Baroness.
Thanks for sharing photos of her dyeing process (and for the electrolyte colorway sneak peek).
I'm already a huge Hazel Knits fan and especially love her tinted/layered solids. Today I'm loving Jay Blue, Shannypants and Laguna, but am really looking forward to seeing Hoppy Blonde. Cheers!
really gorgeous. I think I must choose Aquarius... because it's gorgeous and because I am an Aquarius.
Oooh, Sweet Crush and Spanish Wine...and a whole lot of others!
Wendee has such a great sense of color, it's so hard to pick just one....
Since the new colors came out, I'm favoring In The Clover and Blueberry.
My favorites are Chuckanut Drive, Olympic Rainforest, Nemo and Sailor's Delight. I loved the pictures of her in action! Thank you again!
so hard to choose, one-spanish wine is simply delicious.
Oooh... Olympic Rainforest and Nemo.
My very favorite has always, always been Shannypants. It's the kind of green to which all green yarns should aspire!
I have been wanting to try Hazel Knits yarn for quite some time. My favorite colors are Chocoberry, Euphorbia, and Aquarious.
It's tough to pick between Coveralls and Blueberry.....but I think I have to go with Coveralls. Those blues are beautiful.
Wow, Ve, another fabulous giveaway!! The dying process is so interesting. :o) Well, it's hard to choose fav colors here, but I've got it narrowed dorn to gerber and chocoberry. Tough call, but I think I will go with chocoberry as a fav.
zaftig2k at yahoo dot com
I love Hazel Knits color-way Euphorbia. It is a bright and beautiful green.
What a great story about Wendee! I am lucky enough to have Bobbin's Nest Studio in Santa Clara as my LYS, so I know of this lovely, lovely yarn. Wendee's colors always rock my socks (pun!), but Sanguine Peach is simply scrumptious! (Oddly enough, as I looooove me some color, Wheatberry is calling to me...)
I love Euphorbia. What a clever name for a colorway!
My favorite is Alki Reflection. It would make the best shawl!
I love bold berry colors (and berries themselves...mmmmm), so Baroness was definitely my favorite.
Awesome photos! I think I'm in love with both the colors and the name of Toad Lily! Which is sort of amusing considering my near phobia of things that jump (frogs, toads, locusts... etc)
I love euphorbia! What an fabulous green sock it would make! Love all the vibrant colors absolutley love them all!!!
I like In the Clover. But there are many other colourways I'd choose.
I really enjoyed the virtual tour of Wendee's dye studio. The colorways are all alluring. If forced to pick a "favorite," I'd go with Cami Chic. I also love color to be vibrant.
Wow, I love this post - it's great getting a peak at how dyers work. Thanks!
It's difficult choosing just one colourway, as they're all gorgeous, and I had it come down to a tie: Violetta and Sassafras. I love the subtle shading going on. :)
I enjoyed seeing the photo essay on HazelKnits' dying process and studio space! My only question would be what kind of dyes she uses?
My favorite colorways are the Olympic Rainforest and Evergreen. I'm a displaced Oregonian, so it reminded me of my time up camping in the mountains, waking up and canoeing across a snowy lake. . . and summertime at Forest Park!
How could I possibly pick among all of her lovely colors? I love to knit with semi-solids and hers are so beautiful. I think I may have to order one of her blues or maybe a purple - today, before I even find out if I'm the lucky winner. My favorites? Denim Blues, Blueberry, Terrywinkle... and Coveralls - for the sweet story. Thanks for highlighting Hazel Knits!
Wow - I would have a hard time choosing because I would be happy with any, but I guess if I did have to pick I'm stuck between Spanish Wine and Shannypants!
Lochness is definitely my colorway. Beautiful!
Love to see the processs and works pace- Blueberry for me please!
So many bright, beautiful colors! I really like Baroness - it is so intense!
So many pretty colors - I love Toad Lily, Hoppy Blonde, Shannypants, In the Clover, and Wheatberry. If I had to pick one favorite? Probably Toad Lily, today. :)
My favorite pair of socks I've knit are my Bayerische socks in Hazel Knits yarn in Beachglass. It's still one of my fave colors.
I love Olympic forest!
Terrywinkle and Jay Blue are lovely but is that Harlot red still available?
Laguna and Blacklight are my current favorites, but they are all beautiful.
I love Blacklight and Sassafrass, as well as the Prickly Fingerless Mitts kit!
Thanks for giving us the "tour" of the studio, I was really inspired by it to become a little more organized in my own dyeing.
chuckanut drive!! i think it would make a great pullover for my toddler girl
Cherry Fizz is my fav. . .
wow, what vivid colors. awesome. i really like baroness and fireberry, but they're all amazing.
thanks for sharing the dying process with us, it looks like a lot of fun.
Aurora Borealis...blues and greens. My favorites mixed together!
High ocTANG is cool and I really like Stick o Butter. Neat to see the pictures of the process!
jendada on Ravelry
That Chocoberry is absolutely yummy... but it was hard to narrow it down just to that one!
It is a tie between Sailor's Delight and Lochness for me. I don't have this yarn, but it looks beautiful.
I like the Sailor's Delight! The dyeing process was very interesting, too.
Chelsey B
Wow, there are so many STUNNING colorways.
I especially love: Cami Chic, Greenlake, Lochness.
Oh. My. Gosh. There isn't a one that isn't gorgeous! Let me see: Sailor's Delight, Lime Granita, Shady Verdant, Aquarius, Greenlake, Euphoribia, Sagebrush... on and on... =)
More gorgeousness! You keep finding the beautiful things!!
My first choice from what I see on Ravelry (the link to wouldn't work at work) is 226_AuroraBorealis2, although the nearly solids called me too, especially Sassafras.
I love all of the bright bold colors. My two favorites are Pink Lemonade and Shannypants.
Chocoberry is absolutely beautiful!
They are all so great, I love Euphorbia. Its so hot out now that all of my grass has died, its nice to see some beautiful green!!
They're all gorgeous, but I think Nemo is my favorite!
I'm an orange girl and I loved knitting with my high ocTANG. It's my favorite regularly offered color. I must say however, that her club color Jubilee is the most remarkable shade of red I've seen and tops my list.
I quite enjoyed your photo essay as well. I hope to dabble in dyeing in the future and I found your drying room pictures especially inspirational. Thanks!
Wendee has many great colors and I love so many of them. Lipstick 1984 is one of my faves!
You are kidding me? I have to choose one I like?
I love her "darks": blacklight, coveralls, in the clover, aurora borealis, lochness....
I love all of them! High Octang is one of my very favorites though. The orange is so perfectly vivid, not too yellow or red, just orange. Or, to paraphrase Willy Wonka, "And the oranges look like oranges!" Thanks for featuring Wendee's work, it's so neat to get a peek inside her studio.
In the clover and aurora borealis are my favorite. Beautiful colors!
Well that's a hard choice. I like In the Clover, but they are all lovely. Who would have thought that we have someone so talented in town!
That must have been fun seeing the dying process in action!
Purple Hazel is my fav but man that was hard! I love all the vibrant colorways!!! And really enjoyed the pics of the dyeing process!
Ooh - Shiny! And -- MORE Shiny! I do believe I'm color-drunk!
I really appreciated getting the virtual tour of a dyer's studio, and now I have another source for feeding my color addiction! Again, it was hard to pick (loved 'em all), but finally managed to whittle my choices down to:
1 - Weekend Warrior
2 - Alki Reflection
3 - Toad Lily
Purple Hazel is my fave!
I love High ocTang because it is the best orange ever, period, bar none.
Really love the Prickly Mitts in Sailor's Delight and Chocolatier too!
All gorgeous! I like Blueberry. Also Sassafras but unfortunately (for me) it's sold out. Thank you for introducing Wendee and Hazel Knits to me.
Oh, I didn't realize about the Yarn Harlot using Sailors Delight - I have that in the stash. Thank you for the photos and interview - that was so interesting to read/see.
I love Toad Lily - kind of subtle, but with some variegation. I love Hazel Knits!!!
Ice Cream Sundae is gorgeous!!
I love In the Clover...and Hometeam Baseball has a special place in my heart since I grew up in Seattle on Mariner's baseball!
How to choose! I love Lochness and Coveralls.
Thanks for the pics of the dyeing -- so cool to see how it's done.
I try harder week after week. But still can't pick just one. My choices today are Hometeam baseball and Wheatberry.
OMG, Sailor's Delight is so vibrant and gorgeous...totally my favorite!
Stick o' Butter looks as luscious as it sounds. These are all gorgeous!
sailor's delight! its so deep and rich and its just makes me what to mush it!
Hazel Knits is awesome! Thanks for the behind the scenes process.
Blacklight and In the Clover are just gorgeous. The web pictures can't hold a candle to the actual depths of color in each skein.
So I picked out my favorite color, Sassafras. It looks so warm and comfy. With the subtle changes in the shades of grey, it's like looking into the remnants of a campfire burned low and cooling. Alas it is sold out :-(. No soft and smokey scarf for me. Though I do keep looking at the Ice Cream Sunday and Olympic Rainforest and seeing socks on my sisters' feet.
There are two that I love: ocTANG and Ice Cream Sundae.
Her colors are fantastic, Id def have to pick shannypants, jay blue, or gerber as favorites. I pretty much love them all though, and the yarn is great to work with.
I must admit to having my eye on Fireberry for some time. I almost bought a skein last year in London but it seemed silly to buy it there & bring it back to the States. I still need to order some though...
I love Spanish Wine, but it was so hard to choose with all the phenomenal names. I'd love to gift something made in Shannypants, double delightful between the rich color and the hilarious name!
It's hard to choose just one but I'd have to go with Fireberry. I love the pink and orange together. Thank you again for the chance to win!
I love Daphne & Hoppy Blonde! What wonderfully interesting names!
i love the colour Equinox, it would be just perfect for the scarf my husband has been begging me to make him.
Wow, I am a color junky. Hazel Knits is a great "fix" for me. I loved too many to list.
Serenity, Beach Glass, Choclatier, Euphorbia ... but actually High ocTANG caught my eye first. How can anyone choose?! Thanks for sharing - both the info and the chance to win something wonderful.
Great interview with Wendee. I have to admit I love all her yarns but I think right now I am loveing her new colors, In the Clove. But all her yarns are wonderful.
goodness gracious. more lovely yarn to drool over. I'm going to go with the Baroness and Lipstick.
Dyeing looks like a messy process-I know I would never stay that clean!
not sure if the first post went through. The yarn is great! the colors are so vibrant. I love reds. I was drooling!
Wow, Nemo is just Adorable!! I love Alki Reflection too!
I just finished the Ruffle Scarf out Purple Hazel. It was a gift and I like it so much I want to knit one for myself.
I love love love lochness and in the clover - can't decide between them which is my favourite.
I have loved Hazel knits for years but she always seemed to sell out of a color just as I was about to order. I guess they are just that good! I love the seaglass and Shannypants colorways. They are all so pretty it is hard to choose though. I may have to order one of those yarn bowls for a friend.
What a difficult choice! My choice would be firewalker.
Thanks for a chance!
Terry B
I'm all about the hoppy blonde, what could be better than matching beer to knitting?
The pictures were great. I think my favorites are fireberry and strawberry lemonade.
I think I will have to go with "Blacklight". There are certainly a lot of gorgeous choices, but I think this one is different (in an absolutely good way) from much of what I see, and I think it would be absolutely stunning knit up.
I absolutely love the Olympic Rainforest colorway. Fun to see the studio and work in progress!
Because I live on the shores of Lake Michigan I get to see "Sailor's Delight" on many an evening. And my favorite color is red. But they are all really pretty colors my second would be chocoberry.
I just learned about YOTH through Ravelry and happening to want to see what Wendee did to display her socks and renovate her studio. It's great to explore and learn more about yarns and what others are doing to promote dyers! Anyway, looking through Hazel Knits, I really liked Theorem Socks Kit. The colorways that struck me are Aurora Borealis, Baroness, and Firewalker. Firewalker is a great color, but the added knowledge that she actually walked the coals twice speaks of her as a person! Thank you!
I am so jealous! I want to be able to dye like she does... not only in color choices for combinations, but in her Semi-solids. That idea is so neat.
Anyway, back to what I'm supposed to be doing.. choosing a favorite! No matter how many times I flipped through her colors and was wowed by all the verigated colors, I just kept getting struck by Shannypants! It's so deep!!
Golly those are gorgeous! I'm partial to Chuckanut and Ice Cream Sundae!
Stick of Butter makes my mouth water!
It was hard to choose just one but I kept going back to Alki Reflection.
I just love the Hoppy Blond. All her colors are gorgeous.
I love seeing the picture of her studio :)
The insight into her dyeing process was so illuminating, Thank you for telling the tale of these yarns.
My favorite is the Lucky Diamond Sock Kit.
The dyeing process is very interesting. It is really hard to pick a favorite Hazel Knits colorway, but if I must I love ChocoBerry and Coveralls.
I would jump for joy with Sweet Crush. Lovely, lovely yarns.
Love Blacklight and Violetta. Thanks for your pictures of Wendee's studio. I find yarn dying so fascinating!
I'd LOOOOVE to win the Federal colorway, it's so yummy!!
Thanks for this chance to win some beautiful yarn :)
~Eliana~ Iknitcupcakes on ravelry.
I love them all, but if I have to choose, I would choose Toad Lily.
I like sagebrush. Reminds me of where I grew up.
You make dyeing yarn look so fun. And, what yummy yarns can be made. All of you inspire me to try your methods!
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