
giveaway #33

The grand prize winner of the Pipp's Purses giveaway is:


The four runners up who can each pick a pattern from Pipp's store are:

Angela, TopHat, Alex, & Eva who said, "I've made two felted items. The first was a totally awesome felted pirate hat for my friends 21st birthday. He's convinced he's a pirate. The other was a felted scarf that came out.. well.. not so awesome. But I LOVE the boxy bag pattern and would adore getting to make it."

Congratulations! Please contact me at yarnonthehouse@gmail.com to claim your prizes.

The cooler weather has definitely arrived here in the Seattle area, and I feel like I'm knitting more and more whenever I have a free minute. It's so comforting to hold a set of needles and knit away while the wind and on most occasions rain is having it's fun outside my front door. It's sad to see the sunshine go, but I always welcome more indoor time to knit away merrily.

This week we have indie dyer Tash from Knitsch visiting us. Check out the written interview I did with Tash...

1. Tash, please start by telling us a little bit about yourself and what you do?

I'm a New Zealander living in Wellington, hugely passionate about crafts. I started NZ's first knit graffiti group, OutdoorKnit in 2008, with the main motivation to spread a bit of knitted cheer around the city. Inspired by a spell working at Socktopus in London (home of the lovely Alice Yu of Knit Nation), I decided to come home and start my own hand-dyed yarn company. Conveniently that tied in very well with my grandmother's yarn company, Artisan Lace - Grandma being the well-know lace knitter Margaret Stove.

I also help organise New Zealand's longest running indie craft fair, Craft2.0. So life is never dull, and I am constantly in awe of the amazing crafty talent we have in NZ.

2. You make beautiful hand dyed yarn and sell it on your website. Tell us about the yarn that you sell and the different options.

My personal focus is on sock yarn. I love it's versatility! Knitsch sock is all about bright, unexpected colours that you find in everyday urban life. I wear a lot of black and found hand-dyed sock yarn to be a fabulous way to wear colour without fear.
I also now look after Artisan Lace, a superfine merino lace (2ply) that is spun to the very high standards Margaret demands. In this range again is Gossamer, super-duper fine cobweb yarn for knitting heirloom shawls. Personally the gossamer scares me, but i'm determined to take up the challenge one day!

The sock, lace and gossamer are all 100% New Zealand merino, the highest quality in the world. It really is the most wonderful fibre.

3. When did you start dyeing yarn and how did you get into it?

I started dyeing in about October 2009, so not that long ago really! It was one of things where I decided I was going to do it, and so just started playing. I had lessons from my Aunt, who had previously been dyeing the Artisan Lace brand. Some of the little tricks and tools she came up with to make the process work better for her is some real kiwi ingenuity at work.

4. The colors that you offer are gorgeous. What inspires you?

Everything! Driving around the New Zealand countryside is my biggest inspiration at the moment, as i've been doing a lot of it. I have an obsession with dyeing the perfect green! The knitters in my local knitting group are a wonderful sounding board, but often colours are created by seeing things around the place - for example, Charlie was created after I saw my endpaper mitts made from Silver Lining and Kowhai sitting next to my Haruni shawl made in Beauregarde, and the colour combo took my breath away.

5. What will be next for you? Do you have new colorways or bases in the works that you can share with us?

I'm actually in a wonderful place at the moment where there isn't anything huge going on! Although I am working on turning some of Margaret Stove's patterns into pdfs so that we can sell them through Ravelry and the online shop in time for the release of her new book. There is also something top secret and local i'm working on that i'm extremely excited about but if I told you...well, i'd have to kill you. Or something.

Oh, and I have a shipment of wonderful HazelKnits waiting to be delivered (it's stuck at customs, boo!) so I can share Wendee's gorgeousness with New Zealanders, and I am about to load all my new Knit Pro needles onto the website. Both are things that I knew I had to have in my shop all the way back in London when I first decided to do this. It's wonderful to see the dream become reality.

6. Why do you knit?

Because I love textiles. I adore that I am making fabric from yarn - I love pattern, and texture, and colour. It's also my relaxing time, where I can solve the world's problems in my head and just find that little bit of peace in a hectic world. I'm an entirely selfish knitter - all the patterns I am driven to knit are because I desperately want them for myself!

7. When did you learn to knit and who taught you?

I was taught several times over my childhood by both grandmothers, my mum and each time would put the needles down and forget. A few years ago I was working at a ski field and decided to take it up again, so of course I used the internet to re-teach myself!

8. If you were to knit and live anywhere in the world, where would you knit and live?

Oh, it would have to be somewhere in Scandinavia. I adored Sweden when I had a few days there last year, and i'd also love to spend more time in Scotland. Both, funnily enough, parts of my heritage.

9. What's been your worst knitting or yarn dyeing disaster?

Good question! Hmm, disaster...to be honest I don't think i've ever had a massive one. The great thing about dyeing is that if you mess something up, you can overdye and call it a limited edition - you are guaranteed that someone will fall in love with it!

10. And last but not least, if you were to be drinking a cocktail while reading my blog, what would it be?

A Rosebud. A glass of pink deliciousness. Yum!

Thank you, Tash, for visiting us and sponsoring such a fantastic giveaway for the YOTH followers. Tash was sweet enough to let me keep two skeins of sock yarn she send over to try out. I picked the beautiful color Silver Lining in Knitsch Sock. This yarn is made out of 100% New Zealand superwash merino and has a beautiful and sturdy ply to it. Each skein has 167 meters (which is approximately 182 yards), and it is priced accordingly at about $9-10 USD depending on exchange rate. So, for a pair of socks, you would typically need two of these skeins. I actually appreciate this lower yardage, because I'm able to narrow down and purchase only the yardage that I may actually need for a specific project and it doesn't cost me more!

You know how much I love semi-solids and this Silver Lining color is no exception. It is UH-mazing! The variation in light to medium grays makes this yarn almost sparkle, which makes it's name (Silver Lining) so appropriate. I cast on a shawl project as soon as I had my hot little hands on this yarn. Can you guess what shawl or shawlette I'm knitting?

Now, take a look at the THREE lovely prizes you have a chance to win this week...

Prize #1: Two skeins of Knitsch Sock in the most gorgeous color: Chelsea.

One side is a bright bold royal blue and the other side is this to-die-for variegated purple.

How can you not love this yarn?

Prize #2: Two skeins of Knitsch Sock in a fun blend of bright greens and splashes of purple called: Mystery Machine.


This colorway just makes me smile.

Grand Prize: Three skeins of Artisan NZ Merino Lace Weight & a copy of Margaret Stove's book, Creating Original Hand-knitted Lace.

This lace yarn is so adorably wound and packaged!

Don't you just want to squish it?!

I would like you to do the following if you would like to be entered into this week's giveaway:

1. Read over the rules if you have not done so already.

2. Leave a comment on this blog post by the end of Sunday, 9/19/10. I'm at a loss this week on what you should comment about. So, let's do an oldie but goodie: What's on your needles currently? Or, you can just say "Hi" as usual!

I'll randomly pick the winners on Sunday and post the results on Monday along with the new giveaway, so be sure to check back. Good luck everyone.




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Rainlover said...

HI!!!, all three are wonderful prizes this week. so squishy looking and so bright!

Anonymous said...

Hi, and thanks for the nice interview with Tash.
Right now I have a test knit for KnitQuest going, and a pair of socks for a gift. The yarns in both these projects contains cashmere and merino, so I am getting spoiled!

Marlitharn said...

Hi! All that yarn is simply gorgeous! *crosses fingers* Right now on the needles I have a Haruni and a Clasica coat from the fall 09 (I think) issue of IK. I'm a slow knitter but I'll get them done eventually!

Rhian Drinkwater said...

I'm currently working on a green cabled scarf in Cascade 220. Along with a lace scarf in the same it forms a wedding present for my sister in law - unfortunately she got married six weeks ago! I'm a little late for my deadline…

Sarah V. (Barf Green Is Best) said...

Oh. My. God. That is some incredibly gorgeous yarn. I think I actually drooled.

I'm *almost* finished a Bergen Street Cardigan (just the button band left), and slowly working on a plain, two colour striped kerchief.

Thanks for hosting this INCREDIBLE giveaway!!!

Eva said...

Even though I just won (WOO!) I've just recently discovered lace knitting. I cast off one my 2nd MMario pattern last night. And am about to start a pair of gloves made of angora and cashmere (oh so practical in florida)

Emily said...

Wow those yarns are BEAUTIFUL!

Right now I am knitting a market bag for my take to work knitting and at home I am knitting my first lace project- a lace shawl!

Papervolcano said...

Oh wow, that's some beautiful yarn! I can see I'm going to be investigating shipping costs...

On my needles at the moment:
* the second of my Skew socks (I adore this pattern!)
* a tea cosy for a work colleague
* swatches for mum's christmas present
* a throw for my sofa (mindless knitting at it's best)
* granny squares are coming off the hook, so I can patch them together for a crafting bag.

(finish a project? I'm aware of the concept, but not as it applies to me...)

Bloups said...

This yarn is fantastic, I simply love it.

At the moment I've got 3 sweaters/tee on my needles (I know it's too much but I can't help it) : a nerdy neiman, a man's hoodie sweater blue and grey and I'm test knitting the blakeslee tee for Emily Johnson in black and variegated purple, yay !

bella said...

Oh, what loveliness! :)

On the needles? 5 pair socks... 2 sweaters... I'm not going to dig any deeper in the knitting pile, but I'm certain there's more there! *ack!*


Anonymous said...

They all look so luscious and fun!! The colors are amazing! My needles have citron and a sock on them right now. Usually I have alot more going! OH, and HI!!!

sy said...

i'm trying to crochet a dishcloth with autotbot pattern right now.

BloreKnitter said...

I have in threes baby cardigan on my needles right now. Love this pattern!

Amanda said...

On the needles: one Featherweight Cardigan, one Facing Lilies Stole, one Clapotis. Two mindless projects and a super-intense (for me) one.

aanderson said...

On the needles a throw, a wrap, and my first ever socks.
Her yarn is beautiful.

Cel'eena Cree said...

Hey, those yarns are so delicious :-) I have far too many projects on my needles at the moment, I'm a constant sufferer of Startitis. I'm working on an afghan for my sister's wedding, a display for my earrings, a bag for me to use for my sister's wedding, a giant teddy bear, a death's head illusion thingy, a cardigan... and that's just knitting and crochet. There are another three cross stitch projects, and one latchhooking one.

sharmylae said...

what a lovely giveaway!

this week i have 198 yards of heaven on my needles, after ripping it out the first time. :/

i also am still chugging away at my february lady sweater!

KnittySue said...

HI!!! I have many things on the needles at the moment, 2 hats, a pair of socks, a pair of legwarmers, a pair of fingerless mitts and to finish my Central Park Hoodie. They should mostly be done by the end of the week.

Frankly Beka said...

On my needles right now I have 2 shawls (green rectangular, and purple circular), a red tank top, a red circular throw, 2 scarfs (grey lacy, and a pink/purple/green in linen stitch), and a dark grey pinwheel sweater. I think that is all, but there may be a few more projects in hiding. I get distracted easy. At least when I get bored or frustrated with one project I have several others to choose from. ^_^

Jenny (renewedmind) said...

So beautiful! On my needles right now: Easy Top-Down Raglen for the Spud & Chloe knit-along :)

Unknown said...

Lovely colors! I love them all. What beautiful prizes!

kjramstack said...

On one set of needles, I have a small pumpkin that will be felted. On another, I have my very first sock. (It's not going well, hence the other, easier projects.) And then I just started knitting a cowl since the weather is getting cooler.

Ginger said...

Wow, those colors are gorgeous! I'm working on the left Rasen fingerless mitt, trying to tweak the pattern to make it mirror the right one.

Page said...

On the needles are a pair of socks for my bro and a self-designed sweater for my 18 month old. Don't ask me about the back log of done but not blocked Lovely prizes!

Pixiewear said...

Gorgeous colors! Thanks so much for the chance to win! Funnily enough, I'd love to go knit in NZ. Too bad I don't live in Scotland or Sweden. Then Tash and I could swap houses for a couple of weeks. Then again, maybe she'd like to knit in rural TN? Ha. Thought not. (=

Allison von Berg said...

On my needles are a pair of mitts using the leftover Plymouth Tweed yarn I had from making an Autumn topper! Normally I wouldn't look twice at brown tweed yarn but this one had tweed slubs with green, red, yellow and orange...it reminded me so much of fall leaves I couldn't resist---I even got some felt fall leaf scrapbooking stickers and stuck them on a pinback to wear on my hat! http://www.flickr.com/photos/scottobear/4982494671/

Yeah I have a old summer projects I should finish but I just can't bring myself to do them right now...I'm all about the cool weather projects!

Robin said...

Last night I started a Scrappy Lengthwise Scarf with all my Malabrigo leftovers. I'm very excited to see the result because it looks gorgeous.
Speaking of gorgeous, that yarn! Wowzers!

Emily said...

Hi! -- I'm knitting a pair of socks in String Theory Caper and also I'm working on some Knotty gloves.

Pamela Hunt said...

Hi! I'm working on a tank top and a scarf, though I'd love to start on a pair of socks soon :)

Betsie said...

Those are wonderful snuggle yarns! I love the Mystery Machine colorway. I have a boring brown wallaby sweater for one of my sons on the needles right now. I can't wait to get it off so that he can be warm and I can put something more interesting on! Like maybe, Mystery Machine socks???

Lydia said...

those yarns are just wow! right now i've got que sera, double eyelet rib socks, that's only two? but have 2 projects ready to jump on the needles and 2 to swatch

CarolynEll said...

Gorgeous yarn! I just finished a shawl that I entered into my county fair, so now I'm trying to finish a pair of socks that have been OTN for about six months now...

carlahibbard said...

Wow - just beautiful!

CaffeinatedFrenzy said...

I'm working on a baby blanket at the moment, but I've been goggling at pretty lacework shawls to knit as prayer shawls.

Gertie said...

I don't know why but I love green and purple together! I'm working on some spiraled mitts and a spiral cowl.

Kathleen said...

Gorgeous! Count me in! Right now I have a top down raglan on my needles. My first adult sweater. :)

katbetty on R

Anonymous said...

Hello! Those yarns are just beautiful and I am addicted to lightweights and lace.

susanmhj said...

Hi! Nice interview and love the merino wound up into those cute little cakes.
Currently finishing a really soft alpaca scarf for my niece, hoping to finish it this week. And of course, have started the next one! Next up is the Frost Jacket from Norah Gaughan in Knitting Nature. I splurged on the manos, love, love, love, the color of this yarn

Donna P said...

On the needles right now I have a never-ending lace christening shawl for a relatives first baby. I love knitting it but it is just taking forever!

pigbook1 said...

still working the mitten pattern I wrote, its' going less than well :-(

sacha said...

Love those sock yarns!! I just finished a Market bag for a local librarian and now I'm working on some fingerless mitts for the holidays.

Anonymous said...

Oh, those yarns are so pretty!
On the needles - socks, linen stitch scarf and central park hoodie. Need to move on the hoodie. It is getting a bit chilly around here.

heather said...

I'm currently working on colorwork mittens for christmas! Thanks for the wonderful prizes!

Lori said...

I just got a Peasy cardigan off the needles, which is the most exciting thing! Now I want to get the Mondo Cable Cardigan off, so I can load them up again. :)

Jen Price said...

What a lovely giveaway! Currently on my needles is the Phoebe Sweater from the Phoebe Mouse book that I won right here at Yarn on the House!

Debbie said...

I have an Iced, a Nina's shawl, and a Kathleen cowl currently on my needles. Just waiting for some free needles I have a felted pirate hat, my second 198 yards of Heaven, and another clapotis. These yarns are incredible!

StaceyKnitsIt said...

Going to start my sleeves on Still Light Tunic. Once this project is done, it will be baby knits and either a UFO cardi or something else for myself.
Love the yarn giveaway!
Take care!

Unknown said...

Two things on my needles right now: a wrap cardi in Cascade Rustic in a wonderful silvery grey color, and a cabled scarf for my mother in Rowan Cashsoft Aran she picked out.

Everything is so beautiful!

Elizabeth MacR said...

I am working on socks and a sweater, lots of UFO's in the pile as well!

Unknown said...

Oh my oh my! That yarn is gorgeous!

Currently on my needles is a sweater for my brother. Ok, well not actually on my needles yet but I did swatch. That counts right? I'm also working on some socks for the September Sockdown on Ravelry.

Kelly B. said...

What beautiful yarn!! The colors are so vibrant!

I've got a bunch of things on the needles right now. I am making my first real pair of socks, Cookie A.'s Monkey. I've got the first of many French Press Slippers that will be Christmas presents. I've been working on another Knitty pattern, Hex from Fall 2009 on the needles in lovely Malabridgo lace. It is soo soft!

JodyH said...

Beautiful colors! I'm currently working on a Noro striped scarf.

French Press Knits said...

Too funny- the laceweight yarn I just saw at a yarn shop yesterday for the first time. I was curious about it because I had never seen it before, and I liked the way it was all packaged up (it was twisted like this, came with a pattern, and all packaged simply together).

Anyway, on my needles is a new pattern I'm working on, a cardigan for myself!

Denise said...

Congrats to your winners :)
I've got 'Citron' on my needles right now and also 'cables and garter' cardi, although I'm not doing the cables but using a lacy pattern at the bottom!

kristyh1981 said...

Right now I am testing out the new All For Love Of Yarn! Lublu worsted. It is wonderfully soft and I am loving it! I am knitting an AG size sweater with it.

Rav ID kristyh1981

Sarah B. said...

Right now on my needles I'm working on a cabled scarf that was initially intended for my hubby for Christmas, but it is turning out a little delicate, so will probably be re-routed to one of my girlfriends.

Rachel R. said...

Wow,that's beautiful yarn! I've never seen Knitsch yarn before - thanks for introducing us to it!

Currently on my needles is an Ishbel (yes, I'm a little late to the trend) in Dream in Color Baby in Happy Forest.

Denise Cole said...

I have been making toys for my soon to be twin niece and nephew. I have a hippo and elephant done, but I am procrastinating sewing them up (hate that part) and starting my first ever pair of socks using magic loop... Of course I have enough projects in progress that will take me years to finish :)

Beth said...

I love all those colors, simply gorgeous!

On my needles right now: Watch Caps for soldiers in Afghanistan. I listen to the "High Fiber Diet" podcast and Coggie is collecting handknit Watch Caps to send to her husband and his fellow-soldiers to keep them warm at night this winter. Anyone else interested in participating can check out the High Fiber Diet group on Ravelry for details!

Jenna said...

Wow, the lace is simply beautiful. Mystery Machine has my giggling, and that silver is so pretty. Great giveaway! gidgettm on ravelry

Kit Hall said...

What gorgeous yarn!

I've been working on a fingering weight sweater in sanguine gryphon bugga! for what seems like forever now... and a windschief hat for my husband in mal twist pearl ten.

thanks for the offer!

Jessica said...

On my needles: Brandywine, secret santa projects, Top Down Raglan Knitalong

These are such gorgeous yarns!! Thank you for sharing so many different and wonderful dyers with us!!

Sara said...

Currently on needles - a pair of lovely socks for myself!; a beautiful shawl made from hand dyed and hand spun yarn; and a dog blanket out of some old yarn that was in my stash...

nhsarab at yahoo dot com

stephanie rj said...

As a fellow wandering Kiwi, I'm a huge fan of Tash! I'm working on a Celandine, a Log Cabin Blanket and a scarf of my own design right now - they complement each other nicely.

Heather said...

Hiya! I'm so in love with that Chelsea, I've got my fingers AND my toes crossed this week. The other yarns are lovely too, but that purple is just making me weak in the knees!

Right now, sadly, there is nothing really on my needles. I gave myself a strained tendon at work, and I'm off knitting for at least another 1.5 weeks (not that I'm counting or anything). Once I'm back in the saddle I have a sweater, some socks, and some mini-sweater Christmas Ornaments on deck.

Mary said...

Hey Hey So many things on the needles right now of course need to finish up something!!

Susan G said...

Another lovely giveaway. OTN - test knitting a ribbed vest for KimH on Ravelry - check out her simple but beautiful designs.

Allison said...

Yum - gorgeous yarn! I'm currently working on a top secret scarf project for my partner in the Fall Swap. I hope she'll like it!

Cary said...

I am currently working on a felted tote that is a Christmas gift.

Andy said...

Gorgeous yarns. I especially love the green sock yarn!

On my needles right now:

* Northern Lights socks from Cat Bordhi's second New Pathways book

*Rivendell socks from Janel Laidman's Eclectic Sole book (in a Three Irish Girls' colorway called Tolkien - how perfect is that!)

* a swatch for Beck by Jane Ellison that's been done for weeks but the recipient won't give me any fit preferences guidelines, grrr

* Vintage socks by Lisa Grossman - I got up past the inlaid leaf and have been avoiding sewing it in for several months!

Janelle said...

That yarn is gorgeous! I'm currently working on a raglan baby sweater for a baby gift for my sister. I love making baby sweaters....they knit up so fast! :)

Erin said...

Ooh, lovely prizes!

I'm currently knitting a hat for DD, and a cardi for me. I can't find the name of the hat pattern, but my cardi is Cassidy from Chic Knits.

mike and chenoa said...

Beautiful yarn! I am currently knitting a Peasy cardigan for me. It's essentially done, but I'm ripping out the bottom garter edging and adding an inch or two more. I'm also working on a pair of pomatomas socks that I am loving and can't wait to finish.

terip said...

the yarn is beautiful. i need to knit a shawlette for my grandmother, turning 90. her favoriet color is blue, that yarn woudl be so pretty. wow that book looks great

Rae Lynne said...

Oh my gosh those colorways are gorgeous! :)

On my needles now? A lot. Haruni for my mom, Traveling Woman for me, Sinful Ribbed Scarf for me, there's more but those are the big ones. :)

Rebecca Swan said...

I usually like to have only 1 otn, but right now, since joining Rav last month, I have 5... two Salute hats for dd and ds, a Twisted Tree sweater for ds, a cell phone belt (well, that's technically off, but I still need to weave ends and sew buttons), and one beaded lace shawl that I may finish for dd's wedding (she's currently 10).

Amybel said...

Wow, that mystery machine is georgeous! I'm currently knitting the top down raglan with the Spud & Chloe KAL. It's in an orangey pumpkin color, so I am hoping it keeps me inspired to knit faster so I can wear it in season!

EWeber said...

Lovely things. I'm currently working on a pair of socks - pattern: Hera, yarn from Mocha's Fiber connection in a bright pink/orange (can't remember the name), a baby sweater for a friend can't remember name of yarn or pattern (pretty standard) and the knit picks palette fair isle sweater.

pookie said...

Wow...those colors are beautiful...and the yarn looks yummy!

Catherine said...

On the needles - finishing the toes of my Cookie A socks - Eunice. I'm doing them in Zauberball Crazy. It's been so much fun to watch the colors roll out. Thanks for the giveaway. I'll be ready to start a new pair soon - maybe I'll win!

Tracey said...

I love the colors of the yarns this week! You're right, they do look yummy and squishy!
Currently, I have a giraffe on my needles (going very slow...it's a big one!) and a cowl collar (from last minute knitted gifts). Next up two pair of leg warmers for my little girl.

Kayla said...

What a lovely stash!
Now I'm knitting a shawl - I choose "Haruni". I bought a very thing Lopi from Iseland for this project.

livin4fishin said...

Hi!!! I currently am working on two lace projects myself, a "swallowtail shawl" by Evelyn Clark and the pattern "Witch of Pungo Shawl" by Jessie Booth of phatfiber. I am fairly new to lace knitting, but really enjoy it! Love your lace and sock yarn. The colors are to die for!

Connie said...

I currently have a number of projects on the needles including les Abeilles and a red scarf for the Red Scarf Project. I have fallen head over heels in love for the colors of Knitsch yarn. WONDERFUL!

Anonymous said...

Oh, what beautiful yarn and the colors so vivid! I need to be a lucky winner. Ha!
Nothing on the needles at this time. I am busy studying pathophysiology for nursing.
Chelsey Ann

1Geek2CraftAll said...

hey, so on my needles now, a red cable and lace scarf, a Captain America pie shawl, a lace beret, and a pair of fingerless gloves.

Anonymous said...

Hi Ve!! I'm loving the Mystery Machine!! So fun! I've got lotsa gifts on the needles right now, which I always love, but I'm about to cast on a scarf or shawl for myself! Esp. Since it appears my Lucy bag might be a felting FAIL. :-(

Gina said...

ooh, what lovely colors, and the idea of making lace, that's just luxurious.

Michelle said...

I'm currently doing a blanket using the hairpin lace technique. This week's yarn is beautiful!

Camille said...

Such gorgeous yarn this week! I have some baby booties on the needles(for a friend, not me!), and I'm slowly finishing Seaman's Cap for my son before winter arrives.

Angela said...

Beautiful yarn! Currently on the needles: two cardigans, one scarf, one sock and one wrap. I get bored easily... :)

CrocheterFrmCA said...

Hi Ve,

Oh! the Lace yarnballs look so quishy. Please do pet them once for me. The other two prizez also look so so yummy!
On my needles, I have half a lacy karius, a seriously simple shawl and some more WIPS.
sona aka ssri17

Rachel D. said...

Hello and I hope things are going well. I currently have 5 WIPs 1) scarf 2) TP Cozy (sushi) 3) lace shawl (Citron) 4) Socks 5) Long Stocking cap for my Halloween Costume (I'm going to be Headcrusher from Kids in the Hall).

Thanks and have a great week!

Catie said...

Those yarns look great! On my needles: Waving lace socks, a big dotty computer chair cushion, and a dissected fetal pig (well that is a soon to be on the needles).

Krista said...

Good morning! Currently on my needles is a Transformers baby blanket for my little girl due in February (my husband is a big fan), a "sock leftovers" blanket, and a pair of birthday socks for my best friend. I like bouncing around. The sock yarn colors you've pictured are gorgeous!

PenelopeRose said...

Hi! What gorgeous yarns!! At the moment, I have a jacket on one set of needles, a pair of socks on a set of needles and about a zillion other projects on needles in my head.

Kristy said...

Hi! Right now I'm working on getting Christmas presents done for my large family. Currently I have a fair isle hat of my own design for my cousin and some stripey socks for my sister.

Avila said...

I have two main projects going on at the moment. The first is a pair of socks that will be an Anniversary gift for my Husband in a cotton/wool blend. The other is my first lace shawl! It's a pi shawl in two shades of purple (my favorite color) and I've been working on it off-and-on all summer.

Diane said...

Just gorgeous! I want to squish them all!
I currently have a child's vintage pixie cap, and a mitered hanging towel on my needles. =)

Unknown said...

Good morning!
What a wonderful giveaway!

Currently I have my very first lace shawl on one set of needles and my very first sweater (which I work on in between other projects) on another set of needles.

I also have a french press cozy I am making for a friend but it looks terrible so that will be a thing of the past this evening so I can use a better yarn for it.

Thank you!

jlr said...

I have a lace shawlette I'm making out of wonderfully drapey silk/bamboo blend.

This yarn looks delicious!

JoAnnaJae said...

I have my first lace shawl on the needles. Slow going but kind of awesome!!

flora said...

I have a raglan sweater for me on my needles at the moment!

Connie said...

I'm working on a scarf for my daughter, and I just cast on a pair of socks.

greyowl (ravelry id)

Tanya said...

Hi! On the needles right now is a February Lady Sweater for fall. We had a few chilly days last week and it set me off on a sweater kick. What a lovely person Tash seems. Thank you for the interview!

marlie said...

(somehow my browser deleted my previous comment!)

I LOVE the silver lining colorway - and the others are so cheerfully pretty and vibrant!

Just OFF the needles is Abalone, and now all it needs is to be blocked. Still ON is a chemo shawl that I'm making with a modified raglan top-down pattern for my mom. Almost done!

Elise said...

Beautiful yarns.


MelissaHB said...

Hi, i love all the goodies this week. I have the urge to squish something:-)

I currently have a pair of socks from Socks from the toes up, Lena scarf from Twist Collective, a Hanami stole, and I am contiplating casting on a haruni. Am i crazy? Possibly. I don't need to cast on another WIP but the temptation is too much:-)

LJ said...

on my needles currently is the featherweight cardigan and skew sock. though in the midst of lots of visitors, i'm finding it difficult to be able to sit, knit, and relax!

InJuneau said...

Oh my those yarns are beautiful, esp. that tealish lace yarn! YUM! On my needles now is the endless Airy Scarf in black Rowan Kidsilk Haze. I've been working on it since the end of July and just can't seem to get motivated to finish it. I've started and finished five other scarves since I started that one! Hopefully, I'll get it done before the end of the month.

Anonymous said...

I really enjoyed the interview with Tash. Currently on needles: baby hat for charity, two pairs of socks (plain pattern with self-striping yarn and River Rapids pattern with a pretty lavendar yarn), scarf in seed stitch with LB Homespun, shawlette in a pretty hand-dyed yarn. Thanks for the generous offers! Love your blog--just heard about it from Fiberista's video blogs on youtube.

Vanessa said...

Hi! Almost done-- another baby hat for another of my fertile friends, Coraline cardigan, and I have a pair of socks waiting in the wings.

Anonymous said...

That sure looks like yummy yarn :)
My current project is a sweater for my partner. Handspun Alpaca (heavy!)firdr

mel said...

I have on my needles a pair of gloves.

jensimoneau said...

That gorgeous laceweight...I'd like to carry it in my pocket just like that everyday. Of course, the colors are just too gorgeous to hide in my pocket!
On my needles: fingerless gloves and a very braidy scarf. I like to have more than one project going!

Anonymous said...

such gorgeous yarn!

I gave myself a time out after winning, but I'm going to try again now!

On my needles: a design I can't tell you about :-)

zimme345 said...

Holy beautiful yarn!!!

Jen said...

I'm knitting some secret socks for the boyfriend's birthday. shh!

Rachelle said...

Tash does beautiful work, as does her Grandmother. I'm currently working on the Catamount Cardigan as well as Spiral Bound socks and Bug Off socks actively. I won't give the list of not quite so active knits!
sewsable on Rav

Laurie said...

Fabulous yarns! Love the lime & purple. Right now I am knitting a pair of really cool fingerless gloves called Treads. Also the adorable hippo from Itty-Bitty Toys plus several sweaters in progress.

Loca4crafts said...

I am currently knitting a baby blanket, and it's taking me an embarrassing amount of time to finish it.

Qi-Tah Girl said...

I just finished a faire isle knitting class at a sheep and wool festival so I have my very first faire isle project on the needles. It is my first work using more than one color and it is a headband. Thanks for offering such swell prize opportunities.

Anonymous said...

Yes - how could you NOT love that yarn?! Gracious! :sigh: lovely!

On needles:

On lacey scarf.

One lovely little beret.

On the last row of a headband.

Getting ready to cast on another rendition of Jared Flood's Habitat - probably in a fairly masculine color...

I'm trying to get LOTS of little projects done - we're working on trying to knit 1 item for each of the 1600+ homeless kids in our school district. LOTS of knitting to do!

Jessica Powers said...

Since I found Knitsch living in NZ last year and am about to head back down, I don't need to win any but I did want to say that it's great stuff! Silver Lining is about the most amazing soft grey and the yarn is just gorgeous when worked up - whoever is lucky enough to score this stuff will be very happy! Which reminds me - I need to get on with the Knitsch Hanny Pants hat I'm making for a small friend, the one I did in Izzy last week is sweet as!

Megan said...

I am currently knitting a laceweight cardigan (Adrift) and a hoodie for my 4yo (Snug). I would love toy have any of this yarn on my needles though!

Natalie said...

I've got a shawl on the needles that I'm excited about again, but I should have a scarf on my needles that I've got to finish in the next week or two.

Theresa said...

Hi! I have too many projects to name on the needles right now!

Anonymous said...

Hi! On my needles is Labyrinth. All I have left are sleeves and then I get to wear it - yay!That yarn is so gorgeous!

Rosie said...

I'm knitting a HUGE lace tablecloth for my sister's wedding gift. It's made out of Brown Sheep Company's Cotton Fine. It's the Rectangle with Trellis border from the Victorian lace today, only DOUBLED. It's about 9 feet by four feet right now.

M Dawson said...

Discovered you via Twitter (long story!!). What's on my needles - well it's a jumper from Knitscene Magazine by Melissa Wehrle. I pushed the boat out and and using Artyarns merino ribbon and it's knitting up beautifully!!!

Being a slow knitter this will probably take a while to finish but I have a portable project too Simple Things (Mary Jane Cougar) which is a good take aywhere knit in Arucania multi sock weight!

Sirahal said...

Currently on my needles...
-a LONG sscarf in Slytherin colours (requested by a friend)
-A sock (to finish a pair I started making a couple months ago)

I keep fighting the urge to start new projects on top of these two, because I've had these two on the go for so long!

Cindy said...

Beautiful yarn! I am currently working on a cowl for my sister-in-law's birthday gift and socks for my daughter - also a birthday gift.

Turtle said...

congrats lucky winners!
all the prizes look delish! Fall is in the air for sure! loving it, perfect knitting weather!

Anonymous said...

hi! i am saying hello instead of telling you what's on my needles becuz i don't knit! but my daughter does and this would make a great christmas gift for her :)

vtcjan at yahoo dot com said...

Wow, how is that for "Grandma"!

These three prizes all look great! Funny that the second one is called Mystery Machine -- my ham radio phonetics spell out The Mystery Woman!

Right now I'm knitting a hanging towel, and also garland for a Christmas tree. My guild is sponsoring a tree in Festival of Trees, benefiting BARN in Manassas, VA.

Thanks for the nice chat with Tash, and the great prizes! Any of those are fabu!

Angela said...

What a lovely interview! And fantastic yarn! Right now, I'm working on a pair of socks for a secret project, and a sweater that I'm designing for my daughter.

Kristina said...

Beautiful yarn! Wonderful interview. Right now, I've got a sweater going for my son's Christmas, and a shawl going for my mom's Christmas. I just finished a scarf for my MIL, and I need to get some yarn for my sister's Christmas... I like having more than one thing on the needles at a time. :D

Mim said...

What great prizes! I currently have Adrift by Carol Feller on my needles.

Unknown said...

Right now, I'm working on a double knit scarf for my mum that I'm hoping to finish in time for it to be a Christmas gift.
And I just started a skirt for myself...but it's being a little ornery, so I'll have to fight with it a bit.

Unknown said...

I'm still working on a cabled wedding afghan and a moderne log cabin baby blanket..but I snuck a Pretty Thing on the needles for my sister!

Kristi said...

Hi! Beautiful yarn! I have a wonderful wallaby on my needles for my 4 year old. :)

Katrina said...

I was not a knitter when I visited Wellington, but had such a fun time there! Would love to go back and check out the knit scene.

On my needles: just finished 4 projects that were hanging in there till the end. About to start a Starsky sweater.

Love love love the yarn!

beautyredefined said...

Wow. That yarn is gorgeous! I love the twist, and the colors!

I'm currently knitting a pair of persephone socks with Dyelectable Yarn's Cyclone sock. So yummy.

Melissa in Oklahoma said...

What unbelievable yarns! They make me greedy for color and projects, but then, the lace book...wow. Just wow.

Anonymous said...

Hi there! A better question should be whats not on my needles. I have a second sock on the needles, a scarf, a shawl, a pea coat, a cowl and a vest. Ugh can you say startitis! No to only get some finished before I start some more!

kmvdvm said...

reading about new zealand makes me want to go back! i visited the north island a few years ago and it was such a friendly, gorgeous, and fascinating place.

please enter me in the giveaway - it'd be so awesome to win any of these prizes!

alcatmom said...

Hi! Many more things on the needles than what I have on my ravelry projects page, and so many more I'd like to add. Currently trying to find a shawl I started and would like to work on. Gotta be in one of these containers....

Tanzi said...

I'm knitting a scarf and squares that I'll be sending to Warm Up America.

Carol said...

Lovely yarn!
I have a summer shawl on the needles -- guess I need to be in NZ so I can wear it when I get it done, LOL.

Marilyn said...

With three baby showers coming up, I have baby hats on my needles!

afh163 said...

That first picture of the Knitsch Sock yarn in Chelsea is AWESOME!

On my needles now...baby blanket, winter hat, 2 different scarves, and some baby booties! I hope I win- I definitely need to start another project :)


knitterellapurl said...

I am now in love with the Chelsea colorway. It's so beautiful!

Currently, I am knitting a blanket made of alphabet squares sewn together for my baby cousin Ethan. I'm trying to personalize it by adding a baby's feet square and a Louisiana (he's born there) square. He's already born, but he'll definitely get it by the end of the year (hopefully!)

Kate said...

I am casting on in a few moments for the first of 5 seascape stoles (knitty) that I am planning to knit for a bride and four bridesmaids before December. I might be insane.

Unknown said...

Mystery machine makes me smile as well! My most active project is an Alice Starmore children's sweater --Secret Garden. I'm loving it.

knitterlydesigns said...

what fabulous give-a-ways. Such beautiful colors!

Thanks for the great Blog.

Angie in Colorado

Alissa said...

hoo boy! that mystery machine makes me squee with delight.

my needles are currently occupied on a paper of endpaper mitts, a spring garden tee and a wispy cardi... lotsa knitting over here.

sbflame said...

er this question is forcing me to admit that the answer is too many half-finished things...but several shawls (excited to finish my Juneberry triangle most of all) and a cozy Jared Flood hat!

flossieKNITS said...

oh geez what ISN'T on my needles?? I'm making a shawl for a sick friend, a blanket for a friend's baby, a camera case for my filmmaker brother, a wedding blanket for a dearly-loved couple... what I wouldn't give to design my own lacy shawl and knit it in that lovely lace...

Liz said...

Currently on the needles: Abalone in malabrigo, a Haruni in Tess' Peruvian Sock, and a cupcake of Red Heart for a friend's birthday this week!
Thanks for the giveaway!

Jack said...

As always -- gorgeous yarns!! Some slippers for my mom and a sweater for myself. About time to whip out a new winter hat for my daughter though ...

Jani said...

Wonderful colors - love that first colorway in particular! I'm celebrating my own personal single-skein September by finishing up some small gifty projects - an adorable pair of stay-on baby socks and a Connor's Cable hat.

Silvina said...

HI! Beautiful yarns!!!! As always!!
As for my needles, right now a summer dress for my little girl...have to hurry before summer's over!! :)

Silvinasi @ Ravelry.

Sursi said...

Hi! That lace is almost too cute to use. Almost.

SovereignCrux said...

Hi! I am actually knitting some twisty faux cable fingerless gloves as a Christmas gift.

Love the yarn and prizes..And yes the silver looks amazing. =)


sarahnthropic said...

knitting socks for my dad for his birthday. he has big feet and his bday's the 28th--i have a lot to do!

LIsa H. said...

Hi! What lovely yarn! Right now I am knitting a sweater for my daughter and the Citron shawl for a gift.

Anonymous said...

HI! What a lovely interview. The lady just sounds so down to earth which is what I love about knitters. I am currently working on christmas projects. I have an almost finished deathflake hooded coat for my nephew in homespun, another stuffie, and eventually a pair of socks. I have never made socks before but was recently sent a link to help me out. Hope it works. Thanks LAURA

rebekahpope said...

What pretty yarn is featured this week! What is currently on my needles - a lace scarf for my Mom and a prayer shawl for my church's prayer shawl ministry.

krista said...

Hullo! I'm working on a hat to wear at Rhinebeck. It's been a few years since I've had a new hat, so I figured it was time.

Rachel T from Michigan said...

Every time I squish a skein of yarn around my non-fibery friends, I think it freaks them out a little. I'm so glad when I'm in the company of other yarn-o-philes, and this is a normal behavior... Right now, I have a hat intended for a friend that recently relapsed with ovarian cancer on my needles. She still hasn't grown back hair from her last round of chemo :(

Anonymous said...

I've got tons of stuff on needles right now but what I'm working on most consistently are a pair of "Apollo and Artemis" Socks in Seacoast Handpainted Merino Tencel (Silver and Gold colorway) and a large Flower Basket shawl in natrual lace weight from Yarnbarn of Kansas.

Sabrina said...

I am knitting my second pair of socks EVER! I used a Knitting Pure and Simple pattern and it's with worsted weight yarn. So, they are pretty chunky, slipper-ish socks. They are in a merlot type purple and I am making them for my mom. Can't wait to try some other sock patterns!

jennyleeknits said...

I believe that the correct question should be 'What's not on my needles?'
Seriously, I have way too many projects going at one time.

pragueloop said...

on my needles there is a wooly sock i am designing. it is an icy blue colour and makes me anticipate the winter.

Kristen said...

Hi! Right now I'm working on a Saroyan scarf and I a have a pair of Bella's Mitts hibernating. :)

Anonymous said...

I would love a chance to win that yarn! Such intense colors.
Terry Ann

Santee said...

Sooo pretty! I've got two scarves on the needles right now--a Baktus for knitting with my kids around and a Branching Out for when I can pay attention.

sherry said...

My son asked for a new sweater. He picked out Adam's Rib. I am almost finished with both sleeves. With the weather getting cooler he is wanting to try it on every morning:)

Kim said...

I think I have everything on my needles right now... a pair of mittens. A first sock. A second sock (two different pairs). And that's just knitting... I don't even want to think about my crochet WIP basket right now!

Robin said...

I'm knitting two gaiters for my friend's dogs -- yep, I said dogs -- and a simple hat for charity. Lovely yarn!

Unknown said...

Hi, I have two different stuffed monsters on my needles right now. I just can't get enough of knitting monsters.

tothfamily25 said...

Oh my gosh looove the colors and would be to knit some yummy things up

Sereknitty said...

Wow, love how rich looking the purple/blue yarn is -- the sheen is wonderful! We're in the middle of lots of babies here abouts lately, so I've got cardi's, booties and hats on various needles!

Amber said...

On my needles right now is some swatching for my latest design. I would love to win some of that Mystery Machine! But at least, being local, I can just buy direct if I don't win ;)

oakbayknits said...

Lovely prizes as ever, Ve. I'm working on Stephen West's Boneyard shawl for one of my nieces' Christmas present, in Punto Mericash.

lizchatwell@yahoo.com said...

I just want to grab that yarn and SQUISH IT!! On the needles now? a top-down cardi that's too big. Time to frog

Iva said...

Hi, and thank you for another great interview! On one set of needles an apple green shawlette, and on another, a variegated midnight blue cardigan. Working on those Christmas presents!

Lael said...

Those yarns are all so gorgeous - I would love to win any of them! OTN - several UFO's, but the one I am working on right now is a Multnomah.

Unknown said...

That is some scrumptious looking yarn, hoping I might get lucky this week! Since I'm a crocheter rather than a knitter, I have projects "on the hook", two at this time: the first, which is (finally!) on the verge of entering FO status, a lovely lacy shawl made with a lux mix of cashmere silk merino and cotton lace, with beads. This one has been a labor of love, destined for my daughter to wear on her Goth cruise the end of the month. My second project is about 50% done, a nice pair of fingerless mitts made with some lovely handpainted merino bamboo yarn.

Sophia said...

wow! what a great giveaway - right now I just finished a baby surprise jacket (http://ravel.me/StitchMimi/270gp) and a super fast oatmeal sweater (http://ravel.me/StitchMimi/edpbe). So now I am taking it easy with some smaller projects like hats and such.

Emily said...

I'm working on an afghan square, a shawl, and a skirt. It's nice to alternate between them when I get tired of working on the same thing! Thanks for the contest as always, and I enjoyed reading about Tash. :)

Cindy said...

Wow, those colors! Love hearing about new yarns on this blog. I have 2 pairs of socks, and a sweater (of projects I plan to compete....another sweater I need to undo, and 2 skeins of yarn wound for soon to be cast on projects).

remmy said...


On my needles I currently have things for the Itty Bitty Teddy Bear picnic Swap.

remmy on Ravelry

Anonymous said...

I can't believe this, but I only have ONE thing on the needles right now: a girl's cardigan I've designed. But I'm psyched about it because it's the sample for the pattern publication!

Walt said...

Oh my goodness, that yarn looks beautiful. *drool*
I'm working on a cowl in a red and dark purple Malabrigo worsted. I'm almost done with it. The yarn is just gorgeous.


Ccknits said...


On the needles right now is the Amused sweater from knitty and a Harry Potter House scarf.

Laura said...

Beautiful yarn! That purple/blue is positively glowing. Not unlike the yarn in the pink Roo I just finished for my daughter!

Jen said...

Just finished a pair of mittens and cast on a hat for my little niece. Another delightful giveaway!!

Jendada on Ravelry

Jen said...

Just finished a pair of mittens and cast on a hat for my little niece. Another delightful giveaway!!

Jendada on Ravelry

Reikjavyk said...

Loooooove the prizes!

In my needles: a simple shawl, a kerchief, one legwarmer.

And I will say HI too ^.^

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