
giveaway #42

The winner of the Shawl Collared Cowl kit is:


The two runners up who have each won a PDF copy of the pattern are:

monika who wrote, "Hello! On my needles now are a cupcake hat for a friend's daughter and a ruffled scarf for a friend!"


Gianna who said, "Currently working on a baby gift - more than half done, thank goodness!"

Congratulations! Please contact me at yarnonthehouse@gmail.com to collect your prizes.

I'm back from Mexico!! I had a fabulous time, but I'm happy to be home with all my yarn and family of course. I brought along a knitting project, but had absolutely no opportunities to knit on my trip. I only had internet access temporarily for a couple of days, and so you may had noticed that I was absent on Ravelry and Twitter. I really had high hopes that the hotel would have at least free internet in the lobby for its guest, but unfortunately, that was not the case. Other than the absence of knitting and internet, the trip and the wedding were spectacular!

This week I have a fun photo shoot to share of some of my more recent completed projects, and a fun giveaway of a pattern I recently had a chance to knit up. This past Sunday my family and I took a little trip to the beach by my parents' house in Mukilteo and I got them to model for me!

Windschief by Stephen West

Project details and more pics here.

Modeled by: Daniel Burda, my bro. He originally picked out this yarn when he spent the day driving me around to all the yarn stores on the LYS Tour. His highschool's colors are purple and silver - thus the color choice. By the way, it's "No Shave November" at his school right now and that's why he's got that lovely scruffy face!

Another Windschief by Stephen West

Project details and more pics here.

Modeled by: Marc Jobe I just had to make a second one of these hats, because the first one was so quick and fun!

Dindy Beret by Kate Oates

Project details and more pics here.

Modeled by: Teresa Infelise She is a good friend of my brother's from school, and she was kind enough to meet us at the beach last minute and pose in the lovely hat! Thanks, Teresa! This Dindy Beret is all mine though! Isn't the color fantastic?!

And, last but not least this week's giveaway project is: Aravis by Melynda Bernardi

Project details and more pics here.

Modeled by: Jasmine Jobe I loved this cowl from the minute I saw it! I knew I eventually had to knit this up. This pattern took all of a couple nights of knitting and one skein of Malabrigo Worsted. The pattern is very easy to follow and uses short rows to create the hood. My pics are a little deceiving, but Jasmine is wearing the cowl doubled around her neck like an infinity cowl. I think this pattern is absolutely perfect ladies of all ages - including those hard to knit for teenagers. Jasmine is not quite a teenager, but she loves the one I knit up for her and plans to take it to Whistler with her next week to show it off.

Melynda was kind enough to donate a few PDF copies of this pattern for the awesome YOTH followers and I have one skein of lovely Malabrigo Worsted to donate to the pot. Take a look at this beauty...

One grand prize winner has the opportunity to win a skein of Malabrigo Worsted in the Violetas colorway and a PDF copy of the Aravis cowl pattern, and two runners up have the opportunity to win the PDF copy of the pattern.

I would like you to do the following if you would like to be entered into this week's giveaway:

1. Read over the rules if you have not done so already.

2. Leave a comment on this blog post by the end of Sunday, 11/21/10. I don't have a good question for you this week, so it's OPEN comments! Have fun!

I'll randomly pick the winners on Sunday and post the results on Monday along with the new giveaway, so be sure to check back. Good luck everyone.




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Michelle said...

Ooh! Grapey purple...my favorite!

rainmomma at gmail dot com

Rachelle said...

Gorgeous cowl and a lovely skein of yarn, would be something I'd knit for next winter; summer is just getting started here.

Kim said...

The projects are beautiful.

Sarah V. (Barf Green Is Best) said...

The cowl looks great!

Shannon O. said...

Beautiful pattern.

Kayla said...

Fantastic color! I hope to win :)

Becci said...

Your knits are all beautiful - hopefully one day I will work my way up to your standards!

The cowl and wool are both lovely too!

Little Miss S. said...

Welcome back - I wish I could fly to Mexico just for a few days ;-) But I'm surrounded by my yarn and that's good enough for me too...

Jen said...

Beautiful pattern and yarn!

Anonymous said...

I love the pics, great projects and good modeling :)

billicummings said...

Steven your projects look great, love the cowl and the malabrigio. Sounds like you had a lovely trip. Thanks for the chance to win.

Unknown said...

what great knits! i need to get started on my christmas knitting......

love that cowl - it's on my list, just haven't gotten the pattern yet!

Avila said...

What a beautiful pattern! I'd love to be able to work with this yarn :)

alcatmom said...

Lovely things - so fun to see all the beautiful stuff!

Anonymous said...

Oh my... love those hats. Perfect for the fall. I particularly like the first one (purple).

Rebekah Pope said...

Great yarn and patterns!

Unknown said...

Oh, lovely projects and yarn!

Erin said...

Cute pattern! Love malabrigo and love that purple.

Connie said...

What a lovely pattern. Even if I don't get a chance to win, thanks for putting it in front of us.
And, of course, mmmMalabrigo. Okay, now I really do hope I win!

PenelopeRose said...

Beautiful yarn and pattern!

Cindy said...

The yarn is beautiful! Thanks for the giveaway!

Nicole said...

Purple is my favorite color!

StaceyKnitsIt said...

Nice photos of all the projects!

Lydia said...

love the beach photos.

Kel said...

Beautiful picture by the water! Wonderful giveaway love the yarn and cowl!!

Ginger said...

That looks like a great 'me' project to slip in with all of the Christmas knitting!

Susan G said...

I have three tween/teen girls in my house - I think they all would love the cowl! and I love malabrigo too!

pigbook1 said...

I just used some malabrigo worsted to make a couple berets. It is gorgeous!

Jen Price said...

I've wanted to make a cowl lately so this would be perfect!

Jenny May (renewedmind) said...

What a great pattern! And I really love the color of the yarn. Cowls are the greatest Christmas gifts!

Carla said...

I love it all!!

Lael said...

Love the cowl and the color of the yarn - pick me! Thanks!

Pixiewear said...

What a pretty cowl! I love it!

Julia said...

That cowl looks gorgeous... Love the hats too :)

kikine78 said...

great giveaway!

Heather said...

Oooooo. How lovely! And the perfect compromise for me, since I was trying to decide whether I needed a scarf or a hat more for the coming winter! Now I can have both!

Phyllis said...

Your photos are just as beautiful as your knitting! Thanks for giving us chances to see (and win) all this beauty.

Cary said...

I love the Windschief. I have never seen the pattern and it is definitely being added to my queue.

Liz said...

Who doesn't want to have their head hugged by Malabrigo

Mercy said...

I so want to try Malabrigo yarn.

midwifemom on Ravelry

Anonymous said...

Love the pattern, and that color is perfect.
The hats look awesome, by the way.

Carrie B. said...

My nephew goes to Kamiak High, wonder if he knows your brother? Love the cowl.

Unknown said...

Malabrigo addict. Must. Have. Lots!

Megan said...

Thanks for hosting the giveaway. Hoping to win the mmmmmmalabrigo!

Beathag said...

I love love love purple! Great givaway once more!

knitterlydesigns said...

I love this pattern &purple is my favorite color. I am really into cowls this season.

Angie in Colorado

MamaJoss said...

"Violet, you're turning Violet!" LOve this color and dying to knit with Malabrigo Worsted - Thanks for the chance!

juniperloops said...

Nice cowl and gorgeous pictures!

Catie said...

Your projects look gorgeous and the malabrigo looks warm (it is snowing here in Calgary right now - there is a few centimeters on the ground already and it is projected to snow for the next few days - warm would be good)

odessa said...

Those are some gorgeous project photos! I really like the lines on the first hat.

asteride said...

Emma, my daughter's best friends deserve a pair of purple fingerless mittens and I really think I deserve this cowl for me. By the way I'm always fascinated from short rows....

Jaime P said...

You always display the most wonderful knits. I certainly enjoy following your site!

Unknown said...

I've never noticed that pattern before (distracted by all the gorgeous shawl & scarf patterns no doubt). Thanks for pointing it out!

Judi A. said...

Versatile, flexible for all ages, pretty, and a royal color. What more could one want! :-)

kristyh1981 said...

I LOVE that color!
Rav ID:

Rae Lynne said...

Lovely giveaway! :) I've had the Windschief pattern in my queue for a little while now - I think DH would love this hat! :)

Knittingdancer on Ravelry said...

I love the projects from Stephen West. He is a great designer. The cowl would be so beautiful in that purple yarn.

Rebecca Swan said...

Gorgeous Cowl! I have ever so many things otn right now, but I'm just about done with Kate Oates' "boys can wear pink" and it may be time to contemplate a new project to take its place!

Amanda said...

Great photos of great knits.

Julie said...

Great projects, lovely photos, beautiful models! Wow!

Rachel D. said...

I absolutely love Malabrigo yarn and have made a pair of Dashing fingerless gloves out of the worsted weight before. Thanks for the opportunity.

Kristen said...

I've recently fallen in love with Malabrigo, so I'd really love to win this!

Debbie said...

I am on a real cowl binge right now and that with the Mmmmalabrigo is just too much - then you offer it in my favorite color! Please pick me!

cindymen said...

Beautiful projects!!

Kim said...

Open comments? That's dangerous woman. ;) Pretty color on the yarn!

InJuneau said...

What a beautiful cowl! Hope your knitting is going well and that the transition back to home wasn't too cold after being in Mexico.

Sarah said...

Who can resist a Malabrigo giveaway? Not me!

Sangeetha said...

what a beautiful pattern and what a beautiful yarn adn a beautiful color

JoAnnaJae said...

I LOVE purple! And I love that pattern!

Vanessa said...

I need some quick knits! Thanks for the ideas.

TopHat said...

Ooh. For a long time I thought cowls were ridiculous, but I'm finally getting in on the cowl-love. I should knit one one of these days (after I work my way through my current queue, of course).

Susan aka paintermom said...

Glad you had such a nice trip! The knitting looks great.

You must have read my mind: purple is my favorite color and I have been drooling over the Aravis cowl!

Anonymous said...

Awesome projects! :) I looove the yarn~

Needles And Ewe said...

The beach pictures look amazing. The yarn is beautiful. Malabrigo is so soft and lovely!

JanetK said...

what a beautiful pattern! And I've been on a purple thing the past several months, so I have boots, shoes, a sweater, and a handbag that will match. (but I promise not to wear them all at once)

Kim said...

Love those hats and the cowl. You had me at "one skein of Malabrigo".

patsy said...

loved your brother's hat and the malabrigo is very pretty

Catherine said...

The Malabrigo is beautiful!

x said...

Love the pattern and the beach shoot! I've been wondering about knitting the same pattern for multiple people this holiday season and it seems like you've pulled it off nicely!

Zenitude said...

So much fun to find willing models ! Love that yarn colour so muuuuuuuuuch!

Aussie Maria said...

Wonderful photos - the scenery really compliments the beautiful projects

KarenJ said...


Michelle B said...

OHHH I love that shade of purple...or any purple for that matter!

I had to go buy the shawl collared cowl pattern today since I didn't win...going to start a cowl for my mom with it tonight!

Linda K said...

Malabrigo is the softest yarn ever and all the colors are so beautiful.

mommieof4munchkins said...

LOVE the purple hat and that Malabrigo is delish!

Juney said...

I will definately buy the pattern for this cowl if I do not win it! I love it!!!!

sacha said...

Wow- there are so many possibilities this week! Thank you for this weekly opportunity.

thewalshfam said...

My dear friend is working right now in Antarctica. Her favorite color is purple and I know she would love that cowl! I would love to make it for her!

Jodi said...

Violetas is one of my favorite shades of Malabrigo! Such lovely yarn.

Sabrina said...

oooo! I have heard such great things about Malabrigo and finally got my first skein of it. I'm in love!

Tanzi said...

I love that cowl, and that color, and I would absolutely love to win something for a change!

JodyH said...

The purple yarn is beautiful - I don't know why I don't buy more purple!

9crafty11 said...

Love love love the color of the cowl you did, & shows off the cowl beautifully. I will have to get me some of that color!

Unknown said...

You do such wonderful knitting! And that purple looks so yummy!

Spikey said...

Oooooh, pretty Mal!

Cindy said...

Mexico sounds very nice right now. I am a fan of purple, will keep my fingers xed!

Anonymous said...

I am loving purple tones these days and would love to make that hat your brother is wearing. :)

Rachel R. said...

Wow, that Malabrigo is pretty!

Amanda said...

Wow... seriously gorgeous! Thanks for all the great pictures on the beach. Make me happy. :)

Tish said...

I love all the hats you made and as it happens - I am just 'getting into' cowls this season. That purple yarn is delicious! I know just who would love it... ^_^

Kristy said...

Lovely pictures!!!

mountainweaver said...

The hat for your brother is really cool and I LOVE the cowl and the yarn color.

Jeannie said...


Tracy said...

I am on a self-imposed yarn diet but have been *coveting* some malabrigo! I would love to win!

Theresa said...

Please count me in! I love the purple!

Allison von Berg said...

Nice projects! I wouldn't give away that Dindy beret either...it is lovely!

Danielle said...

Oooh! Beautiful cowl, and stunning yarn!

Marlitharn said...

Pretty yarn! So purple and smooshy.

sarahnthropic said...

i love malabrigo and i love purple!

Unknown said...

Beautiful projects and yarn!

Sue said...

New to knitting and the blog. I love the pics and the giveaways!

sweeney dot susanna at gmail dot com


Jess said...

I really want to knit some type of hooded scarf or cowl, so I hope I win! :)


krista said...

What a lovely shade of purple, squishy goodness. :D

Natalie Servant said...

Every time I see the Aravis pattern I'm reminded that I should reread the Narnia series again.

SnohoTina said...

Lovely pictures. My eyes perked up when I saw Mukilteo in your last post. I live in Snohomish and have spent many sunny days at that lovely park. Your FO are beautiful.

Clicky Needles said...

I love the cowl ~ cowls are great because they stay put and don't move about!

AMY said...

Yum. Yes please!

Jen said...

awesome hats - lovely photos - fantastic giveaway!!

jendada on ravelry

Kate said...

Gorgeous knits and people!

Krystal said...

Purple is my favorite color!

Kristina said...

That's a great pattern! I love the Windschief, too!

Turtle said...

oooh, wonderfully purple! Love the hats modeled, mens hats are so hard to find sometimes!

Kathy said...

I've never tried knitting with Malabrigo, but have admired many friends' work using it... would be lovely to give it a try!

winterwrens at gmail dot com

Julia said...

Love the color! The yarn looks like it would be dreamy to work with, I hope I win.

Anonymous said...

How cool! I just took a feather and fan class this past Monday. Hope I win!
Lynn B

Frankly Beka said...

I never thought about putting a short-row hood into a cowl before. Maybe that could work for the cowl I'm making for my sister. It looks so comfy.

alexxland said...

Your projects are beautiful!!!!
And this giveaway is awesome...

Anett Kiefer said...

The colour of the Malabrigo is great and I also like the cowl.

Celestia said...

Such a beautiful color!


Gaby said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Gaby said...

Beautiful projects!! and I'm in love with Malabrigo Violetas :)

Unknown said...

ohhh I want to squish that yarn....

Alex said...

I love the Chronicles of Narnia, I love warm things for winter, and I love the feel of Malabrigo! :)

KnittySue said...

Beautiful cowl and yarn...YUMMMM.

Anonymous said...

Love the Aravis pattern - it looks great on Jasmine. Thanks for the chance to win!

Courtney said...

Such a beautiful blog and a generous giveaway. Infinity cowls have become my go-to when i need a quick gift. They're quick to knit, have beautiful results, and are stylish. What more could a girl ask for!

jamie leigh said...

This fall season I have been a knitting cowl kick and this is yet another to knit up and add to my delectable collection :0)

jamie leigh.

p.s. malabrigo is my lovely choice of yarn!!

Anonymous said...

My daughter would love for me to knit her this cowl! I love it. Please enter me for a chance! Thank you!

KatJobson said...

Love the photos at the beach and the color of your cowl is gorgeous!!! I would love to win, love Malibrigo and love that color. :))))

amberpixie said...

so cute! it's just the kind of cowl i need for the windy new england winter ahead!

Haley said...

Love this cowl, and the pictures are gorgeous!

Rachael said...

Ooh, Violetas is one of my favorite Malabrigo colorways, and I've loved this cowl since it came out, count me in!

SovereignCrux said...

Ooo add me! I love the cowl.
Glad to hear you enjoyed your trip. =)

Amie - jonesami@gmail.com said...

This is the kind of project I need. I've been working on a sweater and it's slow going. Something quick (and in a lovely color) could bring me back to my senses! Thanks for the opporunity to win!

Susan J. said...

Just too gorgeous - love that hood and love the Malabrigo. Thanks for such an enticing giveaway.

ChrisC said...

Oh, what a lovely cowl! Thanks for the chance to win.

Rachael said...

I gasped out loud when I saw that yarn! It is GORGEOUS.

ds said...

I can't decide which is more beautiful - the knitting or the photos!

betseykerr said...

Beautiful yarn! Lovely pattern!

Spring said...

Beautiful yarn and I've been wanting to try malabrigo worsted for awhile.

Kassia said...

Gorgeous!! (both the pattern and the yarn!)

Cindi D said...

Fabulous pictures, can see myself knitting this lovely cowl. Who doesn't like purple.

Anonymous said...

Lovely! Gorgeous cowl! Amazing hats! Love them All!

Flapsi Hapsi said...

Cowl looks great - lovely pic too. Have never tried malabrigo worsted but keep folks talking about it online!

Karla said...

LOve the purple shade of yarn and the cowl is beautiful!

Sarah-Ashley said...

I really do love the cowl... but I'm not too big on purple. Here's hoping I win a copy of the pattern!

Anonymous said...

I love your daughters coat in the picture! She is so cute. Amanda

Elaine said...

The Aravis cowl looks great!

Three Birds Jewelry said...

Love! Love! Love! This pattern rocks becasue it uses only one skein!

Maggi said...

Beautiful photos and pattern! Malabrigo is such a dream to work with too. What a great giveaway - thank you!

Linda said...

I love the colour too! Thank you for these contests.

Evan said...

i love the cowl and who doesn't love malabrigo?

Jan said...

Yumm, beautiful purple and mmmMalabrigo!!!

Someone will have a new thing to be thankful about!

Thanks for the contest!

vtcjan at yahoo dot com

cksknitter said...

Beautiful cowl pattern and beautiful yarn!

Robin said...

I love the cowl and the yarn. Thanks for the chance to win

Unknown said...

I have a yen to get my hands on that malabrigo yarn! I love the feel of the fibers as I knit. The purple of this yarn is the perfect color for my dainty, dark haired daughter who could use a lift right now!
This could seriously improve life here in Massachusetts as the cold weather is on the way! Thanks for your lovely blog and hosting this prize giveaway!

CeltChick said...

Lovely cowl, and yes I am still knitting cowls (though not as much as last year's holiday season!). Thanks for making this open comment too! This is my first visit to YOTH. Please comment on my blog to notify me if I've won.

Amy said...

Awesome! Happy Thanksgiving...in advance.

avennett AT verizon DOT net

Erica said...

Love the cowl! Would look great on my daughter. Thanks for the giveaway!

Clare said...

Love this pattern. Hope to make it someday!

melonkelli said...

Lovely yarn and lovely cowl!

MrsDan said...

Love this pattern, and the yarn looks perfect!

MrsDan said...

Love this pattern, and the yarn looks perfect!!

ddp said...

I love your lovely photos of this cowl. Melynda's patterns are always wonderful.

Judi said...

Absolutely beautiful knitting and photography!

Hannah Barnaby said...

Melynda does such beautiful patterns. And those pictures of your daughter are gorgeous!

PreciousKnitsShop said...

Beautiful cowl and pictures!

Mrs. Clark said...

So gorgeous! I would love to knit this for my 20-year-old daughter. Hope I win!

Laura said...

Very cute cowl, and beautiful yarn, I love it!

karlaknits said...

Beautiful yarn & pattern! I hope I win, I hope I win, I hope I win!!!

Jack said...

I LOVE the purple hat and the shawl is just plain yummy!!

V said...

I love Malabrigo and that color is amazing!!!

Elisa said...

Beautiful yarn and lovely pattern... it would be a perfect project for me to make for myself.

Sara said...

Oh, I have never knit with that yarn - and one of my favorite colors is purple. It would match my winter coat...

nhsarab at yahoo dot com

Helle K. Berry aka GracieB said...

I already plan to knit the Aravais cowl for my mother for her 86th birthday February 12th, and purple is her favorite color!
I would be thrilled to be the winner! (though I am a winner every day)
--Helle "GracieB" Berry

Doula Mommy said...

Love love love that color!
And gorgous knitting as well!!!
MonkeyButtBabies on Ravelry

Brenda said...

Great giveaway! Hope I win. :-)

glynna said...

The cowl would be a nice gift for my eldest grand daughter. (Purple is her favorite color!) It would also be an opportunity for me to try Malabrigo.

Catalina said...

Simply Amazing!
theyarnkat on Rav

Anonymous said...

wow!!! just found your site.Will be a follower from now on.love your choice of patterns,yarn and besides my middle name is Veronica.Thanks for the fun tonite on your site.Mary Margaret

Sherry said...

My bathrooms have been gutted and put back together in the last three weeks. I have not touched a needle and am ready to knit a cowl.

Juliann said...

I am so inspired by these pictures and would love to curl up on the couch with a new pattern and some yarn to make that beautiful hooded scarf.

Anonymous said...

Purple is my all time favorite color and that yarn looks amazing.

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful project and yarn. Please pick me!
Chelsey B

Unknown said...

I would love to be the lucky recipient of such a lovely pattern and yarn for the cowl. Also, great pictures on your website.

Brooke said...

Beautiful color! Thanks for the generous giveaway :)

Wendy said...

Love the colour and the pattern - they are so pretty

Devani said...

Pattern is beautiful! I bought my first malabrigo today. Lucious super bulky rasta. So happy to hold in my hands!

Carol said...

The pictures are stunning! I would love to knit that beautiful cowl with that gorgeous skein of yarn!

soxanne said...

Malabrigo should be Buenabrigo, imho!

Hats and cowl are all lovely...

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