Congratulations! Please contact me at yarnonthehouse@gmail.com to collect your prizes.
There are times when a knitting collection just steals my heart! Often times I like a piece here or there in a set of patterns, but when it comes to Coastal Knits, it's the entire book that captured my knitting love and won't let go. Alana Dakos and Hannah Fettig were on the blog back when their book was originally released last year. So, not only do these two talented ladies have a fabulous adult line of garments and accessories that I love, but they have most recently released a children's mini collection of four sweaters from the original Coastal Knits named Coastal Kids. There is: Little Oak, Mini Water's Edge, Wee Wildflower, & Tiny Rocky Coast. These little sweaters are just about the most adorable l'il things I've ever seen. I'm a sucker for pint-sized knits that look like grown-up sweaters!

All the sweater patterns are sized from 6 months all the way up to 14 years and can be purchased separately on the Coastal Knits site or Ravelry. I had the opportunity to sample knit the two patterns Alana has in the collection (Little Oak & Wee Wildflower), which I thoroughly enjoyed. The CK patterns are expertly written, easy to follow, and simply too sweet not to knit! I have big plans to knit a Gnarled Oak and Little Oak for my daughter and me. Do you think my preteen will run me out of the house with a matching mom & daughter cardi set?! I should probably let her pick out the yarn and color, if I want any chance of her wearing hers while I wear mine!
The Coastal Knits/Kids gals & Happy Knits have put together a beautiful and generous giveaway for you this time!! One Grand Prize Winner will receive yarn from Happy Knits from one of the following choices (in stock colors only) + ALL four of the sweet patterns:
2) Madelinetosh Tosh Sock - 2 skeins (Little Oak, smaller size)
3) Fibre Company Canopy Worsted - 3 skeins (Mini Water's Edge, smaller sizes)
4) Madelinetosh Pashmina - 2 skeins (Wee Wildflower, smaller sizes)
5) Fibre Company Canopy Fingering - 2 skeins (Tiny Rocky Coast, smaller sizes)
That's not all! Two additional runners up will receive a PDF copy of their pattern of choice from the Coastal Kids collection.
I would like you to do the following if you would like to be entered into this week's giveaway:
1. Read over the rules if you have not done so already.
2. Leave a comment on this blog post by the end of Sunday, 6/3/12. Check out all the lovely yarn choices from Happy Knits above and tell us which yarn and pattern you would choose to knit.
I'll randomly pick the winners in 2 weeks and post the results along with the new giveaway, so be sure to check back. Good luck everyone.
I'd knit the Wee Wildflower in the logwood Pashmina
The originals were lovely, but there is something doubly brilliant about such stylish knits for children. Both my girls would love Wee Wildflowers in the Madelinetosh Pashmina (one in Oceana, the other Hollyhock) - they would have to flip a coin to see who wins!
(pipnmilly on Ravelry & Twitter)
I would love to make Little Oak in the bigger size using Tosh Merino DK.
I would do Wee Wildflower in the Bloomsbury colorway of Tosh Pashmina. Most people I know seem to be having boy babies, but the one person who has had a girl is a quilter and properly appreciates hand-knits.
I think I'd choose the little oak ... in the madtosh DK.
thanks for this chance
It would have to be Wee Wildflower/Pashmina. I have one year old niece with a baby sister on the way, so it could even get two rounds of wear!
I love, love these paterns, they are just adorable! It was hard to make a choice, but I think because of my girls personalities little oak would be chosen by them and because they are not as little anymore I'd choose Madelinetosh tosh merino DK. Lovely!
Oh - Truly Madly Deeply of the Tosh Merino DK to do a Little Oak - that colour just made me swoon a bit and I love the warm look of the little cardi!
Lovely! I think I'd do the Little Oak in Tosh Sock. I'm in a deep green phase, so I'll choose Moorland.
Wee Wildflower in Robin's Egg for a friend's wee girl
I love the Wee Wildflower. But really, if I won I'd have to let my girls choose for themselves the pattern and yarn!
I love the little oak in my size. ;) Lovely patterns and yarn! Thank you all for the opportunity. Pavla
I love Wee Wildflower in the Madelinetosh Padmina in the colourway Window Pane.
I would do the wee wildflower in Pashmina. Thanks for the chance to win.
I really like the Tiny Rocky Coast. But I think I got carried away browsing on Happy Knits...I like really saturated colorways like blackberry and maple and green lantern.
Beautiful! I would want to knit the large-size little oak with Thoreau.
I would love to knit Little Oak for a friend who's having a baby because it seems like it would be lovely in a gender neutral color!!
I'd knit the little oak in the bigger size in the madelinetosh merino dk in the olivia colourway!
I just love both of these designers! I really need to buy the adult version of this as well! That Tiny Oak is so adorable!
I'd definitely go for Option 1 :-)
Wow! I loved looking at Happy Knits store. They carry such fine and high quality yarn. I'd love to knit with any of those yarns but especially the Madelinetosh as I have only admired it in others' projects so far. Thanks for a great giveaway. Hannah and Alana definitely have the Midas touch with designs.
I would love to do the tiny rocky coast in the canopy fingering! That would look so nice!
I would make the Tiny Rocky Coast in the Canopy Fingering for my youngest daughter. She loves purple so I would use the color Purple Passion.
The Wee Wildflower, in Candlewick Pashmina
I'd knit the Wee Wildflower in Madelinetosh Pashmina filigree. Lovely like springtime.
I think the Fibre Company Fingering for the Tiny Rock Coast would have to be my favourite for sure!
I've been drooling over these patterns since they've been released. I would choose to knit the Wee Wildflower in the Candlewick colorway.
Wee Wildflowers in the Madelinetosh Pashmina is the sweater I would love to knit! castlecountryknitting@blogspot.com
There's something about that wee wildflower that just calls to me! Too Cute!
My daughter definitely needs a Little Oak to go with my adult sized one. Luckily she's still too small to pitch a fit if we're "matchy-matchy". ;)
I think I'd make Little Oak (larger size), in the madelinetosh Merino DK in the Fig colorway.
Or I could be nuts and make it in yellow or something totally off-the-wall like that.
But probably not.
I'd love to make the Little Oak, larger size, in Madelinetosh Tosh Merino DK colorway Forestry! This would look ab-fab on my niece, and boy would she think I was one terrific Auntie!
Oh my gosh I love them all but Little Oak is really my favorite pattern of the 4.... :) With that being said, I've never tried Madelinetosh Pashmina and it looks divine..especially in the Iris colorway.
I sorta want to knit Little Oak in both sizes, one for my daughter and one for my son. Madelinetosh has such beautiful colors!
raelynne01 on Rav
The Mini's Water's Edge sweater is utterly adorable. I'd love to make that for someone special.
The Mini Water's Edge would look adorable on my 15 month old daughter! And I bet I could size it just right for next fall.
I would do the Wildflower in Logwood Pashmina!
GingerLee25 on Rav
I'd love to make Little Oak for my little guy. In Dream in Color's smooshy, or else Tosh Sock. :)
Little oak for our new neice/nephew, coming soon! and i would love the MadTosh sock or Dream in Color Classy. Both would work in celadon or mineral!
I let my daughter pick what SHE would want, and her choice was Mini Water's Edge knit in Fibre Company Canopy Worsted. Rav amchart
Little Oaks, with the Tosh Merino DK in Tomato. My niece has been asking for a new sweater, and I could make her brother a matching one.
Wee Wildflower in Mica Pashmina. My daughter wears lots of pinks and purples, so I'd love to knit her a cardigan in the neutral tone, one that goes with anything. All of the Coastal Knits patterns are beautiful. I could see myself knitting every one.
mhchong on Ravelry
I want to knit them all! :)
Definitely the rocky coast in Purple passion Fibre Company! Not only have I been wanting to try some of Fibre Company's yarn, I have also had poor luck with finding the right yarn for an adult Rocky Coast (and knitting one, whether adult or child, would satisfy me)
I'd love to do Wee Wildflower in the Madelinetosh Pashmina. So pretty!
I love Little Oak AND the Wee Wildflower. I'd probably choose the Wee Wildflower and the Happiness colorway that I've always wanted to try!
Little Oak in the tosh DK. It was a tough choice but that is the one that would fit my daughter so that helped narrow it down!
It would be the bigger little oak in madtosh DK. I knit with madtosh DK once, and although I can't afford to knit with it every day... I fell in love with it. The kind of love that lasts forever!
I'm thinking Little Oak in Tosh Sock in Graphite. The yarn is an easy choice (for gifts I generally like to choose superwash), but the colour is tougher.
I'd knit the Little Oak for my younger daughter. Since she's the second, she doesn't get as many new clothes, so I'd love to make something special just for her. Little Oak is a beautiful pattern, and I really like the Lolita purple for it.
Oh, what a great giveaway! I actually JUST bought yarn to knit a tiny Rocky Coast for my friends' daughter. I would pick the Wee Wildflower in Pashmina. Maybe in Grasshopper? Such a great color! Or in Oceana.
I don't have any kids of my own, but a few friends that happen to have girls. I think I would chose to knit the larger-sized Little Oak in Tosh Merino DK. Thank you all for such a special giveaway, the prizes are fab!
I would knit the Little Oak in the Madelinetosh Pashmina Vanilla Bean colorway.
I'd knit Little Oak (larger) in Tosh DK in Cove!
I think I would chose the Madeline Tosh Sock in Jade...maybe, there are so many pretty colors! I'd make the Little Oak for my baby nephew :)
I would do the litle oak in Madelinetosh Sock for my little nephew.
I would choose the Fibre Company Canopy Fingering to make the Tiny Rocky Coast. It is so cute!
Oh I would love to knit all of these for my little girl. Even though shes not even 2 yet, she loves sitting and watching me knit. I would absolutely love to knit her a wee wildflower in the madelinetosh pashmina though, it is so absolutely cute!!!
Awesome giveaway this time! I love mother/daughter sweaters! Although I have yet to make any...my vote would be the Wee Wildflower and the opportunity to work with Pashmina. Although Little Oak is a very close second. Fingers crossed!
It would be a toss up between Little Oak in Tosh Sock or Wee Wildflower in Pashmina. I've used both those yarns before and they are great! I'm sure either combo would work for a future sweater our little one who is scheduled to arrive around June 21st. :-) (sjn821)
Madelinetosh Pashmina, Dried Rose or Moorland, to knit a Wee Wildflowers to a lucky little girl.
I have two daughters and therefore two that I would love to knit! For my 11 year old: Rocky Coast with Fibre Company Canopy Fingerin (Blue Quandrons colourway). For my 5 year old: Wee Wildflower with MadelineTosh Pashmina (Magenta colourway)... I love online 'window' shopping!!
I love the Wee Wildflower pattern. My girls would love it!! My older one loves anything blue (probably Oceana or Bloomsbury) and my youngest loves pink (she'd love Neon Rose!!). :)
I have a four-month-old nephew for whom I would love to knit the smaller Little Oak cardigan! (Plus, I love Mad Tosh Sock!)
Well, my fave pattern (and the one I think DD would swoon over the most) would be Wee Wildflower. However, my girlie is older and would need a bigger size. So, I would choose Little Oak in Iris.
I would knit Wee Wild Flowers in Logwood. Lovely colours!
Oooooh -- Madelinetosh Tosh Merino DK in Nebula, for the bigger Little Oak... WOW.
It's so hard to pick just one! I really wanna try my hand at the gnarled oak. As for yarn I'm torn between Tosh Merino DK in Black Velvet, and Toshh Sock in Fig.
I'd knit Little Oak with Tosh Sock in Maple Leaf...unless that would be botanically wrong. ;) thanks for the giveaway!
What a fantastic giveaway! I would love to make ANY of these patterns with ANY of the yarns, but if I HAD to choose, it would be the Little Oak in the bigger size, with the Madtosh DK.
I would love to knit Tiny Rocky Coast for my daughter in Madelinetosh Tosh Sock in the Cobalt blue. So pretty!
I would choose the Mini Waters Edge - so adorable! Maybe in Oceana.
(Goodstuff on Rav)
I would choose Dream In Color with Cashmere for the Little Oak sweater!
I would choose the Wee Wildflower in Logwood.
Happy Knits rocks! I would choose #4 but I totally agree. Coastal knits for kids and adults is an awesome collection!
Wee Wild flower in the varigated called Truly .....
I cannot believe how many great people there are out there. So little time, so many patterns.
I have no children so someone's daughter is going to love this sweater.
A big Little Oak in Tosh DK Norway Spruce or Forestry!
- sep on Rav
I think wee wildflowers would look lovely in the Duchess colourway (Pashmina).
I loved the Gnarled Oak when I first saw it and the Little Oak is even better! I'd make the larger size in Manor since, alas, there is no Cousteau in stock. What a wonderful exploration of gorgeous colors to drool over! Thanks so much for the give-away.
I'm so excited for this collection - I've had the Coastal Knits book for a while, and I'd love to start making the items in smaller sizes for my nieces! I'd love to start with the Little Oak in the Madelinetosh Tosh Merino DK.
I think the Little Oak cardigan in MadTosh DK would be an awesome baby shower gift for my friend Judi and her baby on the way!
I would want to knit tiny rocky coast but in the mad tosh sock in calligraphy.
I'd knit the Mini Water's Edge in Grapefruit.
ruebee on Rav
Awesome giveaway -- LOVE Coastal knits. I think I'd have to go with Little Oak in Madelinetosh....
Wee Wildflower in mad tosh pashmina hollyhock for my youngin!
Wee Wildflower in Pashmina! Probably in Logwood or Cove, depending on which of my friends has a girl :)
I love Coastal Knits! Thank you for featuring Coastal Kids here. I would love to knit a little Water's Edge in Canopy Worsted in the color Quetzal.
Rav id: Lochknitsmonster
I'd love to make the Little Oak in MadTosh Merino DK - either Mica or Rosewood colourways
thanks for the lovely giveaway!
babyloveknit on Ravelry
I'd love to make them all, they are lovely patterns. Since I have to name only one, I know someone I'd like to make the little oak for in the merino dk in either the fig or moccasin option. Thanks for the introduction to coastal knits and thanks for the giveaway!
Who could resist the Little Oak in Madtosh DK.
I would love to make a wee wildflower for my daughter. These are such great patterns.
I would love Tiny rocky coast
I like the Pashmina and the Little Oaks pattern.
I've never knit with Fiber Company before, so I would probably use it in Acai or similar colour for a Tiny Rocky Coast or Mini Water's Edge.
I love my Coastal Knits book - would love to Wee Size some of the knits for my goddaughter - Im thinking the Wee Widlfloweres in Hollyhock.
Awesome giveaway. I'm in love with this little collection. I have to be honest, I've already all these patterns once, but if I were to choose one to knit again, it would probably be the Little Oak!
Wee Wildflower would look great in Pashmina in Espadrilles
i would make Little Oak in Tosh Merino DK... and i know just the little person who would love it!
I would love to knit the Wee Wildflower in the Logwood Pashmina (second choice would be the Espadrilles). So many lovely yarns! Love all of the patterns, too, but my five year old daughter would be crazy for the Wee Wildflower pattern!l Thank you!!1 Stephanie (indigodogmt on Ravelry)
I've never knit with Madelinetosh yarn before and would love to give it a go. Any of the yarns look lovely, but the Pashmina looks divine! Cove is a beautiful color, as is fig, as are they all. I'd love to knit the Rocky Coast pattern. Beautiful to imagine!
winterwrens at gmail dot com
Madelinetosh Pashmina is one of my favorite yarns, I would knit Wee Wildflower in Logwood for my little girl.
I would love to knit the Little Oak in the larger size in Madelinetosh Tosh Merino DK in Sequoia or Norway Spruce or Ginger. So difficult to pick just one color!
How am I supposed to choose? They're all so sweet. I lean towards the Wee Wildflower in Madtosh Pashmina...so many great colours to choose from...probably Hollyhock or Windowpane...or Oceana...or Logwood...!
I would love to knit any of their beautiful patterns in any of those amazing yarns, but most of all, I thInk I'd like to knit Wee Wildflower in the madtosh pashmina in the espadrille color way for our baby girl who is comIng any day now!!! Thanks so much for the giveaway!
Rnmama on rav
LOVE the patterns! I would choose #1, the larger size of Little Oak and I'd definitely need to do it in the "Olivia" colorway!
I really like the Wee Wildflower, so I would chose that. And then make myself one too.
I love the Wee Wildflower pattern and would choose the Madelintosh Pashmina in any of the colors. Love them all.
I would love to make the Little Oak from the Madelinetosh Tosh Merino DK in Ginger for my niece!
I would knit Little Oak, bigger size in Madelinetosh Tosh Merino DK in the Mare colorway :)
I would love to knit Little Oak in the bigger size using Tosh Merino DK
Little Oak in Toast! Lovely sweaters all of them.
Man-oh-man that's a lot of yarn and yarn choices! Since I have an older girl, I would make a Little Oak- and I think she'd pick Happiness as a color (but I might go for Jade:)).
Oh wow so many great patterns and the pictures are just too cute!! I would choose the Madelinetosh Pashmina for the Wee Wildflower. The pattern is so pretty and the yarn would be super soft!
It would be so nice to have a mother/child sweater set if I ever have a kid someday :) I really like the Little Oak pattern in the MadTosh DK, either the Jade or the Mineral colorways for a slightly bigger-kid sweater.
I'd love to knit the Wee Wildflower in the Pashmina. Thanks for the chance to win!
They're all so adorable; I think I'd choose the Wee Wildflower in Hollyhock Pashmina.
Lovely :)
I would knit Wee Wildflower in Grasshopper Pashmina for my youngest niece. Because, unlike her older sister, she's too little to insist everything be knitted in either pink or purple. Sometimes Aunt Teri just can't face another skein of pink ;)
I would love to knit Mini Water's Edge with Fibre Company Canopy Worsted for my niece. I would love to knit it in blue but she thinks Blue is for Boys so...it would have to be non-blue:)
I would pick Wee Wildflowers in the Madelinetosh Pashmina - Bloomsbury. Yum!
I love all of these little sweaters, but the one I'd most like to make is a Little Oak in Tosh Sock in the Tart color. I think it would be beautiful!
little oak in the Truly Madly Deeply Tosh Merino DK
I adore this collection! I already own the grown up patterns but would really enjoy making one for my young daughter. I would make the little oak in the larger sizes (size 4, probably) in tannenbaum or black velvet. Choosing one shade of madelinetosh is such a Sophie's choice!
What a fabulous giveaway! I have Coastal Knits and was so excited when I saw the wee versions of them. I'd love to knit either the Wee Wildflower or the Little Oak in Pashmina. I plan to knit both those sweaters in adult sizes for me and my daughter is two so she still enjoys being matchy matchy with mommy. Thanks for the chance to win and for all the lovely pictures of the sweaters!
(Maegwin on Ravelry)
I'd love to knit the Little Oak in either Sequoia or Lolita Madtosh Merino DK.
Oh, I am a fan of Coastal Knits! This one looks great too, so precious! I'd definitely make the Mini Water's Edge and the Tiny Rocky Coast! My faves are the adult versions of those too. :)
All the yarn and patterns are so wonderful! I think I'd pick the Little Oak (bigger size) pattern, and Madelinetosh Dk in Chamomile yarn.
I would definitely knit the Tiny Rocky Coast in the Fibre Company Canopy Fingering, probably the Laguna or Sarsparilla colourway. So cute!!
I want Mousie! I bet he would look great in I love Dream in Color Smooshy Sock yarn
I would make all of these patterns for my kids. My oldest daughter wanted all of the sweaters in the coastal knits book when it came out. I have not shown her the coatal kids patterns a mom has to have a xmas or birthday gift so I think that I would make the wee wildflower for my oldest DD in pashmina-candlewick and the mini waters edge for my youngest DD in tosh vintage-well water My oldest DS is to big for these patterns but my youngest one would need a little oak in tosh sock colorway grove
Any of them in all the proposed yarn. And Madelinetosh is just wonderful in any shade.
Wee Wildflower with Pashmina in Cove or Filigree is first choice and 2nd choice is Mini Water's Edge in Quetzal Canopy Worsted.
I would love Any of the above prizes though and am sure it would get knit up for a little special someone!!
Phew! I haven't been around for a while. My third baby kind of put me out of commission!
I think I would love the small size of the Little Oak in Violin. My itty bitty would look so cute in it!
the Wee Wildflower pattern is adorable and would look great in the Window Pane colorway of the Madelinetosh Pashmina.
I would love to make the Little Oak with Tosh Merino DK in the Byzantine colorway!
Holy cow! What a great prize! I'd love to make so many of these projects and Madeline Tosh is just a delight to work with.
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