
giveaway #114

The winner of the Olga Vest giveaway is:


Congratulations! Please contact me at yarnonthehouse@gmail.com to collect your prizes.

The time has come for me to change things up a bit! I've been wanting to give my blog a different direction for awhile now and the timing is finally working out. I've been hosting regularly scheduled giveaways for over 3 years and I'm a bit worn out by them! Actually, not necessarily worn out, but let's put it this way, void of inspiration as of late. Don't get me wrong, I love hosting giveaways, meeting new knitting folks, reading your lovely comments and sending winning prizes to lucky followers, but I've come to a point where I'd like to do more things with my space here. I have lots of exciting changes coming soon! And, don't worry, because I still have wonderful and generous giveaways coming your way - just in different formats that I can't yet share!

So, for this last regularly scheduled giveaway I'm going to follow tradition and put up for grabs all the unclaimed prizes I have in my possession from the last 6 months. Here is a collage of some of the yarns:


SIX followers have a chance of winning a selection (done by me) of leftovers in two weeks. No patterns, just good old yarn skeins!

I hope you'll stick around to see what I have in store for you. I'm really very excited and can't wait to share!

I would like you to do the following if you would like to be entered into this week's giveaway:

1. Read over the rules if you have not done so already.

2. Leave a comment on this blog post by the end of Sunday, 7/14/13. It's a freebie! Just leave any comment.

I'll randomly pick the winners in 2 weeks and post the results along with the new giveaway, so be sure to check back. Good luck everyone.




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knitonepugtwo said...

You've been so generous and amazing. I'm looking forward to seeing what's next!

Knitonepugtwo @ gmail.com

Anonymous said...

This would be a fabulous way to give myself a birthday present! Your blog is always entertaining I look forward to 'the new you'

Sheri Karobonik said...

I cant wait to see what comes next. May you have sucess in your future endovers.

Kristina said...

How very exciting! I can't wait to see what you're up to.

Amanda said...

Those are some good-looking leftovers! Excited for the "remodel" :)

Anonymous said...

Exciting! I look forward to seeing what you'll be bringing to us next.

Rachael said...

Oh man, what a great way to wrap things up!

Kitten With a Whiplash said...

Hard to believe that it's been 3 years, and yet there have been so many wonderful interviews, it must have been at least that long.

The question on everyone's lips is "What will she do next?" Only Time will tell - and Time ain't talking.

Thanks again for all the great giveaways.

marianne said...

ooh, looking forward to what you do next!

Walden said...

Change is almost always a good thing, good luck to your new way. I have always been a left-overs kind of gal anyways!

Jean Ashley said...

You've always been so generous with your giveaways, but I totally understand getting maybe a little bored after all this time. I look forward to whatever you're cooking up, and in the meantime, please enter me in this giveaway.

Unknown said...

Your blog is very enjoyable - the giveaways add extra excitement to everyday life!

Rav ID: MuffyT
Email: Knittykitcat@gmail.com

ypsiknitti said...

Exciting! You have been extremely generous and interesting! Looking forward to the new venture!

Fabiknits said...

Looking forward to seeing what comes next!
Rav id: fabiknits

Bridget said...

I can't wait to see what you have up your sleeve!

Who says leftovers are a bad thing?

katherinelynn_04 said...

How fun! I can't wait to see what you have up your sleeve for us next!

TopHat said...

Ooh! I'd love this.

Also, good luck in the future!

CarolynEll said...

I can't believe you have unclaimed yarn! I also can't wait to see what you have planned for your blog. :)

Kristebee said...

So excited to see what you have in store! You're generosity never ceases to amaze me! :)

Kriste (kristebee)

Erin said...

Can't wait to see what you have up your sleeve!

Sarah V. said...

Wow, what a great giveaway! Excited to see what your new direction is :)

butnostephanie said...

I'm excited to see where your blog goes from here!

Sarah said...

Can't wait to see what you do here!

mj said...

The 14th happens to be my birthday. Winning some yarn would be a wonderful present, yanno.

Caitlin said...

Change involving fibery-goodness is about the only kind of change that can actually be looked forward to. I can't wait to see what your new ideas look like, and I admire you for being brave enough to mix things up!

Christine Lima said...

Wow - I hope you can morph the blog into something you love again. I love reading, finding new designers, and discovering new yarns. Good luck and I'll definitely be reading.

JP said...

can't wait to see what's coming up!

MegR said...

Exciting! Change is so great, looking forward to your new ideas and inspiration! meagan(dot)radford(at)gmail(dot)com

Holly said...

Looking forward to seeing what you have in store for the blog!

dclulu on ravelry said...

Such beautiful yarns! Why someone wouldn't claim them is beyond me.

Looking forward to seeing your changes!

Alex said...

Unclaimed?? That's crazy! Looking forward to the new direction :-)

Kara said...

I'm excited to see what's coming up next! As for the lovely yarns you have posted, I especially love the leaf green one. I can't imagine why someone wouldn't have checked back and claimed it!

Geraldine said...

What a shame to have homeless yarn! I would most definitely welcome some into my home! Thanks for all the wonderful giveaways...excited to see what you're going to do next on your blog!

glongley said...

I love to try new yarns to me. It's nice to get a colors that I don't buy. Thank you a change to win so yarn.

jamielw said...

Up & onward! Can't wait to see what is next....

Renee Anne said...

I can't believe people don't actually claim their prizes! That just seems silly to me :)

amchart said...

I'll be sticking around for sure!

sacha said...


andri. said...

Oooh pick me, pick me!:D

Anonymous said...

Thanks for all the giveaways... I can't wait to see what comes next. I hope you find it inspiring. :)


Jessica w said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jessica w said...

I can't wait to see what you do next!!!

Liz said...

Happy summer!

Zabbers said...

Thanks for all your great work so far, and looking forward to what comes next!

Jack said...

Always up for pretty yarn!

UmmRania said...

I am really excited to see what you have planned next and I can understand your motives. What a great last giveaway!

Unknown said...

Change is good and, although I'm pretty much a newbie to your blog, I'm looking forward to the new you. I've enjoyed the blog 'as is'...I just know that feeling in a bit of a rut (if I read between the lines correctly) leads creative people to change. I look forward to the new space.

mommieof4munchkins said...

So excited to watch the blog change and grow!

Rachelle said...

Since I'm now on a yarn diet I'll keep my fingers crossed!

Anonymous said...

I'm curious and excited to see what you'll be doing with the blog!

Rebecca said...

Thanks for the opportunity!

Unknown said...

Can't wait to see and read your new blog. Hope you still have the great interviews. I love the variety of yarn--fingers are crossed..;-D

sherryglover1 on Ravelry

Marty said...

A change is as good as a holiday : )
(Knitspinster on Ravelry)

Sheila said...

Thanks for all the great giveaways, maybe I'll win this one. I look forward to seeing what you do in the future.

angelpai said...

Thank you for your generosity over the last 3 years! Good luck with the forth coming changes! I will most certainly continue to 'stalk' your blog! lol.

josiekitten said...

Looking forward to seeing what direction your blog takes. You've introduced me to lots of new designers and yarns. Thank you!

sfrj said...

Lovely yarn!

Jessica Powers said...

I think whatever new direction you take the blog, it will be lovely - and if it includes more gorgeous photos of your beautiful knits, all the better!

Anonymous said...

Great Great :)

hawknitr13 said...

i just started a new blog recently so i understand your need for a little something 'new'!!! change is good! best to you~
^)^ linda

Anonymous said...

I loved your giveaways, but I can't wait what's next :)
And, seriously, how can anyone forget their yarn like that? Such a shame (though I'll gladly take it for them :D)

Julieca at Ravelry

wildmag said...

Good for you, a change is as good as rest.

katrina said...

Wow! YAAARN!! I hope that you're going to post more of your knitting projects, they're always so beautiful.

Anonymous said...

Yat, tasty looking yarn - I know what I could do with those leftovers!

welshcob on rav :-)

lmecoll on Ravlery said...

Thanks for the chance to win some yarn!

lmecoll on Ravelry

JoAnna said...

Congrats on deciding on a new direction! I always feel great when I resolve to do something differently and hope you do too.

Donna said...

Anxious to see what's next!!! What a fun giveaway . . . my heart is pitterpattering!!!! Thanks for all.

Suzanne said...

You have incredible stamina to do giveaways as consistently and for as long as you have. Thanks for sharing your time with us. I am eager to see how you revamp your space here.

Unknown said...

I look forward to seeing the new format.

Susan said...

Can't wait to see what you have planned. I always love whatever you post, often times I have to wipe the drool off my keyboard!

kayteau said...

Enjoy the change, and thank you for entertaining reading in the past.

Catalina said...

Best wishes in this next chapter! I know it will be great :)

Theyarnkat on rav

Lindr said...

Looking forward to your new direction - thanks for your generosity and hard work over the years! You always post such lovely photos, both of the projects you make and the yarns and designers you feature.

Olivia said...

Thank you for all of the giveaways so far. I can't wait to see what's coming up next on your blog!

Robin said...

Oooh it's a mystery!

Fiona (fifikins) said...

Can't wait to see what's next!

Lisa Viviano said...

Very excited to see your next phase!

thewalshfam said...

I can't wait to see what you have in store! I am a longtime reader of your blog. I love seeing your personal finished objects! You have great taste and always take such beautiful photos of your projects. So inspirational!
Rnmama on ravelry

Michelle said...

I'm looking forward to seeing where your blog goes from here!

Rosemary said...

Thank you for all the time and energy you have put into this blog. I look forward to seeing your new direction. :)

Unknown said...

Thank you so much for all your hard work! It will be exciting to see where life takes you and your blog next!

Sarah said...

these are some amazing leftovers :)
excited to see who wins!

Faye said...

Looking forward to what's next for the blog! More of your knitting, maybe? <3

Best wishes for all your new endeavors!

ChrisC said...

Yay for new beginnings! I certainly plan on sticking around :-)

Jen said...

I enjoy seeing your finished objects, and you always have the prettiest models! I'm glad you're doing something good for yourself.

Desiree said...

So excited to see the new changes to your blog! Thank you for all your giveaways!

Knittingdancer on Ravelry said...

I can't wait to see what you have planned. You can send any unclaimed yarn my way. Thanks for taking the time to host these wonderful giveaways.

Angela said...

Can't wait to see what you do next!

florapie said...

I'm looking forward to seeing what you have lined up for your next act!

Teri said...

Can't wait to see the changes! I don't know how anyone could not claim yarn. You know, my birthday is July 14. Just saying... :)

Drae said...

It's the giveaway motherload!

Anonymous said...

Can't wait to see what you have in store for the blog!!

Elizabeth Fiedler said...

Very exciting! Good luck!

Stephanie said...

Looking forward to what comes next!

stephlibrarian on Rav

lemonade sandwich said...

Tossing my name in the hat, and adding a hearty congratulations on 3 years of blogging.

Anonymous said...

It's remarkable how you have conducted these giveaways and recruited the yarn makers to share. Looking forward to the next developments.

Anonymous said...

I can't wait to see where your blog goes next! I love seeing your FOs.

Marilyn a.k.a. Merry said...

Good luck with your new direction.
Wahoomerryf on rav

Anonymous said...

Definitely looking forward to what you're going to do with this blog!

Anonymous said...

i love reading blogs, so i will be happy to still be a regular, and perhaps you will post more often of yarn, and life


Anonymous said...

I would love to win some yarn! Love your blog, will be excited to see what you have in store for us. Best Wishes!

Melissa @ Miso Crafty Knits said...

Holy smokes!! I can't believe no one has claimed their winnings! These are gorgeous skeins!!

Elspeth H. said...

Love your blog, can't wait to see what you have in store next!

an ika said...

Pretty yarn!



Aimee said...

I'm not sure why anyone wouldn't claim their prize, especially when it's yarn. But I guess their loss is our gain, so yay.

Ashleah said...

These are all so pretty!

Brenda said...

I look forward to your new adventures!

Thanks for everything.
(goodstuff on Rav)

miss agnes said...

I can relate to the same old, same old fatigue... sometimes, even though you like what you are doing, you need change and new adventures.
Good success on the new blog, looking forward to seeing what you have in store for us.
In the meantime, wouldn't it be great to win something? I rarely win anything but it's fun trying.

Kristen said...

Last chance giveaway! I hope I win!

Keya Kuhn said...

My stash is getting a bit low ... Had to pare down and give away to make my own move to a new location. Sure would be great if you could help to kvetch it back to its old state of glory!

Debbie said...

Wow! I can't believe that all those lovelies are unclaimed! I would love to win!!

Jill said...

I learn so much from reading your blog! Thanks for your generosity with all these giveaways!

FlyingMonkeyHQ said...

Wow! That's a long time to host giveaways, and it is very generous of you!! Thank you for so many great articles, interviews and awesome swag! I look forward to your next adventure. - Michelle, ariesandewe on ravelry

FlyingMonkeyHQ said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
CeltChick said...

This should be interesting! Can't wait to see what you have in store for us -- I know it'll be awesome!

Jadedisc on Ravelry said...

Can't wait to see where you take your blog! Looking forward to following along in the future.

Katie said...

I'm looking forward to seeing the new format! I understand your desire to mix it up once in a while.

Orli said...

I'm so grateful for all you've done already, and really looking forward to what you'll do in the future. This has always been a fun blog and I'm sure it will be even better!

Anonymous said...

How exciting...me please...me please lol
rosebob on ravelry

sparky136 said...

Thanks for the giveaway and I'looking forward to what is coming next.

LuisaM said...

Thank you for one more chance to win beautiful yarns!
Best wishes for the times to come.

Kate Essex said...

Wow, what beautiful yarns! I can't wait to see what you do next

rinebird said...

I love your web site,I have gotten some of the best patterns & yarn by following your Blog. rinebird on Ravelry

sgbooth88 said...

I've had so much fun reading your blog for the past year, I've seen some amazing giveaways, entered a few (and been lucky enough to win one of them). I hope things go well for you and its always good to start new chapters in our lives. Good luck with everything and I hope you find your inspiration once again!!

Kelly K. said...

Thanks for being so awesome and keep being you! Thanks for the giveaway!

Rav ID: kellknit

Anonymous said...

Super excited to see where the blog is gonna go next! Thanks =)
Rav ID: ShadowAP

Unknown said...

Thanks for the giveaway, I am excited to see what comes next!

Smaet said...

Can't wait to see what's to come in the near future!

Jessica Snell said...

I love seeing the variety of yarns you showcase - I've visited lots of neat new-to-me sites because of you - and can't wait to see what you do next!

StarvingSoul said...

Thank you so much

Anonymous said...

Awesome, thankyou!
apple 380 on ravelry

Anonymous said...

What a generous thing to do:)
I am reiki on ravelry

LindsayJoy said...

Can't wait to see what you'll be up to! :) hoping there will be another knitcation so I can go this time!

Amanda Vondrasek said...

Love this blog! :)

Geologee on Ravelry said...

I'm interested to see what comes next. Good luck!

stringsofpurls said...

Fun giveaway! Thanks!

Eenae said...

Thanks so much for all of the lovely giveaways. You have introduced me to some of my favorite yarns. Can't wait to see what you have in store!

RavID: Eenae

Anonymous said...

Looking forward to what is in store! :)
ravid: peruseratlarge

Unknown said...

Excited to see what you will be doing next!

Enid said...

I'm excited to see what changes you have planned!

Melody said...

Very pretty yarn.

Unknown said...

I can not wait to read your future posts! Thanks for all of your generous and fun giveaways.
fire fox 9 (at) prodigy (d0t) net

The Distracted Knitter said...

I'm so excited to see whats coming next! I've always loved your hosting and the designers you bring on. I can't wait! Thank you so much for all your time. It brings me great joy!

Luv2CUSmile said...

So terrible that there have been unclaimed giveaways... but great for us to get the chance ourselves again...
I will say, i love your giveaways and just recently found you a few months ago but i am looking forward to perhaps some blog postings of "other things". You do come across some great designers and shops and i love finding new things recommended by others. I hope you aren't burnt out completely and we can see blog postings or rav group postings on a regular basis.
Thx for evrrything you have done up til now and for whatever little bit of difference you give us.

Pam K said...

It is good to change things up. Thanks for doing all that you have. I look forward to the new direction you are going.
I love learning about new products and patterns , so keep up the education part and we will be good:)
Rav id = pamk

Rebecca said...

I'd love to win a skein of yarn! It could be like a birthday present :)

Rachel said...

I think this is a fantastic idea for a blog. I hope you can change it up and keep it fresh for you.

Elaine said...

Love all that unclaimed yarn. This is our second chance! Looking forward to the new giveaways you have planned ahead too. Thanks!

Debbie in KY said...

Can't wait to see what you've got planned.

mary jo said...

can't wait to see what your new plans are! just don't stop writing ; )
love to win a some yarn but its ok if I don't
rav id - mjm

melissa (rav: wynk) said...

Ooh, looking forward to see what you've got up your sleeve. :)

Cloudberry said...

I can't wait to see what you're up to.

Alice said...

I'll look forward to seeing what in what new directions you take us.

Becky said...

Looking forward to what's in store.

Becky (gathersnomoss)

PenCraft said...

thanks for all the giveaways! I'm looking forward to seeing what is next.

Jade said...

Can't wait to see what you have in store for your blog next.

Michaela (knitmish on Ravelry) said...

Wow, that's a lot of lovely yarn! Looking forward to seeing what fun things you'll have for us in the future!

meeshelle said...

I love reading your blog and seeing your new FO's, can't wait for more to come :)

Nuttygal said...

I love your blog so I can't wait to see what you have planned.
- Victoria

Anonymous said...

I really look forward to seeing your future plans for the blog
Ilovemyipad on ravelry

Anonymous said...

Thankyou for all the fun giveaways, your blog is always such a joy to read.
yknitt on ravelry

Anonymous said...

Thank you for all you've given. Looking forward to what else you will do.

Hishanmaid on Ravelry

Sabrina said...

Hey, I would love to win! Thanks!


Anonymous said...

Looking forward to seeing the next phase! Thank you for the generosity of time, spirit and yarn!

Cindy said...

I'm just starting to build my yarn stash - what a great addition these yarns would be! Love your blog.


Alicia said...

i'm curious about the new direction for the blog! best of luck.

Angela said...

What a commitment on your part! I'm looking forward to your new ideas.
gunnerfan on Rav

Amy J said...

I'm sure your new format will be just as great, afterall you are the one doing them :) Looking forward to seeing it!
txtaurus - ravid

schwip said...

It was my birthday and I never get presents so this would be an awesome present to myself. Also I am on disability and never have the money to buy 'nice' yarn. I would be overjoyed to win!

yarrrnmatey said...

Can't wait to see what's on the agenda!

Nidhi said...

Your blog's always been fun, wishing you all the very best with the new look:)

Lael said...

Thanks for all the giveaways - they've been fun. Looking forward to reading your blog in the future.

Unknown said...

Wow how awesome of you! Thank you so much for the fabulous offer!

Anonymous said...

Looking forward to seeing what's next
tktl on Ravelry

Aural said...

Thanks for all your hard work. Nice yarn!

Lacemoth said...

I recently discovered your site. I can't wait to see what you have planned!

Unknown said...

I've been following you since the very beginning and look forward to seeing what's next for you!

Malin said...

Surprise yarn, how exciting!

Isa said...

Thank you for the giveaway (isaribeiro1(at)gmail(dot)com

Zilliah Bailey said...

Oooh, I'm excited to see what new things you come up with!

stephigordon said...

I love your blog, your interviews, your give-a-ways, your knitting projects, and all.... very excited to see your new format! Thanks for being awesome in the knitting and fiber world! Stephanie

Anonymous said...

Thanks for all the work you've done on your blog, providing inspiration and exposure to different yarn goodies, the giveaways, the photos, etc. Looking forward to the changes and furthered inspirations.

Katrina said...

Thanks for the giveaways and blog!

Ivamc on Ravelry said...

Your blog has been wonderful as it is, so I'm looking forward to what you have in store for us.

kmvdvm said...

i always wondered what happened to unclaimed prizes - now we know!

vmarty said...

Thanks for unclaimed prizes!

fayofthewoods on Ravelry said...

I can't wait to see what you do, and I hope it goes well.

Emily said...

Wow! That bright green yarn is an amazing color. Thanks for all the giveaways!

Laura K. said...

I love leftovers-especially leftover yarn! Would love to win this! I also love surprises!

Anonymous said...

I am all for recycling!
rocket-knitt on ravelry

Anonymous said...

I really enjoy your podcast and look forward to what you have planned:)
I am brae-burn on ravelry

Connie K. said...

How exciting for you! Best of lock in your new adventure. Thanks for the chance to win.


Tish said...

I am curious to watch your blog remodel. ^_^
More yarn is always welcome! I am making the Striped Study Shawl I won a couple years ago from one of your giveaways. Love it! Yarn for another would be nice. ^_^

Maryse said...

I look forward to see what's coming! Thanks for that wonderful giveway!

Anonymous said...

Very Exciting!

Happy Summer!

Unknown said...

How lovely!

Lizzyangel666 on ravelry

MotherHenKnits said...

Looking forward to hearing about your next chapter for the blog!

Sherri said...

Leftovers can be a good thing :)

Jaime P said...

You should not have burn out. If it's not fun don't do it - at least that's my theory. Thank you for sharing.

Kristina said...

Cant wait to see what comes next!

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